Gottlieb, Robert, 1944- author.
Global cities : urban environments in Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and China / Robert Gottlieb and Simon Ng.
Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, [2017]
xviii, 447 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Urban and industrial environments
Over the past four decades, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and key urban regions of China have emerged as global cities - in financial, political, cultural, environmental, and demographic terms. In this book, Robert Gottlieb and Simon Ng trace the global emergence of these urban areas and compare their responses to a set of six urban environmental issues. These cities have different patterns of development: Los Angeles has been the quintessential horizontal city, the capital of sprawl; Hong Kong is dense and vertical; China's new megacities in the Pearl River Delta, created by an explosion in industrial development and a vast migration from rural to urban areas, combine the vertical and the horizontal. All three have experienced major environmental changes in a relatively short period of time. Gottlieb and Ng document how each has dealt with challenges posed by ports and the movement of goods, air pollution (Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and urban China are all notorious for their hazardous air quality), water supply (all three places are dependent on massive transfers of water) and water quality, the food system (from seed to table), transportation, and public and private space. Finally they discuss the possibility of change brought about by policy initiatives and social movements.
9780262035910 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
026203591X (hardcover ; alk. paper)
Economic development Environmental aspects California Los Angeles.
Economic development Environmental aspects China Hong Kong.
Economic development Environmental aspects China.
Sustainable urban development California Los Angeles.
Sustainable urban development China Hong Kong.
Sustainable urban development China.
Environmental policy California Los Angeles.
Environmental policy China Hong Kong.
Environmental policy China.
Développement économique Aspect de l'environnement Californie Los Angeles.
Développement économique Aspect de l'environnement Chine Hongkong.
Développement économique Aspect de l'environnement Chine.
Urbanisme durable Californie Los Angeles.
Urbanisme durable Chine Hongkong.
Urbanisme durable Chine.
Environnement Politique gouvernementale Californie Los Angeles.
Environnement Politique gouvernementale Chine Hongkong.
Environnement Politique gouvernementale Chine.
Economic development Environmental aspects.
Environmental policy.
Sustainable urban development.
Politique de l'environnement.
California Los Angeles.
China Hong Kong.
Ng, Simon Ka-Wing, author.
Urban and industrial environments.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295228
Cote: BIB 241334
Statut: Disponible
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