Public Space? Lost & Found (Symposium) (2014 : Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Public space? : lost and found / edited by Gediminas Urbonas, Ann Lui, and Lucas Freeman ; produced by the MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology.
Cambridge, MA : SA+P Press, MIT School of Architecture + Planning, [2017]
Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press
327 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
"Public space" is a potent and contentious topic among artists, architects, and cultural producers. Public Space? Lost and Found documents how critical spatial practices have expanded the concept far beyond the physical confines of the city square. The book considers the role of aesthetic practices within the construction, identification, and critique of shared territories, and how artists or architects--the "antennae of the race"--Can heighten our awareness of rapidly changing formulations of public space in the age of digital media, vast ecological crises, and civic uprisings. It combines significant recent projects in art and architecture with writings by historians and theorists. Contributors investigate strategies for responding to underrepresented communities and areas of conflict through the work of Marjetica Potrč in Johannesburg and Teddy Cruz on the Mexico-U.S. border, among others. They explore our collective stakes in ecological catastrophe through artistic research such as Atelier d'Architecture Autogérée's hubs for community action and recycling in Colombes, France, and Brian Holmes's theoretical investigation of new forms of aesthetic perception in the age of the Anthropocene. Inspired by artist and MIT professor Antoni Muntadas's early coining of the term "media landscape," contributors also look ahead, casting a critical eye on the fraught impact of digital media and the Internet on public space. This book is the first in a new series of volumes produced by the MIT School of Architecture and Planning's Program in Art, Culture, and Technology.
9780998117003 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0998117005 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
Public spaces Congresses.
Public art Social aspects Congresses.
Architecture and society Congresses.
Art and society Congresses.
Espaces publics Congrès.
Architecture et société Congrès.
Art et société Congrès.
Architecture and society.
Art and society.
Public spaces.
Öffentlicher Raum
Conference publications.
Exhibition publications.
Conference papers and proceedings.
Actes de congrès.
Urbonas, Gediminas, 1966- editor.
Lui, Ann (Architect), editor.
Freeman, Lucas, editor.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Program in Art, Culture and Technology.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295708
Cote: BIB 242067
Statut: Disponible
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