Tailored architecture / with texts by Christoph Grafe (editor-in-chief) ; Audrey Contesse, [and 10 others].
Titre et auteur:

Tailored architecture / with texts by Christoph Grafe (editor-in-chief) ; Audrey Contesse, [and 10 others].


Antwerp : Flanders Architecture Institute, [2016]


290 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps, plans ; 26 cm


Flanders Architectural review ; no. 12

"Compilation: Flanders Architectural Institute; Editor-in-chief: Christoph Grafe; ... Authors: Sofie De Caigny," and 10 others; "Translation: Gregory Ball," and 3 others.--Colophon
Includes index.
Foreword / Sven Gatz -- Introduction : Tailored architecture / Christoph Grafe and Bart Tritsmans -- Life : Photography essay / Olmo Peeters ; Forms of unusual habitation / Sofie De Caigny ; Architecture for use and appropriation: from ephemeral to permanent practices / Els Vervloesem ; Interactions / Audrey Contesse ; Project information Life -- City : Photographic essay / Anja Hellebaut ; Cornerstones / Philippe Viérin ; Metropolis architecture: resent work by Xavier De Geyter Architects / Christophe Van Gerrewey ; The school building as an urban project: Coupling, entity, type, fragment / Maarten Van Den Driessche ; Project information City -- Scale : Photographic essay / Anja Hellebaut ; The urban enclave: from military hospital to green quarter / Michiel Dehaene ; Making space for complexity: stratification, aesthetics and appropriation in urban public space / Bart Tritsmans ; Village discourse: the small-scale urban project as a whetstone for urban planning practice / Ward Verbakel -- Project information Scale -- Form : Photographic essay / Olmo Peeters ; The city as a collective work of art: inventive pragmatism and its application to heritage / Sofie De Caigny ; Add a little more: a new mannerism in recent Flemish architecture / Bart Verschaffel ; Architecture as distortion / Audrey Contesse ; Subversive elegance: propriety and transgression in two recent projects by Robbrecht and Daem / Christoph Grafe ; Project information Form -- Portfolio : Mosaic -- State archives, Ghent / Robbrecht and Daem architects -- De Lork care homes, Sint-Gillis / 51N4E -- Municipal sports centre, Genk / BEL Architects and Ney & Partners -- L-berg service centre, Ledeberg / architects de vylder vinck taillieu -- De Wijnpers agricultural college, Leuven / OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen -- TID Tower, Tirana / 51N4E -- Restoration of the Maagdentoren, Zichem / De Smet Vermeulen architects with Studio Roma -- 1:1 model of the Mies van der Rohe golf clubhouse, Krefeld / Robbrecht and Daem architects -- Navez-Portaels social passive housing, Schaarbeek / Temporary Association MSA / V+ -- Wivina residential care facility, Groot-Bijgaarden / architects de vylder vinck taillieu ; De Locomotief revalidation centre, Ninove / URA Yves Malysse Kiki Verbeeck -- GATE15 student services, Antwerpen / BOB361 architects -- Clarenhof residential care facility, Hasselt / a2o-architects -- Westkaai towers, Antwerp / David Chipperfield Architects and Tony Fretton Architects -- Town hall and tourist office, Diksmuide / ONO architecture with Callebaut architects -- City archives, Bordeaux / Robbrecht and Daem architects -- Social services offices and serviced flats, Aarschot / architects de vylder vinck taillieu -- Faculty of architecture library, Gent / OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen -- Metro station Maalbeek, Brussels / De Smet Vermeulen architects and Benoît Van Innis ; Momento mori in Maalbeek / Koen Van Synghel -- The VAi and CVAa at work.

"How can architecture contribute to society? By delivering projects that are tailor-made, and through designs that reveal a cultural and social purpose. ... Recent developments in architecture are covered in thirteen essays. Under four main headings - life, city, scale and form - they deal with comtemporary issues regarding communal space, reuse and repurposing, the status of the public domain, and a visual language for large-scale interventions in the city."--Back cover


9789082122565 (pbk.)
9082122561 (pbk.)


Architecture and society Belgium.
Architecture Belgium Pictorial works.
Architecture et société Belgique.
Architecture and society


Illustrated works

Vedettes secondaires:

Grafe, Christoph, 1964- editor.
Contesse, Audrey, author.
Vlaams Architectuurinstituut, issuing body.
Architectural review Flanders ; no. 12.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293558
Cote: BIB 238659
Statut: Disponible


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