Situational aesthetics : selected writings by Victor Burgin / [introduced and] edited by Alexander Streitberger.
Entrée principale:

Burgin, Victor.

Titre et auteur:

Situational aesthetics : selected writings by Victor Burgin / [introduced and] edited by Alexander Streitberger.


Leuven : Leuven University Press ; [Ithaca] : Distributed in North America by Cornell University Press, ©2009.


xxix, 339 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 cm.


Lieven Gevaert series ; v. 9

Includes bibliographical references (pages 381-389) and index.
Preface / Alexander Streitberger -- The psychological text : Victor Burgin's writings in perspective / Alexander Streitberger -- Conceptual art and photography -- Questions from Alexander Streitberger to Victor Burgin -- Situational aesthetics (1969) -- Work and commentary (1973) -- Lei-Feng (1974) -- Photographic practice and art theory (1975) -- A psychical realism -- Questions from Alexander Streitberger to Victor Burgin -- Photography, phantasy, function (1980) -- Olympia (1982) -- Diderot, Barthes, Vertigo (1986) -- Geometry and abjection (1987) -- The city and global media -- Questions from Alexander Streitberger to Victor Burgin -- Chance encounters : flâneur and détraquée in Breton's Nadja (1990) -- The city in pieces (1993) -- Shadows, time and family pictures (1996) -- Watergate (2000) -- The perpetual infinite film -- Questions from Alexander Streitberger to Victor Burgin -- The noise of the marketplace (2003) -- The time of the panorama (2005) -- Monument and melancholia (2008) -- Solito Posto (2008) -- About Solito Posto (2009) -- Bibliography -- Index of terminology.

"Highly influential both as an artist and as a theoretician Victor Burgin figures amongst the most insightful thinkers on visual culture in recent times." ... "The essays in this volume provide a succinct overview of Burgin's rich and multifaceted work during the last forty years, from its origins in debates within the conceptual art movement to its present concern with everyday perception in the environment of global media."


9789058677686 (Paper)
9058677680 (Paper)


Burgin, Victor.
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.



Vedettes secondaires:

Streitberger, Alexander.
Lieven Gevaert series ; v. 9.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 268719
Cote: TR140.B956.A35 2009
Statut: Disponible


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