Shotgun / Atelier Bow-Wow + Jesús Vassallo + RSA students ; edited by Jesús Vassallo with Ian Searcy.
Houston, Texas : The Rice School of Architecture (RSA), [2015]
159 pages : illustrations (some colour), plans ; 23 cm.
Architecture at Rice ; #49
The title for the installation comes from the row house's common nickname 'shotgun', a term coined to describe its corridor-like layout that allows a clear path or 'shot' from front to back door. This deceptively simple form of architecture, comprised of understated geometry (an elongated box with a pitched roof) and basic construction, was often passed down without formal plans or drawings and made from scrap wood or inexpensive lumber. Principals Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo Kaijima of Tokyo-based architecture studio Atelier Bow-Wow collaborated with Jesús Vassallo, Spanish architect and professor at Rice University, and with the students of the Rice School of Architecture to dig far beneath the surface of this assumed simplicity and to celebrate the row house's ingenuity. Over the fall semester of 2014, Atelier Bow-Wow and Jesús Vassallo taught the course 'Learning from Houston' to intensively study the row house's history and contemporary condition and to simultaneously use this research to design and build a new site-specific installation for Rice Gallery. In its interdisciplinary focus, the project is a continuation of Rice Gallery's approach to installation art which embraces experimentation across disciplines, from interior design (White Webb) to product design (Karim Rashid) to architecture (Shigeru Ban, Ball-Nogues Studio).--OCLC OLUC.
1932281460 paperback
9781932281460 paperback
Vassallo, Jesús Exhibitions.
Atorie Wan Exhibitions.
Atorie Wan
Shotgun houses Exhibitions.
Shotgun houses Expositions.
Shotgun houses
Exhibition publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Vassallo, Jesús, editor, architect.
Searcy, Ian, editor.
Atorie Wan, architect.
Rice University Art Gallery, host institution.
Rice University. School of Architecture, issuing body.
Architecture at Rice University ; no. 49.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 291522
Cote: BIB 235218
Statut: Disponible
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