Nomadland : surviving America in the twenty-first century / Jessica Bruder.
Entrée principale:

Bruder, Jessica, author.

Titre et auteur:

Nomadland : surviving America in the twenty-first century / Jessica Bruder.


First edition.


New York, N.Y. : W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., [2017]


xiv, 273 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-273).
Foreword -- Part one: The Squeeze Inn -- The end -- Surviving America -- Escape plan -- Part two: Amazon town -- The gathering place -- The Rubber Tramp Rendezvous -- Halen -- Some unbeetable experiences -- Part three: The H word -- Homecoming -- Coda: The octopus in the coconut.
100 Notable Books, The New York Times Book Review, 2017.

From the beet fields of North Dakota to the National Forest campgrounds of California to Amazon's CamperForce program in Texas, employers have discovered a new, low-cost labor pool, made up largely of transient older Americans. Finding that social security comes up short, often underwater on mortgages, these invisible casualties of the Great Recession have taken to the road by the tens of thousands in late-model RVs, travel trailers, and vans, forming a growing community of nomads: migrant laborers who call themselves "workampers." In a secondhand vehicle she christens "Van Halen," Jessica Bruder hits the road to get to know her subjects more intimately. Accompanying her irrepressible protagonist, Linda May, and others, from campground toilet cleaning to warehouse product scanning to desert reunions, then moving on to the dangerous work of beet harvesting, Bruder tells an eye-opening tale of the dark underbelly of the American economy -- foreshadowing the precarious future that awaits many more of us. At the same time, she celebrates the exceptional resilience and creativity of these quintessential Americans who have given up ordinary rootedness to survive. Like Linda May, who dreams of finding land on which to build her own sustainable "Earthship" home, they have not given up hope


9780393249316 (hardcover)
039324931X (hardcover)


Alter, ...
Behler, Johannes
Older people Employment United States.
Retirees Employment United States.
Retirement Economic aspects United States.
Casual labor United States.
Working poor United States.
Migrant labor United States.
Recreational vehicle living United States.
Van life United States.
Migrant labor.
Older people.
Retirement economics
Working Poor economics
Transients and Migrants
Aged, 80 and over
Retraités Travail États-Unis.
Travailleurs occasionnels États-Unis.
Travailleurs pauvres États-Unis.
Travailleurs migrants États-Unis.
Caravanage États-Unis.
Travailleurs migrants.
Personnes âgées.
migrant workers.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Economic Conditions.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Human Geography.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Social Classes & Economic Disparity.
Casual labor
Older people Employment
Recreational vehicle living
Retirees Employment
Retirement Economic aspects
Van life
Working poor
Persones grans Treball Estats Units d'Amèrica.
Treball a temps parcial Estats Units d'Amèrica.
United States


Popular Work

Vedettes secondaires:

Nomad land


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305180
Cote: BIB 250982
Statut: Disponible


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