Worldmaking as techné : participatory art, music, and architecture / edited by Mark-David Hosale, Sana Murrani, and Alberto de Campo ; with a foreword by Roy Ascott.
[Toronto, Ontario] : Riverside Architectural Press, [2018]
xxvii, 432 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
"Worldmaking as Techné: Participatory Art, Music, and Architecture attempts to outline a practice that challenges the World and how it could be through a kind of future-making, and/or other world making, by creating alternate realities as artworks that are simultaneously ontological propositions. In simplified terms the concept of techné is concerned with the art and craft of making. In particular a kind of practice that embodies the enactment of theoretical approach that helps determine the significance of the work, how it was made, and why. By positioning worldmaking as a kind of techné, we seek to create a discourse of art making as an enframing of the world that results in the expression of ontological propositions through the creation of art-worlds."-- Provided by publisher.
9781988366098 (hardcover)
Interactive art.
Arts Philosophy.
Art interactif.
Arts Philosophie.
interactive art.
Art and Design.
Hosale, Mark-David, editor.
Murrani, Sana, editor.
Campo, Alberto de, 1964- editor.
Schöffer, Nicolas, 1912-1992. Sonic and visual structures.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 317280
Cote: 317280
Statut: Disponible
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