Supersuit : poetic interventions in urban spaces / Daniel Aschwanden, Michael Wallraff (eds.).
Basel : Birkhäuser, ©2017.
112 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm.
Edition Angewandte : book series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, 1866-248X
The increasing accumulation of people in living machines without history and the challenges presented by migration and the lack of space provoke a need for new thinking and acting in public spaces. SUPERSUIT is an interdisciplinary experiment at the demarcation between people and space. It is a tool for poetic interventions in a range of different urban situations that invites participation and queries the relationship between people, space and city in terms of sense perception. As a marker of public space, the spontaneously arising forms of SUPERSUIT respond directly to the parameters of urban context. Using the means of?performative interventions? SUPERSUIT facilitates a change in current design processes and the conceptualizing of new people/material constellations.
Performance art Austria Vienna.
Public spaces.
City planning.
Espaces publics.
Art and Design.
Performance art.
Austria Vienna.
Aschwanden, Daniel.
Wallraff, Michael, 1968-
Edition Die Angewandte, University Press.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 296896
Cote: BIB 243215
Statut: Disponible
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