Horvers, Toine.
Chartres : one hour of sound in a gothic cathedral / Toine Horvers.
Eindhoven : Onomatopee, 2013.
[124] pages ; 23 cm
Onomatopee (Series) ; 94
Besides being the house of God, a cathedral also functions as a resonance box. Language inspired artist Toine Horvers approaches sound as an autonomous energy. One day, a weekday in 1999, he set up his recording equipement in Chartres' cathedral. In a timespan of one hour and from a fixed point he absorbed all the sounds that emanated from within. There were no religious services. This recording was used in his installation 'Silence Gothiques'. This publication is a translation of these sounds. It is a recording in words, avoiding all the usual vernacular. No sound imitating words, no words derived from seeing, no words conveying human feelings, no poetic/expressive phrases, among others. It's describing sound in sound language. Each page in this pocket-sized book represents one minute of sound, resulting in a collective tonal poem that examines the nature between languages, sound, writing and listening. -- publisher's statement.
9789491677083 (paperback)
949167708X (paperback)
Sound installations (Art) Netherlands.
Artists' books Netherlands History 21st century.
Installations sonores (Art) Pays-Bas.
Livres d'artistes Pays-Bas Histoire 21e siècle.
Artists' books.
Sound installations (Art)
Onomatopee (Series) ; 94.
One hour of sound in a gothic cathedral
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287328
Cote: BIB 228318
Statut: Disponible
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