Shore, Stephen, 1947- photographer.
Stephen Shore : selected works 1973-1981 / texts and image selections by Wes Anderson [and fifteen others].
First edition.
New York, N.Y. : Aperture, 2017.
279 pages : color illustrations ; 39 cm
" ... an international group of artists, curators, authors, and cultural figures have selected up to ten photographs apiece from Stephen Shore's Uncoming Places archive. None of the images appear in the current edition of his landmark book of the same name; most are published here for the first time. Each suite of photographs, chosen from over four hundred newly scanned or rediscovered negatives, offers an idiosyncratic commentary on Shore's distinctive vision of America and proposes new perspectives on this seminal body of work from the 1970s and early '80s"--Page 5.
9781597113885 (hardback)
1597113883 (hardback)
Shore, Stephen, 1947- Catalogs.
Shore, Stephen, 1947- photographer.
Shore, Stephen, 1947-
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
United States Pictorial works.
United States
catalogs (documents)
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Anderson, Wes, 1969- writer of added commentary.
Bajac, Quentin, writer of added commentary.
Campany, David, writer of added commentary.
Graham, Paul, 1956- writer of added commentary.
Guidi, Guido, 1941- writer of added commentary.
Honma, Takashi, 1962- writer of added commentary.
Lê, An-My, 1960- writer of added commentary.
Lesy, Michael, 1945- writer of added commentary.
Obrist, Hans Ulrich, writer of added commentary.
Prose, Francine, 1947- writer of added commentary.
Ruscha, Edward, writer of added commentary.
Salvesen, Britt, writer of added commentary.
Simon, Taryn, 1975- writer of added commentary.
Struth, Thomas, 1954- writer of added commentary.
Tillman, Lynne, writer of added commentary.
Murray, Damon, book designer.
Sorrell, Stephen, book designer.
Fuel (Design group), book designer.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 296522
Cote: BIB 242890
Statut: Disponible
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