The Documenta 14 reader / editors: Quinn Latimer, Adam Szymczyk.
Entrée principale:

Documenta (Exhibition) (14th : 2017 : Kassel, Germany; Athens, Greece)

Titre et auteur:

The Documenta 14 reader / editors: Quinn Latimer, Adam Szymczyk.


Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel Verlag, [2017]


708 pages : illustrations (some color), facsimiles, portraits ; 23 cm

Published on the occasion of Documenta 14, held in Athens, Greece, April 8-July 16, 2017 and in Kassel, Germany, June 10-September 17, 2017.
Includes bibliographical references.
To the reader / Mahmoud Darwish -- 14: Iterability and otherness: learning and working in Athens / Adam Szymczyk -- Étant Donnés / Sylvère Lotringer -- Folio 1: "What color is hunger? What color paper?" -- Unpayable debt: reading scenes of value against the arrow of time / Denise Ferreira da Silva -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality): Code Noir -- My body doesn't exist / Paul B. Preciado -- Folio 2: "The body as body or body politic." -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality): Aboriginals Protection Act -- The inner-outer sound matrix / Pauline Oliveros -- Presentist democracy: reconceptualizing the present / Isabell Lorey -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality): Indian Act -- Folio 3: "If gold symbolizes the conflation of money and misery..." -- The gilded gaze: wealth and economies of the colonial frontier / Candice Hopkins -- The temptation of Saint Anthony / Gustave Flaubert -- Signs, sounds, metals, fires, or an economy of her reader / Quinn Latimer -- What is it to read? / Ross Birrell -- Folio 4: "Among the scattered shadows and traces of the revolution..." -- Exhibition, truth, power: reconsidering 'The exhibitionary complex' / Tony Bennett -- The exhibitionary complex -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality): General Act of the Berlin Conference -- Exile / Souleymane Bachir Diagne -- Three poems about the road / Hiva Panahi -- From the subject of the crisis to the subject in crisis: middle voice on Greek walls / Maria Boletsi -- Folio 5: "When, and where, do German-Greek relations begin?" -- Some debts can never be repaid: the archaeo-politics of the crisis / Yannis Hamilakis -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality) : Marshall Plan -- Exercises of freedom / Antonio Negri -- The negro and the Warsaw ghetto / W.E.B. Du Bois -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality) : McKee Treaty -- The new art of making books / Ulises Carrión -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality): Sámi Act -- Environmental dialogue / Pauline Oliveros -- Folio 6: "The time of the ritual is not linear but cyclical." -- In struggle to change the world: women, reproduction, and resistance in Latin America / Silvia Federici -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality): Zapatista (EZLN) Women's Revolutionary Law -- In human: parasites, posthumanism, and Paptūānuku / Emilie Rākete -- (Documents of empire/Documents of decoloniality): Treaty of Waitangi -- Folio 7: "Technology suggests the hand..." -- Of hospitality / Jacques Derrida and Anne Dufourmantelle -- Pauline's solo / Pauline Oliveros.

The main catalogue of documenta 14 will take the form of a reader, evoking the various meanings associated with the term. The documenta 14 reader will both reflect the reading subject and the subject who reads or recites to an audience emphasizing the importance of literature, orality, performance, pedagogy, and radical reception for the documenta 14 project overall?as well as comprise a critical anthology that features international theoretical, historical, and literary writing that explores and expands on the attendant exhibitions in Athens and Kassel.


9783791356570 (English edition)
3791356577 (English edition)


Documenta (Exhibition) (14th : 2017 : Kassel, Germany; Athens, Greece)
Documenta (Exhibition)
Documenta 14. 2017 Athen; Kassel
Documenta (Exhibition) (14th : 2017 : Kassel, Germany)
Exhibitions Germany Kassel.
Art, Modern 21st century Exhibitions.
Art 21e siècle Expositions.
Art, Modern.
Germany Kassel.


Exhibition publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Latimer, Quinn, editor.
Szymczyk, Adam, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 298564
Cote: BIB 244711
Statut: Disponible


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