Kieran, Stephen, 1951-
Loblolly House : elements of a new architecture / Stephen Kieran, James Timberlake ; preface by Barry Bergdoll ; introduction by Michael Stacey.
1st ed.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press, ©2008.
176 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)
"Kieran Timberlake Associates, winner of the prestigious 2008 AIA Architecture Firm Award, puts its ideas about streamlining the design-build process to the test in this house, featuring an adjustable double-skin facade. Situated on idyllic Taylors Island, off the coast of Maryland's Chesapeake Bay, Loblolly House inaugurates a new, more efficient way of building through the use of building information modeling (BIM) and integrated component assemblies. With minimal impact to the site's ecosystem, the house was manufactured off site and lifted into place. Thousands of parts were collapsed into a few dozen prefabricated cartridges and.blocks that simply slid into an industrial aluminum frame on location." "Loblolly House is more than just an experimental prefab. It is a step in the process toward an element-based approach to mass housing, which presupposes the eventual disassembly and reuse of common building materials. This single-building monograph takes a comprehensive and technical look at Kieran Timberlake's milestone project, from early design sketches and BIM detailing to on-site assembly, postoccupancy evaluation, and the development of subsequent prototypes that further advance the Loblolly House agenda: to permanently transform the American housing industry."--Jacket.
1568987471 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
9781568987477 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
Kieran, Stephen, 1951- Homes and haunts Maryland Taylors Island (Dorchester County : Island)
Kieran, Stephen, 1951-
Loblolly House (Md.)
Loblolly House (Mar.)
Modular construction Maryland Taylors Island (Dorchester County : Island)
Prefabricated houses Maryland Taylors Island (Dorchester County : Island)
Construction modulaire Maryland Taylors, Île (Dorchester)
Modular construction.
Prefabricated houses.
Maryland Taylors Island (Dorchester County : Island)
Optical disks.
Compact discs.
Timberlake, James, 1952-
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 257375
Cote: BIB 187860
Statut: Disponible
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