Authenticity? : observations and artistic strategies in the post-digital age / Barbara Cueto & Bas Hendrikx (eds.).
Amsterdam : Astrid Vorstermans/Valiz, 2017.
160 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Making public
"The everyday connotations of the original, the real, sincere, valid, historical or deep are well-known, and the opposite of the authentic may then be the superficial, false, not-what-it-seems, or just new. Nonetheless 'the real thing' presents us with some productive ambiguities that create a point of departure for an analysis and a better understanding of the changes in the post-digital society. Digital technology is embedded in almost every personal relationship, in labour conditions, and in aesthetic practices. What does this mean for the 'authentic'? To unfold the nuances of the concept of contemporary authenticity this book aims to bring together different thinkers to reflect on the meaning of the authentic now. As a process and as a fluid and performative scheme to be enacted at any time--not just in terms of art and art making but flowing into every single nook of contemporary life, from the intimate to the public."--Page 4 of cover.
9789492095237 (paperback)
9492095238 (paperback)
Art Exhibitions Philosophy.
Authenticity (Philosophy)
Art Philosophy.
Authenticité (Philosophie)
Art Philosophie.
20.02 philosophy and theory of the art sciences.
Cueto, Barbara, 1986- editor.
Hendrikx, Bas, 1986- editor.
Making public (Valiz)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295697
Cote: BIB 242057
Statut: Disponible
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