Food trucks, cultural identity, and social justice : from loncheras to lobsta love / edited by Julian Agyeman, Caitlin Matthews, and Hannah Sobel.
Titre et auteur:

Food trucks, cultural identity, and social justice : from loncheras to lobsta love / edited by Julian Agyeman, Caitlin Matthews, and Hannah Sobel.


Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2017]


vi, 336 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.


Food, health, and the environment

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction : From Loncheras to Lobsta Love / Julian Agyeman, Caitlin Matthews, and Hannah Sobel -- Relaxing regulatory controls : vendor advocacy and rights in mobile food vending / Ginette Wessel -- Decriminalize street vending : reform with and for social justice / Kathleen Dunn -- To serve and to protect: food trucks and food safety in a transforming Los Angeles / Mark Vallianatos -- Stuck in park : New York City's war on food trucks / Sean Basinski, Matthew Shapiro, and Alfonso Morales -- Learning from New Orleans : will revising or relaxing public space ordinances create a just environment for street commerce? / Renia Ehrenfeucht and Ana Croegaert -- From hippie to hip : city governance and two eras of street vending in Vancouver, Canada / Amy Hanser -- Reflexive food-truck justice : a case study in Click, inc, a non-profit shared-use commercial kitchen / Phoebe Godfrey -- The spatial practices of food trucks / Robert Lemon -- Eating in the city : Fidel Gastro, street performance, and the right to the city / Edward Whittall -- Why local regulations may matter less than we think : street vending in Chicago and Durham, NC / Nina Martin -- Breach, bridgehead, or trojan horse? : an exploration of the role of food trucks in Montreal's changing foodscape / Alan Nash -- Scripting the city : street food, urban policy, and neoliberal redevelopment in Vancouver, Canada / Lenore Lauri Newman and Katherine Alexandra Newman -- Atlanta's food truck fervor : policy impediments and entrepreneurial efforts to expand mobile cuisine / Mackenzie Wood, Jennifer Clark, and Emma French -- Is it local, or authentic and exotic? : ethnic food carts and gastropolitan habitus on Portland's eastside / Nathan McClintock, Alex Novie, and Matthew Gebhardt -- Reflections / Julian Agyeman, Caitlin Matthews, and Hannah Sobel.

The food truck on the corner could be a brightly painted old-style tonchera offering tacos or an upscale mobile vendor serving lobster rolls. Customers range from gastro-tourists to construction workers, all eager for food that is delicious, authentic, and relatively inexpensive. Although some cities that host food trucks encourage their proliferation, other throw up regulatory roadblocks. This book examines the food truck phenomenon in North American cities from Los Angeles to Montreal, taking a novel perspective: social justice. It considers the motivating factors behind a city's promotion or restriction of mobile food vending, and how these motivations might connect to or impede broad goals of social justice. The contributors investigate the discriminatory implementation of rules, with gentrified hipsters often receiving preferential treatment over traditional immigrants: food trucks as part of community economic development; and food trucks' role in cultural identity formation. They describe, among other things, mobile food vending in Portland, Oregon, where relaxed permitting encourages street food; the criminalization of food trucks by Los Angeles and New York City health codes; food as cultural currency in Montreal; social and spatial bifurcation of food trucks in Chicago and Durham, North Carolina; and food trucks as a part of Vancouver. Canada's self-branding as the "Greenest City." Book jacket.


9780262036573 hardcover alkaline paper
0262036576 hardcover alkaline paper
9780262534079 paperback alkaline paper
026253407X paperback alkaline paper


Food trucks United States.
Food trucks Canada.
Street vendors Law and legislation United States.
Street vendors Law and legislation Canada.
Social justice United States.
Social justice Canada.
Camions de cuisine de rue États-Unis.
Camions de cuisine de rue Canada.
Justice sociale États-Unis.
Justice sociale Canada.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / City Planning & Urban Development.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Agriculture & Food.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / Urban.
Food trucks.
Social justice.
United States.

Vedettes secondaires:

Agyeman, Julian, editor.
Matthews, Caitlin, 1952- editor.
Sobel, Hannah, editor.
Food, health, and the environment.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 296928
Cote: BIB 243249
Statut: Disponible


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