Rosan, Christina, author.
Growing a sustainable city? : the question of urban agriculture / Christina D. Rosan and Hamil Pearsall.
Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, [2017]
198 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
UTP insights
"Growing a Sustainable City? offers a critical analysis of the development of urban agriculture policies and their role in making post-industrial cities more sustainable. Christina Rosan and Hamil Pearsall's intriguing and illuminating case study of Philadelphia reveals how growing in the city has become a symbol of urban economic revitalization, sustainability, and - increasingly - gentrification. Their comprehensive research includes interviews with urban farmers, gardeners, and city officials, and reveals that the transition to "sustainability" is marked by a series of tensions along race, class, and generational lines. The book evaluates the role of urban agriculture in sustainability planning and policy by placing it within the context of a large city struggling to manage competing sustainability objectives. They highlight the challenges and opportunities of institutionalizing urban agriculture into formal city policy. Rosan and Pearsall tell the story of change and growing pains as a city attempts to reinvent itself as sustainable, livable, and economically competitive"-- Provided by publisher.
1442650613 (hardcover)
9781442650619 (hardcover)
1442628553 (paperback)
9781442628557 (paperback)
Urban agriculture.
Urban agriculture Pennsylvania Philadelphia Case studies.
Sustainable agriculture.
Sustainable agriculture Pennsylvania Philadelphia Case studies.
Sustainable urban development.
Sustainable urban development Pennsylvania Philadelphia Case studies.
Agriculture urbaine.
Agriculture urbaine Pennsylvanie Philadelphie Études de cas.
Agriculture durable.
Agriculture durable Pennsylvanie Philadelphie Études de cas.
Urbanisme durable.
Urbanisme durable Pennsylvanie Philadelphie Études de cas.
NATURE Environmental Conservation & Protection.
POLITICAL SCIENCE Public Policy Environmental Policy.
SCIENCE Earth Sciences Geography.
Städtische Flächennutzung
Städtischer Freiraum
Soziale Bewegung
Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung
Philadelphia (Pa.)
Pennsylvania Philadelphia.
Case studies.
Études de cas.
Pearsall, Hamil, author.
UTP insights.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 299046
Cote: BIB 245178
Statut: Disponible
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