The wasted city : approaches to circular city making / edited CITIES Foundation ; chief editor Francesca Miazzo.
Titre et auteur:

The wasted city : approaches to circular city making / edited CITIES Foundation ; chief editor Francesca Miazzo.


[Amsterdam, Netherlands] ; [Haarlem, Netherlands] : Trancity*valiz, [2017]


164 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction. Framing the wasted city / Francesca Miazzo and Mehdi Corneau -- Part One: Travelling through the circular spiral. An array of circular endeavours / Alex Thibadoux ; Circular city: a selection of policy approaches / Marijana Novak ; The role of national government in circular city making / Barbara Koole and Anna Hult -- Part Two: Perspectives on circular urbanity. Contemplating the paradigm shift toward a circular urban metabolism thorugh the case study of Ateneus de Fabricación in Barcelona / Konstantinos Kourkoutas ; Wasted experiments: a commentary on Amsterdam policy for a circular society / Federico Savini ; From examples to exemplas: how not to waste the teachings of circular city making in the sustainist era / Michiel Schwarz ; The circular city: a systems challenge not a start-up story / Joost Beunderman -- Conclusion. Circularity as the undeniable common denominator / Francesca Miazzo.

Traditional cities of the global north are dominated by linear 'take-make-waste' habits: by economic interactions and socio-spatial developments. This is the WASTED City: an urban settlement in which it is difficult to develop circular systems on a mainstream basis. Currently we see the proliferation of urban niches of circularity, progressive policymaking and economic innovation, but the truly CIRCULAR CITY remains Utopian. This book explores how these different approaches are connected and what is needed to make circular urban development the new sustainable standard. Looking at the city as an ecosystem, urban planning, design and architecture practices adapt the built environment in which people interact as organisms within a complex system. We see grand opportunity for planners to reinterpret the landscape and act in a more inclusive, cooperative fashion that propagates sustainable economic activity and vigorous cultural strength.


9789492095312 (paperback)
9492095319 (paperback)


Sustainable development.
City planning.
Urban policy.
Développement durable.
Politique urbaine.
sustainable development.
21.73 urban development (architecture)

Vedettes secondaires:

Miazzo, Francesca, editor.
Miazzo, Francesca editor.
CITIES (Organization), editor.
CITIES (Organization) editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 296282
Cote: BIB 242723
Statut: Disponible


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