Citymakers : the culture and craft of practical urbanism / Cassim Shepard ; foreword by Rosalie Genevro ; principal photography by Alex Fradkin.
Entrée principale:

Shepard, Cassim, author.

Titre et auteur:

Citymakers : the culture and craft of practical urbanism / Cassim Shepard ; foreword by Rosalie Genevro ; principal photography by Alex Fradkin.


New York, NY : The Monacelli Press, in association with the Architectural League of New York 2017.


296 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Machine generated contents note: ch. 1 The Culture Of Citymaking -- ch. 2 On Stewardship, Public Goods, And Public Space -- Incorporate long-term use and maintenance, along with the practice of citizenship, into any discussion of public space design and delivery -- ch. 3 Multitasking Infrastructures: Means To Many Ends -- Reconceive infrastructure as a multi-function public good and a constituent element of landscape -- ch. 4 Technology And The Legible City -- Think inductively; complement measurement with close observation; embrace technologies that support, rather than disrupt, effective democratic governance -- ch. 5 Nimble Housing: The Constancy Of Change -- Reconfigure existing housing to meet shifting demographic needs -- ch. 6 The Ethic Of Citymaking.

"Drawing on six years as the editor of Urban Omnibus, one of the leading publications charting innovations in urban practice, Shepard explores a broad variety of projects in New York, a city at the forefront of experimental and practical research: a constructed wetland in Staten Island, a workforce development and technology program in Red Hook, Brooklyn, a public art installation in a Bronx housing project, a housing advocacy initiative in Jackson Heights, Queens. These and a wide variety of other examples in Citymakers comprise a cross-disciplinary, from-the-ground-up approach that encourage better choices for cities of the future"-- Provided by publisher.


9781580934855 paperback
1580934854 paperback


City planning New York (State) New York.
Land use New York (State) New York.
Utilisation du sol New York (État) New York.
ARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planning.
ARCHITECTURE / Sustainability & Green Design.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / Urban.
City planning.
Land use.
Öffentlicher Raum
New York (State) New York.
New York, NY

Vedettes secondaires:

Genevro, Rosalie, writer of foreword.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 297395
Cote: BIB 243722
Statut: Disponible


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