Young architects. 17, Authenticity / foreword by Michael Meredith ; introduction by Anne Rieselbach ; editor Anne Rieselbach.
Titre et auteur:

Young architects. 17, Authenticity / foreword by Michael Meredith ; introduction by Anne Rieselbach ; editor Anne Rieselbach.


New York, NY : The Architectural League of New York : Andrea Monfried Editions, [2017]


176 pages ; 18 cm

"Winners of the 2015 Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers"--cover.
Landing studio / Dan Adams and Marie Adams -- First office / Andrew Atwood and Anna Neimark -- Besler & sons / Erin Besler -- mcdowellespinosa / Rychiee Espinosa and Seth McDowell -- Thom Moran -- Endemic / Clark Thenhaus.

Documents the important lecture and exhibition series that for more than three decades has introduced creative young architects on a national stage -Shows the breadth of contemporary practices with projects for reimagined topographies, reclaimed industrial landscapes, art installations, furniture, and small structures The Architectural League Prize is an annual event involving a competition, a series of lectures, an exhibition, and a publication, organized by the Architectural League of New York and its Young Architects and Designers Committee. The 2015 competition theme, 'Authenticity', investigated recent advances in computation, visualization, material intelligence, and fabrication technologies, exploring how these advances have begun to alter the understanding of general design principles as well as the architect's role and practical approach toward architecture and research. Projects by the six winners address new positions of authenticity in architecture through form, design, substance, function, context, and other means that direct and transform their practices. The winners are: Dan Adams and Marie Adams, Landing Studio, Somerville, MA; Anna Neimark and Andrew Atwood, First Office, Los Angeles; Erin Besler, Besler & Sons, Los Angeles; Seth McDowell and Rychiee Espinosa, mcdowellespinosa, Scottsville, VA, and Brooklyn; Thom Moran, Ann Arbor, MI; and Clark Thenhaus, Endemic, Ann Arbor, MI.


0991026365 paperback
9780991026364 paperback


Architectural League Prize for Young Architects and Designers Exhibitions.
Architectural League Prize for Young Architects and Designers.
Architecture Awards United States.
Architecture United States History 21st century.
Young architects United States.
Jeunes architectes États-Unis.
Architecture History United States.
Architecture Awards.
Young architects.
United States.


Exhibition publications.
Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Rieselbach, Anne, editor, writer of introduction.
Meredith, Michael, 1971- writer of foreword.
Architectural League of New York, sponsoring body.



Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 295007
Cote: BIB 240904
Statut: Disponible


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