Lerup, Lars, author.
The continuous city : fourteen essays on architecture and urbanization / Lars Lerup ; foreword by Jesús Vassallo.
Zurich : Park Books, ©2017.
219 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
The fourteen essays in The Continuous City offer a survey of Lerup's thinking on identity and monumentality and the relationship between nature and culture. His interest and reflections focus, among other things, on Roberto Burle Marx, a founder of modern landscape design; the 'dancing floors' of Rem Koolhaas's Seattle Central Library; Herzog & de Meuron's 1111 Lincoln Road project in Miami Beach; and the character of urban icons like Coop Himmelb(l)au's Dalian International Conference Center.
3038600660 (hardcover)
9783038600664 (hardcover)
Lerup, Lars 1940-
City planning.
architecture (discipline)
Vassallo, Jesús, writer of foreword.
Architecture at Rice University.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 299392
Cote: BIB 245481
Statut: Disponible
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