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The Earth has entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene. What we are facing is not only an environmental crisis, but a geological revolution of human origin. In two centuries, our planet has tipped into a state unknown for millions of years. How did we get to this point? Refuting the convenient view of a “human species” that upset the Earth system, unaware of what it was(...)
avril 2017
The shock of the anthropocene: the earth, history and us
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The Earth has entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene. What we are facing is not only an environmental crisis, but a geological revolution of human origin. In two centuries, our planet has tipped into a state unknown for millions of years. How did we get to this point? Refuting the convenient view of a “human species” that upset the Earth system, unaware of what it was doing, this book proposes the first critical history of the Anthropocene, shaking up many accepted ideas: about our supposedly recent “environmental awareness,” about previous challenges to industrialism, about the manufacture of ignorance and consumerism, about so-called energy transitions, as well as about the role of the military in environmental destruction. In a dialogue between science and history, The Shock of the Anthropocene dissects a new theoretical buzzword and explores paths for living and acting politically in this rapidly developing geological epoch.
L'événement anthropocène
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Les scientifiques nous l’annoncent, la Terre est entrée dans une nouvelle époque : l’Anthropocène. Ce qui nous arrive n’est pas une crise environnementale, c’est une révolution géologique d’origine humaine. Depuis la révolution thermo-industrielle, notre planète a basculé vers un état inédit. Les traces de notre âge urbain, consumériste, chimique et nucléaire resteront(...)
Architecture écologique
janvier 2016
L'événement anthropocène
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Les scientifiques nous l’annoncent, la Terre est entrée dans une nouvelle époque : l’Anthropocène. Ce qui nous arrive n’est pas une crise environnementale, c’est une révolution géologique d’origine humaine. Depuis la révolution thermo-industrielle, notre planète a basculé vers un état inédit. Les traces de notre âge urbain, consumériste, chimique et nucléaire resteront des milliers voire des millions d’années dans les archives géologiques de la planète et soumettront les sociétés humaines à des difficultés considérables. Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là ? Faisant dialoguer science et histoire, les auteurs dressent l’inventaire écologique d’un modèle de développement devenu insoutenable, ébranlent bien des idées reçues sur notre prétendue « prise de conscience environnementale » et ouvrent des pistes pour vivre et agir politiquement dans l’Anthropocène.
Architecture écologique
(disponible sur commande)
The Earth has entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene. What we are facing is not only an environmental crisis, but a geological revolution of human origin. In two centuries, our planet has tipped into a state unknown for millions of years. How did we get to this point? Refuting the convenient view of a “human species” that upset the Earth system, unaware of what it was(...)
Architecture écologique
mars 2016
The Shock of the Anthropocene: The Earth, History and Us
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The Earth has entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene. What we are facing is not only an environmental crisis, but a geological revolution of human origin. In two centuries, our planet has tipped into a state unknown for millions of years. How did we get to this point? Refuting the convenient view of a “human species” that upset the Earth system, unaware of what it was doing, this book proposes the first critical history of the Anthropocene, shaking up many accepted ideas: about our supposedly recent “environmental awareness,” about previous challenges to industrialism, about the manufacture of ignorance and consumerism, about so-called energy transitions, as well as about the role of the military in environmental destruction. In a dialogue between science and history, The Shock of the Anthropocene dissects a new theoretical buzzword and explores paths for living and acting politically in this rapidly developing geological epoch.
Architecture écologique