A load of shit
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John Berger’s essay begins by describing the experience of burying a year’s worth of his household’s excrement. What follows is an extended reflection—at once philosophically detached and engaged with the inescapable stuff of life—on shit as an allegory of what it means to be human.
A load of shit
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John Berger’s essay begins by describing the experience of burying a year’s worth of his household’s excrement. What follows is an extended reflection—at once philosophically detached and engaged with the inescapable stuff of life—on shit as an allegory of what it means to be human.
Littérature et poésie
Fidèle au rendez-vous
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Dans « Fidèle au rendez-vous, » l’écrivain interroge le monde visible et lui demande de révéler ses secrets. L’ouvrage, qui réunit vingt essais publiés en 1991, est l’occasion pour Berger de creuser sa réflexion sur la manière dont l’être humain appréhende et interprète ce qu’il voit. Le point de départ de chaque essai est une rencontre, à la fois intime et révélatrice.(...)
Fidèle au rendez-vous
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Dans « Fidèle au rendez-vous, » l’écrivain interroge le monde visible et lui demande de révéler ses secrets. L’ouvrage, qui réunit vingt essais publiés en 1991, est l’occasion pour Berger de creuser sa réflexion sur la manière dont l’être humain appréhende et interprète ce qu’il voit. Le point de départ de chaque essai est une rencontre, à la fois intime et révélatrice. Au fil des chapitres, l’auteur se retrouve face aux peintures de Velásquez, de Goya, de Renoir, mais interroge également celles de Pollock, les sculptures d’Henry Moore ou encore l’extraordinaire palais du facteur Cheval. Toujours attentif à placer les œuvres et les artistes dans leur contexte, l’essayiste aborde à travers ces confrontations des questions aussi complexes que la montée et la chute des idéologies capitalistes et communistes, la sexualité, l’environnement et l’évolution, ou encore la nature du temps. Les textes interpellent, bousculent, questionnent. Ils nous encouragent à porter une attention accrue non seulement à ce qui nous entoure, mais également à la manière dont nous percevons les multiples rendez-vous – intimes, artistiques, imprévus – qui rythment nos vies. Une nouvelle façon, l’espère Berger, de nous faire réaliser la potentialité de chaque instant, et celle qui réside au fond de nous.
Théorie de l’art
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As leading radical writer on art John Berger celebrates his ninetieth year, he brings a lifetime's engagement with the ideas, artists, and thinkers that have shaped his thinking: Walter Benjamin, Rosa Luxemburg and Bertolt Brecht among them. In Landscapes Berger allows us to see the evolution of his own way of seeing. He explores the relationship between creativity and(...)
Landscapes: John Berger on art
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As leading radical writer on art John Berger celebrates his ninetieth year, he brings a lifetime's engagement with the ideas, artists, and thinkers that have shaped his thinking: Walter Benjamin, Rosa Luxemburg and Bertolt Brecht among them. In Landscapes Berger allows us to see the evolution of his own way of seeing. He explores the relationship between creativity and politics and the revolutionary potential of art through a series of different forms.
Théorie de l’art
Comprendre une photographie
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Regroupant des textes issus de catalogues d’artistes, expositions, articles, etc., Comprendre une photographie est un voyage à travers les oeuvres de photographes divers, d’ André Kertész à Jitka Hanzlová, en passant par Marc Trivier, Jean Mohr ou Martine Franck. Certains des articles regroupés ici ont déjà fait partie de choix de textes de John Berger publiés notamment(...)
octobre 2017
Comprendre une photographie
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Regroupant des textes issus de catalogues d’artistes, expositions, articles, etc., Comprendre une photographie est un voyage à travers les oeuvres de photographes divers, d’ André Kertész à Jitka Hanzlová, en passant par Marc Trivier, Jean Mohr ou Martine Franck. Certains des articles regroupés ici ont déjà fait partie de choix de textes de John Berger publiés notamment aux éditions de L’Arche, Champ- Vallon ou Le Temps des Cerises, tandis que d’autres sont traduits en français pour la première fois. La présente sélection reprend l’édition anglaise intitulée Understanding a Photograph, établie par Geoff Dyer et publiée en 2013 chez Penguin Books.
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This illustrated work reflects on the cultural implications of smoking, and suggests, through a series of brilliantly inventive illustrations, that society's attitude to smoke is both paradoxical and intolerant. It portrays a world in which smokers, banished from public places, must encounter one another as outlaws. Meanwhile, car exhausts and factory chimneys continue to(...)
(disponible sur commande)
This illustrated work reflects on the cultural implications of smoking, and suggests, through a series of brilliantly inventive illustrations, that society's attitude to smoke is both paradoxical and intolerant. It portrays a world in which smokers, banished from public places, must encounter one another as outlaws. Meanwhile, car exhausts and factory chimneys continue to pollute the atmosphere. Smoke is a beautifully illustrated prose poem that lingers in the mind. "A cigarette is a breathing space. It makes a parenthesis. The time of a cigarette is a parenthesis, and if it is shared you are both in that parenthesis. It's like a proscenium arch for a dialogue." - John Berger (in interview)
Littérature et poésie
What time is it?
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The last book that John Berger wrote was this precious little volume about time titled What Time Is It?, now posthumously published for the first time in English by Notting Hill Editions. Berger died before it was completed, but the text has been assembled and illustrated by his longtime collaborator and friend Selçuk Demirel, and has an introduction by Maria Nadotti. (...)
What time is it?
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The last book that John Berger wrote was this precious little volume about time titled What Time Is It?, now posthumously published for the first time in English by Notting Hill Editions. Berger died before it was completed, but the text has been assembled and illustrated by his longtime collaborator and friend Selçuk Demirel, and has an introduction by Maria Nadotti. What Time Is It? is a profound and playful meditation on the illusory nature of time. Berger, the great art critic and Man Booker Prize–winning author, reflects on what time has come to mean to us in modern life. Our perception of time assumes a uniform and ceaseless passing of time, yet time is turbulent. It expands and contracts according to the intensity of the lived moment. We talk of time “saved” in a hundred household appliances; time, like money, is exchanged for the content it lacks. Berger posits the idea that time can lengthen lifetimes once we seize the present moment. “What-is-to-come, what-is-to-be-gained empties what-is.”
Littérature et poésie
Ways of seeing
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John Berger's Ways of Seeing is one of the most stimulating and influential books on art in any language. First published in 1972, it was based on the BBC television series about which the (London) Sunday Times critic commented: "This is an eye-opener in more ways than one: by concentrating on how we look at paintings... he will almost certainly change the way you look at(...)
Ways of seeing
(disponible en magasin)
John Berger's Ways of Seeing is one of the most stimulating and influential books on art in any language. First published in 1972, it was based on the BBC television series about which the (London) Sunday Times critic commented: "This is an eye-opener in more ways than one: by concentrating on how we look at paintings... he will almost certainly change the way you look at pictures." By now he has.
janvier 2008
Théorie de l’art
From I to J
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A woman writes letters to a man who is in prison. Coixet has created an installation based on Berger’s book From a to X, with the collaboration of architect Benedetta Tagliabue and some of the most acclaimed actresses working in film today. The book is accompanied by a DVD PAL format, which includes a selection of letters from the novel From A to X read by Monica(...)
From I to J
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A woman writes letters to a man who is in prison. Coixet has created an installation based on Berger’s book From a to X, with the collaboration of architect Benedetta Tagliabue and some of the most acclaimed actresses working in film today. The book is accompanied by a DVD PAL format, which includes a selection of letters from the novel From A to X read by Monica Bellucci, Sophie Calle, Patricia Clarkson, Penélope Cruz, Julie Delpy, Isabelle Huppert, Henning Mankell, Maria de Medeiros, Sarah Polley, Tilda Swinton, Leonor Watling and Carme Elias, as well as the recording of Isabel Coixet’s interview with John Berger.
Théorie de l’architecture
Voir le voir
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Initialement paru en 1972, Voir le voir présente une suite d’essais (dont trois constitués uniquement d’images), tirés d’émissions produites et diffusées par la BBC, n’ont rien perdus de leur importance 40 ans plus tard. Un livre politique sur l’utilisation de l’image dans l’art et sa reproduction ((re)lire W. Benjamin dont il s’inspire beaucoup) et l’impact que cela(...)
Voir le voir
(disponible en magasin)
Initialement paru en 1972, Voir le voir présente une suite d’essais (dont trois constitués uniquement d’images), tirés d’émissions produites et diffusées par la BBC, n’ont rien perdus de leur importance 40 ans plus tard. Un livre politique sur l’utilisation de l’image dans l’art et sa reproduction ((re)lire W. Benjamin dont il s’inspire beaucoup) et l’impact que cela provoque dans nos sociétés.
Understanding a photograph
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Understanding a Photograph is arranged chronologically, leading the reader on a thought-provoking journey through selected essays from hallmark works such as “About Looking” and “Another Way of Telling,” as well as previously uncollected pieces written for exhibitions or catalogues that discuss a wide range of artists--from August Sander to Jitka Hanzlová. This collection(...)
Understanding a photograph
(disponible en magasin)
Understanding a Photograph is arranged chronologically, leading the reader on a thought-provoking journey through selected essays from hallmark works such as “About Looking” and “Another Way of Telling,” as well as previously uncollected pieces written for exhibitions or catalogues that discuss a wide range of artists--from August Sander to Jitka Hanzlová. This collection of some 25 texts has been carefully selected by novelist and essayist Geoff Dyer, who has also written a critical study of Berger’s oeuvre.
novembre 2013
Théorie de la photographie