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"Fresh dialogue 3" brings together the work of four young and innovative studios who share the distinction of being selected as participants in the American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York Chapter's Fresh Dialogue series. BASE is a studio with offices in New York, Brussels, and Barcelona. The fashion industry accounts for nearly half their business which includes(...)
décembre 2003, New York
Fresh dialogue 3 : new voices in graphic design
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"Fresh dialogue 3" brings together the work of four young and innovative studios who share the distinction of being selected as participants in the American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York Chapter's Fresh Dialogue series. BASE is a studio with offices in New York, Brussels, and Barcelona. The fashion industry accounts for nearly half their business which includes developing image campaigns and corporate identities. HONEST, founded by Stella Bugbee, Jonathan Milott, and Cary Murnion, works with a variety of fashion, art, music and architecture related clients including MoMA, Kate Spade, and Virgin Records. Brooklyn based HunterGatherer was founded by Todd St. John in 2000. Recent projects have included work with MTV, Nixon Watches, and Adidas. STILETTO is a design collective comprised of three partners: Stefanie Barth, Julie Hirschfeld, and Joan Raspo. They work are in variety of media including web design, film, animation, and motion graphics.
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Designers and pundits explore what it means to be a designer in a corporate-driven, over-branded, global consumer culture. The book tackles design responsibility with a scope and diversity previously unseen. Forty essays and interviews espouse viewpoints covering a wide range of social, professional, political, and cultural topics including: reality branding, game design(...)
mai 2003, New York
Citizen designer : perspectives on design responsibility
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Designers and pundits explore what it means to be a designer in a corporate-driven, over-branded, global consumer culture. The book tackles design responsibility with a scope and diversity previously unseen. Forty essays and interviews espouse viewpoints covering a wide range of social, professional, political, and cultural topics including: reality branding, game design and school violence, socially responsible advertising and exploitation, and design as a force for improving the environment. Edited by two advocates of socially responsible design, Citizen Designer responds to the tough questions being asked by today’s designers: How can a designer effect social or political change? Can design be more than a service to clients? When does a designer have to take responsibility for a client’s actions? At what point must a designer take a stand? This book encourages designers and students of design to carefully research the clients they work with; to be alert about corporate, political, and social developments; and to design socially responsible products. With essays by: Hugh Aldersey-Williams, Julie Baugnet, Leslie Becker, Roy R. Behrens, Nancy Bernard, J.D. Biersdorfer, Anne Bush, Robbie Conal, Michael Dooley, Stuart Ewen, Thomas Frank, Ken Garland, Peter Hall, Mr. Keedy, Maud Lavin, Victor Margolin, Carolyn McCarron, Katherine McCoy, David Reinfurt, Chris Riley, Chase A. Rogers, Michael Schmidt, Judith Schwartz, Matt Soar, Gunnar Swanson, Susan S. Szenasy, Teal Triggs, Tucker Viemeister, David Vogler, and Cheryl Towler Weese. And interviews with: Fabrizio Gilardino, Milton Glaser, Kalle Lasn, Robert Menard, Don Norman, Mark Randall, David Sterling, Stanley Tigerman, and Shawn Wolfe.
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Quelles sont les idées qui ont influencé et déterminé le graphisme et comment se sont-elles incarnées ? Tous les concepts graphiques présentés dans ce livre par ordre chronologique détaillent des découvertes techniques comme les décalcomanies, les codes-barres, ou les polices numériques, des innovations stylistiques, comme les fioritures, les typographies « sonores », les(...)
100 idées qui ont transformé le graphisme
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Quelles sont les idées qui ont influencé et déterminé le graphisme et comment se sont-elles incarnées ? Tous les concepts graphiques présentés dans ce livre par ordre chronologique détaillent des découvertes techniques comme les décalcomanies, les codes-barres, ou les polices numériques, des innovations stylistiques, comme les fioritures, les typographies « sonores », les espaces blancs, ou encore des objets tels que la jaquette de livre, les emballages et enfin des méthodes, comme le photomontage ou les papiers découpés.
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New in the "100 Ideas that Changed..." series, this book demonstrates how ideas influenced and defined graphic design, and how those ideas have manifested themselves in objects of design. The 100 entries, arranged broadly in chronological order, range from technical (overprinting, rub-on designs, split fountain); to stylistic (swashes on caps, loud typography, and white(...)
avril 2012
100 ideas that changed graphic design
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New in the "100 Ideas that Changed..." series, this book demonstrates how ideas influenced and defined graphic design, and how those ideas have manifested themselves in objects of design. The 100 entries, arranged broadly in chronological order, range from technical (overprinting, rub-on designs, split fountain); to stylistic (swashes on caps, loud typography, and white space); to objects (dust jackets, design handbooks); and methods (paper cut-outs, pixelation). Written by one of the world’s leading authorities on graphic design and lavishly illustrated, the book is both a great source of inspiration and a provocative record of some of the best examples of graphic design from the last hundred years.
(disponible en magasin)
Recently rediscovered by a new generation of art and design lovers, John Rombola's rambunctious, spirited art is gathered in this first-ever comprehensive monograph of his work. Art and cultural critic Veronique Vienne explores Rombola's career through selections from his most well-known series, including his line drawings of the New York skyline, his scintillating take(...)
John Rombola, eclectic eccentric
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Recently rediscovered by a new generation of art and design lovers, John Rombola's rambunctious, spirited art is gathered in this first-ever comprehensive monograph of his work. Art and cultural critic Veronique Vienne explores Rombola's career through selections from his most well-known series, including his line drawings of the New York skyline, his scintillating take on Manhattan's society women, and lush gouache and ink drawings from his travels, both real and imagined, to the tropics and to Europe. Lively and often funny, the drawings in this volume reveal the spirited style of an eccentric artist who moves to his own, whimsical rhythm. Rombola works primarily in gouache and ink on paper; his art is in the permanent collection of the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.
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