Le climat qui cache la forêt
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La priorité accordée aujourd'hui au climat par les États, les ONG, les médias est-elle justifiée ? Soulever cette simple question paraît, en soi, iconoclaste, voire scandaleux, tant il semble communément admis que « la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique » est la mère de toutes les batailles environnementales. Il ne s'agit pas ici de nier la réalité du changement(...)
janvier 2021
Le climat qui cache la forêt
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La priorité accordée aujourd'hui au climat par les États, les ONG, les médias est-elle justifiée ? Soulever cette simple question paraît, en soi, iconoclaste, voire scandaleux, tant il semble communément admis que « la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique » est la mère de toutes les batailles environnementales. Il ne s'agit pas ici de nier la réalité du changement climatique ni son importance. Toutefois, ce sujet a pris, depuis les années 1990, une prépondérance telle qu'il en vient non seulement à dominer les politiques environnementales, mais aussi à leur nuire. Or si le changement climatique constitue un enjeu majeur, il n'apparaît pas plus crucial que la pollution de l'air ou de l'eau, l'érosion de la biodiversité ou encore la dégradation des sols. Guillaume Sainteny le démontre en comparant, par exemple, le nombre de décès prématurés liés à ces phénomènes, leurs coûts économiques ou la hiérarchie des constats et recommandations des grandes organisations internationales.
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For thousands of years humans have experimented with various methods of waste disposal—from burning and burying to simply packing up and moving in search of an unscathed environment. Habits of disposal are deeply ingrained in our daily lives, so casual and continual that we rarely ever stop to ponder the big-picture effects on social, spatial and ecological orders.(...)
décembre 2020
Waste matters: adaptive reuse of productive landscapes
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For thousands of years humans have experimented with various methods of waste disposal—from burning and burying to simply packing up and moving in search of an unscathed environment. Habits of disposal are deeply ingrained in our daily lives, so casual and continual that we rarely ever stop to ponder the big-picture effects on social, spatial and ecological orders. Rethinking the ways in which we produce, collect, discard and reuse our waste, whether it’s materials, spaces or places, is essential to ensure a more feasible future. ''Waste matters: adaptive reuse for productive landscapes'' presents a series of historical and contemporary design ideas that reimagine a range of repurposed materials at diverse scales and in various contexts by exploring methods of hacking, disassembly, reassembly, recycling, adaptive reuse and preservation of the built environment. ''Waste matters'' will inspire designers to sample and rearrange bits of artifacts from the past and present to produce culturally relevant and ecologically sensitive materials, objects, architecture and environments.
À qui appartient l'eau ?
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Maude Barlow est une militante de la première heure pour le droit à l’eau. Elle a arpenté les conférences des Nations Unies à la défense de l’eau comme bien commun et est allée à la rencontre des communautés fragilisées par leur manque d’accès à l’eau. Pour elle, le droit à l’eau et le besoin de la protéger à son état naturel sont interconnectés, écologie et droits de la(...)
À qui appartient l'eau ?
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Maude Barlow est une militante de la première heure pour le droit à l’eau. Elle a arpenté les conférences des Nations Unies à la défense de l’eau comme bien commun et est allée à la rencontre des communautés fragilisées par leur manque d’accès à l’eau. Pour elle, le droit à l’eau et le besoin de la protéger à son état naturel sont interconnectés, écologie et droits de la personne y sont étroitement liés. Car plus nous malmenons l’eau, en la pompant de façon excessive et en la polluant, le moins il en restera à partager équitablement. Et, lorsqu’il n’y en aura plus suffisamment, les plus vulnérables seront touchés les premiers et les plus durement. Fidèle à sa mission, elle fait ici le point sur l’urgence de préserver les ressources en eau de la privatisation et de se mobiliser dans chaque communauté pour se réapproprier cette ressource vitale.
Pollution is colonialism
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In 'Pollution Is Colonialism' Max Liboiron presents a framework for understanding scientific research methods as practices that can align with or against colonialism. They point out that even when researchers are working toward benevolent goals, environmental science and activism are often premised on a colonial worldview and access to land. Focusing on plastic pollution,(...)
Pollution is colonialism
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In 'Pollution Is Colonialism' Max Liboiron presents a framework for understanding scientific research methods as practices that can align with or against colonialism. They point out that even when researchers are working toward benevolent goals, environmental science and activism are often premised on a colonial worldview and access to land. Focusing on plastic pollution, the book models an anticolonial scientific practice aligned with Indigenous, particularly Métis, concepts of land, ethics, and relations. Liboiron draws on their work in the Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR) — an anticolonial science laboratory in Newfoundland, Canada — to illuminate how pollution is not a symptom of capitalism but a violent enactment of colonial land relations that claim access to Indigenous land. Liboiron's creative, lively, and passionate text refuses theories of pollution that make Indigenous land available for settler and colonial goals. In this way, their methodology demonstrates that anticolonial science is not only possible but is currently being practiced in ways that enact more ethical modes of being in the world.
(disponible en magasin)
Matsutake is the most valuable mushroom in the world — and a weed that grows in human-disturbed forests across the Northern Hemisphere. Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing’s account of these sought-after fungi offers insights into areas far beyond just mushrooms and addresses a crucial question: What manages to live in the ruins we have made? 'The Mushroom at the End of the World'(...)
juin 2021
The mushroom at the end of the world, second edition
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Matsutake is the most valuable mushroom in the world — and a weed that grows in human-disturbed forests across the Northern Hemisphere. Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing’s account of these sought-after fungi offers insights into areas far beyond just mushrooms and addresses a crucial question: What manages to live in the ruins we have made? 'The Mushroom at the End of the World' explores the unexpected corners of matsutake commerce, where we encounter Japanese gourmets, capitalist traders, Hmong jungle fighters, Finnish nature guides, and more. These companions lead us into fungal ecologies and forest histories to better understand the promise of cohabitation in a time of massive human devastation. The book delves into the relationship between capitalist destruction and collaborative survival within multispecies landscapes, the prerequisite for continuing life on earth.
Fur: a sensitive history
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This publication looks at the impact of fur on society, politics, and, of course, fashion. This material has a long, complex, and rich history, culminating in recent and ongoing anti-fur debates. Jonathan Faiers discusses how fur — long praised for its warmth, softness, and connotation of status — became so controversial, at the center of campaigns against animal cruelty(...)
octobre 2020
Fur: a sensitive history
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This publication looks at the impact of fur on society, politics, and, of course, fashion. This material has a long, complex, and rich history, culminating in recent and ongoing anti-fur debates. Jonathan Faiers discusses how fur — long praised for its warmth, softness, and connotation of status — became so controversial, at the center of campaigns against animal cruelty and the movement toward ethical fashion. At the same time, fake fur now faces a backlash of its own, given the environmental impact of its manufacture and its links to fast fashion. Divided into five sections — dedicated to hair, pelt, coat, skin, and fleece — the book surveys not only the politics of fur but also its centrality to western fashion, the tactile pleasure it gives, and its use in literature, art, and film.
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Plastiglomerates, surveillance robot dogs, fordite, artificial grass, antenna trees, COVID-19, decapitated mountains, drone-fighting eagles, standardized bananas: all of these specimens—some more familiar than others—are examples of the hybridity that shapes the current landscapes of science, technology and everyday life. Inspired by medieval bestiaries and the(...)
A bestiary of the Anthropocene. Hybrid plants, animals, minerals, fungi, and other specimens
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Plastiglomerates, surveillance robot dogs, fordite, artificial grass, antenna trees, COVID-19, decapitated mountains, drone-fighting eagles, standardized bananas: all of these specimens—some more familiar than others—are examples of the hybridity that shapes the current landscapes of science, technology and everyday life. Inspired by medieval bestiaries and the increasingly visible effects of climate change on the planet, French researcher Nicolas Nova & art collective DISNOVATION.ORG provide an ethnographic guide to the ''post-natural'' era in which we live, highlighting the amalgamations of nature and artifice that already co-exist in the 21st century. A sort of field handbook, ''A bestiary of the Anthropocene'' aims to help us orient ourselves within the technosphere and the biosphere. What happens when technologies and their unintended consequences become so ubiquitous that it is difficult to define what is “natural” or not? What does it mean to live in a hybrid environment made of organic and synthetic matter? In order to answer such questions, Nova & DISNOVATION.ORG bring their own research together with contributions from collectives such as the Center for Genomic Gastronomy and Aliens in Green as well as text by scholars and researchers from around the world. Polish graphic designer Maria Roszkowska provides illustrations.
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Par son lent passage ou ses soudaines fluctuations, l'eau façonne nos villes et nos paysages : les crues et les inondations jalonnent la longue histoire des sociétés humaines, les contraignant à modifier leur habitat. Hanté par les mythes diluviens, antiques puis bibliques, l'Occident a opposé à l'eau parfois colossales d'adaptation et de défense, d'endiguement et(...)
La Part de l'eau : Vivre avec les crues en temps de changement climatique
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Par son lent passage ou ses soudaines fluctuations, l'eau façonne nos villes et nos paysages : les crues et les inondations jalonnent la longue histoire des sociétés humaines, les contraignant à modifier leur habitat. Hanté par les mythes diluviens, antiques puis bibliques, l'Occident a opposé à l'eau parfois colossales d'adaptation et de défense, d'endiguement et d'assèchement, d'artificialisation de l'espace. Typique des temps moderne, cette ingénierie dominatrice de l'eau pose aujourd'hui problème car elle fige le territoire dans ses structures rigides, inhabitables et particulièrement vulnérables aux aléas climatiques qui s'intensifient. C'est sur ces sites sensibles que se réinvente aujourd'hui la gestion des crues. L'analyse des projets les plus innovants en Europe, dans les polders néerlandais, les vallées alpines, les bassins de l'Isar ou l'estuaire du Rhin et de la Meuse, révèle les grands enjeux actuels : se réconcilier avec la naturalité des rivières, accepter une part de leurs débordements pour mieux limiter leurs crues, combiner l'inondation et le développement urbain. Entre histoire culturelle, géographie humaine et recherche urbaine, ce livre envisage ainsi ces nouveaux territoires submersibles comme les paradigmes des paysages habités de demain : écologies, dynamiques, inclusifs et combinatoires.
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The world has changed in the seventeen years since the controversial initial publication of Paul Hawken's "Ecology of commerce," a stirring treatise about the perceived antagonism between ecology and business. Yet Hawken's impassioned argument- that business both causes the most egregious abuses of the environment and, crucially, holds the most potential for solving our(...)
The ecology of commerce: a declaration of sustainability
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The world has changed in the seventeen years since the controversial initial publication of Paul Hawken's "Ecology of commerce," a stirring treatise about the perceived antagonism between ecology and business. Yet Hawken's impassioned argument- that business both causes the most egregious abuses of the environment and, crucially, holds the most potential for solving our sustainability problems- is more relevant and resonant than ever.
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This book aims to illustratehow rich and articulated are the ideas that, over the centuries, have generated the contemporary concept of Eco-Village and Eco-Living. The author, an expert on environmental issues and history of architecture, through an extensive research lasting more than ten years, intends to decribe the philosophical, cultural, historical and theoretical(...)
juin 2021
Being light on the earth: Eco-village policy and practice for a sustainable world
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This book aims to illustratehow rich and articulated are the ideas that, over the centuries, have generated the contemporary concept of Eco-Village and Eco-Living. The author, an expert on environmental issues and history of architecture, through an extensive research lasting more than ten years, intends to decribe the philosophical, cultural, historical and theoretical aspects of this complex topic. The book is split in thwo volumes. The first one describes the historical and conceptual aspects of the contemporary Eco-Villages, supported by an extensive bibliography and acurate examples. The second is focusing more on the technical aspects, illustrating the most important Eco-Villages in the world.