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Modern environments are awash with pollutants churning through the air, from toxic gases and intensifying carbon to carcinogenic particles and novel viruses. The effects on our bodies and our planet are perilous. This is the first thorough study of the increasingly widespread use of digital technologies to monitor and respond to air pollution. It presents practice-based(...)
novembre 2022
Citizens of worlds: Open-air toolkits for environmental struggle
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Modern environments are awash with pollutants churning through the air, from toxic gases and intensifying carbon to carcinogenic particles and novel viruses. The effects on our bodies and our planet are perilous. This is the first thorough study of the increasingly widespread use of digital technologies to monitor and respond to air pollution. It presents practice-based research on working with communities and making sensor toolkits to detect pollution while examining the political subjects, relations, and worlds these technologies generate. Spanning three project areas, this study describes collaborations to monitor air pollution from fracking infrastructure, to document emissions in urban environments, and to create air-quality gardens. As these projects show, how people respond to, care for, and struggle to transform environmental conditions informs the political subjects and collectives they become as they strive for more breathable worlds.
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Discard studies is an emerging field that looks at waste and wasting broadly construed. Rather than focusing on waste and trash as the primary objects of study, discard studies looks at wider systems of waste and wasting to explore how some materials, practices, regions, and people are valued or devalued, becoming dominant or disposable. In this book, Max Liboiron and(...)
mai 2022
Discard studies: Wasting, systems, and power
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Discard studies is an emerging field that looks at waste and wasting broadly construed. Rather than focusing on waste and trash as the primary objects of study, discard studies looks at wider systems of waste and wasting to explore how some materials, practices, regions, and people are valued or devalued, becoming dominant or disposable. In this book, Max Liboiron and Josh Lepawsky argue that social, political, and economic systems maintain power by discarding certain people, places, and things. They show how the theories and methods of discard studies can be applied in a variety of cases, many of which do not involve waste, trash, or pollution. Liboiron and Lepawsky consider the partiality of knowledge and offer a theory of scale, exploring the myth that most waste is municipal solid waste produced by consumers; discuss peripheries, centers, and power, using content moderation as an example of how dominant systems find ways to discard; and use theories of difference to show that universalism, stereotypes, and inclusion all have politics of discard and even purification—as exemplified in ''inclusive'' efforts to broaden the Black Lives Matter movement. Finally, they develop a theory of change by considering ''wasting well,'' outlining techniques, methods, and propositions for a justice-oriented discard studies that keeps power in view.
Libre nature
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Pour se connaître il faut d’abord connaître la nature. Ce recueil de textes écrits entre 1857 et 1905 par Elisée Reclus, rappelle ce fait fondamental d’appartenance organique?: l’être humain n’est ni au-dessus, ni à-part, de la nature. Il en fait partie – avec juste un surcroît de conscience. Dans ces courts textes (des essais, mais aussi des correspondances et des(...)
août 2022
Libre nature
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Pour se connaître il faut d’abord connaître la nature. Ce recueil de textes écrits entre 1857 et 1905 par Elisée Reclus, rappelle ce fait fondamental d’appartenance organique?: l’être humain n’est ni au-dessus, ni à-part, de la nature. Il en fait partie – avec juste un surcroît de conscience. Dans ces courts textes (des essais, mais aussi des correspondances et des observations de ses nombreux voyages), le géographe libertaire et précurseur de l’écologie politique aborde les thématiques de l’être humain en lien avec son milieu naturel. Avec quelques questions très actuelles comme le végétarisme, la religion et la morale, l’habitat ou la vie animale. Opposé autant aux dominations qu’aux soumissions aux lois naturelles, Reclus nous parle de reconnaissance et d’inclusion, de droits comme de devoirs.
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Le Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, créé en 2007 par l'architecte et professeure Jana Revedin avec la Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine de Paris, récompense chaque année cinq architectes qui partagent l'éthique du développement durable et proposent des expériences innovantes, en milieu urbain comme dans les grands territoires. Les 60 architectes lauréats(...)
mai 2019
Sustainable design 7 : vers une nouvelle éthique
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Le Global Award for Sustainable Architecture, créé en 2007 par l'architecte et professeure Jana Revedin avec la Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine de Paris, récompense chaque année cinq architectes qui partagent l'éthique du développement durable et proposent des expériences innovantes, en milieu urbain comme dans les grands territoires. Les 60 architectes lauréats depuis la création du prix forment un réseau collectif mondial d'échanges et d'expérimentations : la Global Award Community. Le thème retenu pour la 12e édition du Global Award était "L'architecture comme agent d'émancipation des citoyens". Les lauréats 2018 sont Boonserm Premthada, Bangkok Projects Studio (Thaïlande), Nina Maritz, Nina Maritz architects (Namibie), Marta Maccaglia, Asociación Semillas (Pérou), Lacaton & Vassal et Frédéric Druot (France), Raumlabor (Allemagne).
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"Moving to Mars" is the first book ever to thoroughly explore the crucial role that design will play in the collective endeavor to travel to and inhabit Mars. A comprehensive overview of both past and current developments in space travel and colonization, it begins with the evolution of the space suit and rocket technology; it then proceeds to explore a wide range of(...)
décembre 2019
Moving to Mars: design for the red planet
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"Moving to Mars" is the first book ever to thoroughly explore the crucial role that design will play in the collective endeavor to travel to and inhabit Mars. A comprehensive overview of both past and current developments in space travel and colonization, it begins with the evolution of the space suit and rocket technology; it then proceeds to explore a wide range of fascinating and never-before-seen projects on Mars-specific habitations, covering everything from space-ready cutlery to clothes, furniture and speculative habitats. Illustrated with colour images of rarely seen drawings, concepts and prototypes, plus newly commissioned essays by the designers, artists and scientists who are charting the path forward to Mars, this book literally reveals a whole new future for humankind, fleshing out a vision of an everyday reality on another planet.
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« Habiter le trouble, avec Donna Haraway » est un ouvrage collectif qui vise à contribuer à la réception francophone du travail récent de Donna Haraway. Ce livre rassemble un grand entretien avec la philosophe et croise des essais issus des champs des sciences humaines et de la philosophie. Cet ouvrage tentent de situer les travaux d'Haraway dans les débats contemporains(...)
Habiter le trouble avec Donna Haraway
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« Habiter le trouble, avec Donna Haraway » est un ouvrage collectif qui vise à contribuer à la réception francophone du travail récent de Donna Haraway. Ce livre rassemble un grand entretien avec la philosophe et croise des essais issus des champs des sciences humaines et de la philosophie. Cet ouvrage tentent de situer les travaux d'Haraway dans les débats contemporains sur l’anthropocène et réinscrivent l'auteure dans une trajectoire théorique des luttes éco-féministes et pacifistes. Il propose également une série d’enquêtes consacrées à Fukushima, aux institutions psychiatriques, aux pratiques d’élevage et d’abattage…, s'inscrivant ainsi dans la démarche d’Haraway, et à la façon dont ses textes cultivent avec une égale ferveur l’imagination spéculative et l’attention passionnée au réel.
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'The Culture of Feedback' digs deep into a dazzling variety of left-of-center experiences and attitudes, and brings a new look at the wild side of the 1970s. The author shows us how ideas from systems theory were taken up by the counterculture and the environmental movement, eventually influencing a wide range of beliefs and behaviors, particularly related to the question(...)
The culture of feedback: ecological thinking in seventies America
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'The Culture of Feedback' digs deep into a dazzling variety of left-of-center experiences and attitudes, and brings a new look at the wild side of the 1970s. The author shows us how ideas from systems theory were taken up by the counterculture and the environmental movement, eventually influencing a wide range of beliefs and behaviors, particularly related to the question of what is and is not intelligence. He tells the story of a generation of Americans who were struck by a newfound interest in — and respect for — plants, animals, indigenous populations, and the very sounds around them, threading his tapestry with cogent insights on environmentalism, feminism, systems theory, and psychedelics.
An ecotopian lexicon
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As the scale and gravity of climate change becomes undeniable, a cultural revolution must ultimately match progress in the realms of policy, infrastructure, and technology. Proceeding from the notion that dominant Western cultures lack the terms and concepts to describe or respond to our environmental crisis, ''An ecotopian lexicon'' is a collaborative volume of short,(...)
octobre 2019
An ecotopian lexicon
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As the scale and gravity of climate change becomes undeniable, a cultural revolution must ultimately match progress in the realms of policy, infrastructure, and technology. Proceeding from the notion that dominant Western cultures lack the terms and concepts to describe or respond to our environmental crisis, ''An ecotopian lexicon'' is a collaborative volume of short, engaging essays that offer ecologically productive terms—drawn from other languages, science fiction, and subcultures of resistance—to envision and inspire responses and alternatives to fossil-fueled neoliberal capitalism.
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In 'The Responsive Environment', Larry D. Busbea takes up the concept of environment as an object and method of design at the height of its aesthetic, technical, and discursive elaboration. Exploring emerging paradigms of environmental perception, patterning, and control, he shows how living space itself was reimagined as a domain capable of modification through input(...)
The responsive environment: design, aesthetics and the human in the 1970s
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In 'The Responsive Environment', Larry D. Busbea takes up the concept of environment as an object and method of design at the height of its aesthetic, technical, and discursive elaboration. Exploring emerging paradigms of environmental perception, patterning, and control, he shows how living space itself was reimagined as a domain capable of modification through input from its newly sensitized inhabitants.
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Growth has been both an unspoken and an explicit aim of our individual and collective striving. It governs the lives of microorganisms and galaxies; it shapes the capabilities of our extraordinarily large brains and the fortunes of our economies. Growth is manifested in annual increments of continental crust, a rising gross domestic product, a child's growth chart, the(...)
Growth: from microorganisms to megacities
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Growth has been both an unspoken and an explicit aim of our individual and collective striving. It governs the lives of microorganisms and galaxies; it shapes the capabilities of our extraordinarily large brains and the fortunes of our economies. Growth is manifested in annual increments of continental crust, a rising gross domestic product, a child's growth chart, the spread of cancerous cells. In this book, Vaclav Smil offers systematic investigation of growth in nature and society, from tiny organisms to the trajectories of empires and civilizations.