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By bringing together the voices of a number of curators, scientists, scholars, designers, and artists, the XXII Triennale di Milano seeks to engage its visitors with questions of climate change, migration, artificial intelligence, politics, gender, labour, economics, social justice, and natural histories. This exhibition catalog highlights objects and concepts at all(...)
décembre 2019
Broken nature: design takes on human survival. XXII Triennale du Milano
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By bringing together the voices of a number of curators, scientists, scholars, designers, and artists, the XXII Triennale di Milano seeks to engage its visitors with questions of climate change, migration, artificial intelligence, politics, gender, labour, economics, social justice, and natural histories. This exhibition catalog highlights objects and concepts at all scales that reconsider humans' relationship with their environment, including research into both natural and social ecosystems. The aim is to trace design's ability to move us into a more constructive sense of indebtedness toward nature. This volume will appeal to the design community as well as a broader readership and scholars who study the sociological, economic, political, and personal ramifications of design as it relates to the environment.
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Under capitalism, economic growth is seen as the key to collective well-being. In "Self-Devouring Growth" Julie Livingston upends this notion, showing that while consumption-driven growth may seem to benefit a particular locale, it produces a number of unacknowledged, negative consequences that ripple throughout the wider world. Structuring the book as a parable in which(...)
septembre 2019
Self-devouring growth: a planetary fable as told from southern Africa
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Under capitalism, economic growth is seen as the key to collective well-being. In "Self-Devouring Growth" Julie Livingston upends this notion, showing that while consumption-driven growth may seem to benefit a particular locale, it produces a number of unacknowledged, negative consequences that ripple throughout the wider world. Structuring the book as a parable in which the example of Botswana has lessons for the rest of the globe, Livingston shows how fundamental needs for water, food, and transportation become harnessed to what she calls self-devouring growth: an unchecked and unsustainable global pursuit of economic growth that threatens catastrophic environmental destruction. As Livingston notes, improved technology alone cannot stave off such destruction; what is required is a greater accounting of the web of relationships between humans, nonhuman beings, plants, and minerals that growth entails. Livingston contends that by failing to understand these relationships and the consequences of self-devouring growth, we may be unknowingly consuming our future.
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Is it possible for the economy to grow without the environment being destroyed? Will our lifestyles impoverish the planet for our children and grandchildren? Is the world sick? Can it be healed? Less than a lifetime ago, these questions would have made no sense. This was not because our ancestors had no impact on nature—nor because they were unaware of the serious damage(...)
novembre 2018
The environment: a history of an idea
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Is it possible for the economy to grow without the environment being destroyed? Will our lifestyles impoverish the planet for our children and grandchildren? Is the world sick? Can it be healed? Less than a lifetime ago, these questions would have made no sense. This was not because our ancestors had no impact on nature—nor because they were unaware of the serious damage they had done. What people lacked was an idea: a way of imagining the web of interconnection and consequence of which the natural world is made. Without this notion, we didn’t have a way to describe the scale and scope of human impact upon nature. This idea was "the environment." Paul Warde, Libby Robin, and Sverker Sörlin trace the emergence of the concept of the environment following World War II, a period characterized by both hope for a new global order and fear of humans’ capacity for almost limitless destruction. It was at this moment that a new idea and a new narrative about the planet-wide impact of people's behavior emerged, closely allied to anxieties for the future. Now we had a vocabulary for talking about how we were changing nature: resource exhaustion and energy, biodiversity, pollution, and—eventually—climate change. With the rise of "the environment," the authors argue, came new expertise, making certain kinds of knowledge crucial to understanding the future of our planet.
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Menno Schilthuizen is one of a growing number of urban ecologists studying how our manmade environments are accelerating and changing the evolution of the animals and plants around us. In ''Darwin Comes to Town,'' he takes us around the world for an up-close look at just how stunningly flexible and swift-moving natural selection can be.
avril 2019
Darwin comes to town: how the urban jungle drives evolution
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Menno Schilthuizen is one of a growing number of urban ecologists studying how our manmade environments are accelerating and changing the evolution of the animals and plants around us. In ''Darwin Comes to Town,'' he takes us around the world for an up-close look at just how stunningly flexible and swift-moving natural selection can be.
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In this book, David Dobereiner lucidly delves into the present urban and ecological impasse and examines the prospects for our future. Laced with insights into social and political ecology and written with a lifetime’s experience of innovating in ecological design, the book demonstrates that there is still hope to build a more humane, egalitarian, and sustainable system,(...)
septembre 2019
Organicity: entropy or revolution
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In this book, David Dobereiner lucidly delves into the present urban and ecological impasse and examines the prospects for our future. Laced with insights into social and political ecology and written with a lifetime’s experience of innovating in ecological design, the book demonstrates that there is still hope to build a more humane, egalitarian, and sustainable system, but it requires a fundamental shift in the way we do civilization. At the crossroads of creation and destruction, will evolution or entropy triumph?
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This pioneering volume explores the Arctic as an important and highly endangered archive of knowledge about natural as well as human history of the Anthropocene. Focusing on the Arctic as an archive means not only to investigate it as a place of human history and memory—of Arctic exploring, conquering, and colonizing—but to take into account also the specific(...)
janvier 2020
Arctic archives: ice, memory and entropy
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This pioneering volume explores the Arctic as an important and highly endangered archive of knowledge about natural as well as human history of the Anthropocene. Focusing on the Arctic as an archive means not only to investigate it as a place of human history and memory—of Arctic exploring, conquering, and colonizing—but to take into account also the specific environmental conditions of the circumpolar region: ice and permafrost. These have allowed a huge natural archive to emerge, offering rich sources for natural scientists and historians alike. Examining the debate on the notion of ('natural') archive, the cultural semantics and historicity of the meaning of concepts like 'warm,' 'cold,' 'freezing,' and 'melting,' as well as various works of literature, art, and science on Arctic topics, this volume brings together literary scholars, historians of knowledge and philosophy, art historians, media theorists, and archivologists.
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'Energy Culture' is a book about oil’s firm grip on our politics and everyday lives. It brings together essays and artwork produced in a collaborative environment to stimulate new ways of thinking and to achieve a more just and sustainable world.
novembre 2019
Energy culture: art and theory on oil and beyond
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'Energy Culture' is a book about oil’s firm grip on our politics and everyday lives. It brings together essays and artwork produced in a collaborative environment to stimulate new ways of thinking and to achieve a more just and sustainable world.
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La catastrophe écologique et sociale est déjà là. Non pas après nous, mais à côté de nous. Or, en raison de notre position privilégiée au sein des sociétés riches du Nord, nous ne la percevons pas. Le sociologue allemand Stephan Lessenich fait la démonstration que le déluge social, écologique et économique ne concerne pas que les générations futures, mais doit être(...)
septembre 2019
À côté de nous le déluge : la société d'externalisation et son prix
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La catastrophe écologique et sociale est déjà là. Non pas après nous, mais à côté de nous. Or, en raison de notre position privilégiée au sein des sociétés riches du Nord, nous ne la percevons pas. Le sociologue allemand Stephan Lessenich fait la démonstration que le déluge social, écologique et économique ne concerne pas que les générations futures, mais doit être considéré comme un phénomène qui affecte déjà les pays pauvres du Sud. Si le concept des externalités négatives n’est pas nouveau en économie, Lessenich fait exploser ce cadre d’analyse et montre comment les changements climatiques et la crise des migrants rendent matérielle et visible la société d’externalisation et son prix.
Tout peut changer
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Oubliez tout ce que vous croyez savoir sur le réchauffement climatique. La « vérité qui dérange » ne tient pas aux gaz à effet de serre, la voici : notre modèle économique est en guerre contre la vie sur Terre. Au-delà de la crise écologique, c’est bien une crise existentielle qui est en jeu – celle d’une humanité défendant à corps perdu un mode de vie qui la mène à sa(...)
Tout peut changer
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Oubliez tout ce que vous croyez savoir sur le réchauffement climatique. La « vérité qui dérange » ne tient pas aux gaz à effet de serre, la voici : notre modèle économique est en guerre contre la vie sur Terre. Au-delà de la crise écologique, c’est bien une crise existentielle qui est en jeu – celle d’une humanité défendant à corps perdu un mode de vie qui la mène à sa perte. Pourtant, prise à rebours, cette crise pourrait bien ouvrir la voie à une transformation sociale radicale susceptible de faire advenir un monde non seulement habitable, mais aussi plus juste. On nous a dit que le marché allait nous sauver, alors que notre dépendance au profit et à la croissance nous fait sombrer chaque jour davantage. On nous a dit qu’il était impossible de sortir des combustibles fossiles, alors que nous savons exactement comment nous y prendre – il suffit d’enfreindre toutes les règles du libre marché : brider le pouvoir des entreprises, reconstruire les économies locales et refonder nos démocraties. On nous a aussi dit que l’humanité était par trop avide pour relever un tel défi. En fait, partout dans le monde, des luttes contre l’extraction effrénée des ressources ont déjà abouti et posé les jalons de l’économie à venir.
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Inscrit dans la série proposée par le Laboratoire d’excellence Futurs Urbains, cet ouvrage consacré à la justice environnementale croise les analyses de Lydie Laigle et Sophie Moreau sur la circulation et l’appropriation de cette notion dans des cadres géographiques variés : États-Unis, France, Madagascar. À travers ses différentes interprétations, la justice(...)
novembre 2018
Justice et environnement: les citoyens interpellent le politique
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Inscrit dans la série proposée par le Laboratoire d’excellence Futurs Urbains, cet ouvrage consacré à la justice environnementale croise les analyses de Lydie Laigle et Sophie Moreau sur la circulation et l’appropriation de cette notion dans des cadres géographiques variés : États-Unis, France, Madagascar. À travers ses différentes interprétations, la justice environnementale interroge le devenir des relations des sociétés à l’environnement dans un contexte de crise environnementale et de globalisation. Elle pose la question des inégalités sociales face à l’environnement et du rôle joué par les institutions et les mobilisations citoyennes dans la reconnaissance des injustices vis-àvis des détériorations environnementales. Ce livre explore les défis démocratiques soulevés par ces injustices.