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In this book, Michael Marder illuminates the vegetal centerpieces and hidden kernels that have powered theoretical discourse for centuries. Choosing twelve botanical specimens that correspond to twelve significant philosophers, he recasts the development of philosophy through the evolution of human and plant relations. A philosophical history for the postmetaphysical age,(...)
novembre 2014
The philosopher's plant: an intellectual herbarium
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In this book, Michael Marder illuminates the vegetal centerpieces and hidden kernels that have powered theoretical discourse for centuries. Choosing twelve botanical specimens that correspond to twelve significant philosophers, he recasts the development of philosophy through the evolution of human and plant relations. A philosophical history for the postmetaphysical age, The Philosopher's Plant reclaims the organic heritage of human thought. With the help of vegetal images, examples, and metaphors, the book clears a path through philosophy's tangled roots and dense undergrowth, opening up the discipline to all readers.
Grafts: writings on plants
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Taking as his starting point the simple vegetal conception of grafting, Michael Marder guides the reader through his concise and numerous reflections on what could be described as a vegetal philosophy. Grafts are transplants either of a shoot inserted into the trunk of another tree or, surgically, of skin (among other living tissues). They are delicate operations intended(...)
Grafts: writings on plants
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Taking as his starting point the simple vegetal conception of grafting, Michael Marder guides the reader through his concise and numerous reflections on what could be described as a vegetal philosophy. Grafts are transplants either of a shoot inserted into the trunk of another tree or, surgically, of skin (among other living tissues). They are delicate operations intended to preserve, improve, and modify both the grafted materials and the body that receives them. To graft is to create unlikely encounters, hybrid mixes, and novel surfaces. Moving across disciplinary lines, "Grafts" combines the lessons of plant science with the history of philosophy, semiotics, literary compositions, and political theory. Co-authoring some of the texts with other philosophers, plant scientists and artists, Marder allows their insights to be grafted onto his own, and vice versa.
Ecofeminism as politics
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Exploring the philosophical and political challenges of bridging feminist and ecological concerns, "Ecofeminism as politics" argues that ecofeminism reaches beyond contemporary social movements as a political synthesis of four revolutions in one, taking in ecology, feminism, socialism, and postcolonial struggle. Informed by a critical postmodern reading of Marxism,(...)
Ecofeminism as politics
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Exploring the philosophical and political challenges of bridging feminist and ecological concerns, "Ecofeminism as politics" argues that ecofeminism reaches beyond contemporary social movements as a political synthesis of four revolutions in one, taking in ecology, feminism, socialism, and postcolonial struggle. Informed by a critical postmodern reading of Marxism, "Ecofeminism as politics" integrates discourses on science, the body, culture, nature, and political economy. Highlighting the importance of finding commonalities between ecofeminist and indigenous struggles, Salleh offers a groundbreaking discussion of deep ecology, social ecology, eco-socialism, and postmodern feminism through the lens of an ecofeminist deconstruction.
Halte à la surchauffe!
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En 1961, quand le président Kennedy a lancé le projet d’envoyer des astronautes américains sur la Lune dans un délai de dix ans, on ne savait trop comment un tel objectif pourrait être atteint. L’essentiel, c’était de damer le pion à l’Union soviétique. Avec beaucoup d’argent, d’énergie et de créativité, les États-Unis ont fini par réussir cet exploit scientifique, avec(...)
septembre 2017
Halte à la surchauffe!
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En 1961, quand le président Kennedy a lancé le projet d’envoyer des astronautes américains sur la Lune dans un délai de dix ans, on ne savait trop comment un tel objectif pourrait être atteint. L’essentiel, c’était de damer le pion à l’Union soviétique. Avec beaucoup d’argent, d’énergie et de créativité, les États-Unis ont fini par réussir cet exploit scientifique, avec des retombées auxquelles nul ne se serait attendu. Encore aujourd’hui, une part disproportionnée des prix Nobel de sciences revient chaque année à des Américains, en grande partie parce que leur pays a décidé de se rendre sur la Lune avant les Russes voilà plus d’un demi-siècle. Décider de relever le défi du changement climatique entraînera toutes sortes de retombées bénéfiques inattendues. C’est ce que l’histoire nous apprend.
Architecture of nature
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Based on documentation originating in the environmental sciences, history of science, philosophy and art, ''Architecture of Nature'' explores the materiality and the effects of the forces at play in the history of the earth through the architect's modes of seeing and techniques of representation. This book presents research work developed for the past eight years in the(...)
février 2019
Architecture of nature
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Based on documentation originating in the environmental sciences, history of science, philosophy and art, ''Architecture of Nature'' explores the materiality and the effects of the forces at play in the history of the earth through the architect's modes of seeing and techniques of representation. This book presents research work developed for the past eight years in the Advanced Research graduate studio 'Architecture of Nature/ Nature of Architecture', created and directed by Diana Agrest at the Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture of the Cooper Union. ''Architecture of Nature'' departs from the traditional approach to nature as a referent for architecture and reframes it as its object of study. The complex processes of generation and transformations of extreme natural phenomena such as glaciers, volcanoes, permafrost, and clouds are explored through unique drawings and models, confronting a scale of space and time that expands and transcends the established boundaries of the architectural discipline.
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Late Victorian Holocausts focuses on three zones of drought and subsequent famine: India, Northern China; and Northeastern Brazil. All were affected by the same global climatic factors that caused massive crop failures, and all experienced brutal famines that decimated local populations. But the effects of drought were magnified in each case because of singularly(...)
Late Victorian Holocausts: El niño famines and the making of the Third World
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Late Victorian Holocausts focuses on three zones of drought and subsequent famine: India, Northern China; and Northeastern Brazil. All were affected by the same global climatic factors that caused massive crop failures, and all experienced brutal famines that decimated local populations. But the effects of drought were magnified in each case because of singularly destructive policies promulgated by different ruling elites.
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Rooted in sound theory and based on technology that is available now, ''A genius planet'' offers an accessible but detailed and insightful perspective on how we can free ourselves from our dependency on natural resources and generate, trade, and use energy in ways that open up the genuine potential that we have at our disposal today. Imagine a world where the power is(...)
août 2017
A genius planet : energy, from scarcity to abundance, a radical pathway
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Rooted in sound theory and based on technology that is available now, ''A genius planet'' offers an accessible but detailed and insightful perspective on how we can free ourselves from our dependency on natural resources and generate, trade, and use energy in ways that open up the genuine potential that we have at our disposal today. Imagine a world where the power is always on, where there is not just enough energy, but an abundance of it. Such a world is no Utopia, it is a possible reality. Using indefinitely available sources of energy – especially photovoltaic solar, in combination with others – and networking this energy, much in the way that we have networked information, we can get beyond our current energy ‘crisis’ and resolve it.
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"Future Remains" is a thoughtful and creative meditation on these questions. The fifteen objects gathered in this book resemble more the tarots of a fortuneteller than the archaeological finds of an expedition—they speak of planetary futures. Marco Armiero, Robert S. Emmett, and Gregg Mitman have assembled a cabinet of curiosities for the Anthropocene, bringing together a(...)
avril 2018
Future remains: a cabinet of curiosities for the anthropocene
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"Future Remains" is a thoughtful and creative meditation on these questions. The fifteen objects gathered in this book resemble more the tarots of a fortuneteller than the archaeological finds of an expedition—they speak of planetary futures. Marco Armiero, Robert S. Emmett, and Gregg Mitman have assembled a cabinet of curiosities for the Anthropocene, bringing together a mix of lively essays, creatively chosen objects, and stunning photographs by acclaimed photographer Tim Flach. The result is a book that interrogates the origins, implications, and potential dangers of the Anthropocene and makes us wonder anew about what exactly human history is made of.
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Design as Democracy offers fresh insights for creating meaningful dialogue between designers and communities and for transforming places with justice and democracy in mind.
décembre 2017
Design as democracy: techniques for collective creativity
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Design as Democracy offers fresh insights for creating meaningful dialogue between designers and communities and for transforming places with justice and democracy in mind.
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Comment vivre dans le respect des limites et des ressources de la nature ? Alors que la production mondiale de pétrole a atteint son maximum et que c’en est désormais fini des énergies fossiles bon marché, la permaculture constitue une réponse pragmatique aux enjeux de notre époque. Elle utilise la pensée systémique pour « élaborer en toute conscience des paysages qui(...)
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Comment vivre dans le respect des limites et des ressources de la nature ? Alors que la production mondiale de pétrole a atteint son maximum et que c’en est désormais fini des énergies fossiles bon marché, la permaculture constitue une réponse pragmatique aux enjeux de notre époque. Elle utilise la pensée systémique pour « élaborer en toute conscience des paysages qui imitent les schémas et les relations observés dans la nature et fournissent en abondance nourriture, fibres et énergie afin de subvenir aux besoins locaux ». En quatre décennies, la permaculture est devenue un mouvement international, apportant une contribution pratique au débat sur la soutenabilité.