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We have been told that we are living in the Anthropocene, a geological era shaped by humans rather than by nature. In ''Enlivenment,'' German philosopher Andreas Weber presents an alternative understanding of our relationship with nature, arguing not that humans control nature but that humans and nature exist in a commons of mutual transformation. There is no nature–human(...)
Enlivenment: toward a poetics for the anthropocene
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We have been told that we are living in the Anthropocene, a geological era shaped by humans rather than by nature. In ''Enlivenment,'' German philosopher Andreas Weber presents an alternative understanding of our relationship with nature, arguing not that humans control nature but that humans and nature exist in a commons of mutual transformation. There is no nature–human dualism, he contends, because the fundamental dimension of existence is shared in what he calls "aliveness." All subjectivity is intersubjectivity. Self is self-through-other. Seeing all beings in a common household of matter, desire, and imagination, an economy of metabolic and economic transformation, is ''enlivenment.'' This perspective allows us to move beyond Enlightenment-style thinking that strips material reality of any subjectivity.
Against nature
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Lorraine Daston asks why we continually seek moral orders in natural orders, despite so much good counsel to the contrary. She outlines three specific forms of natural order in the Western philosophical tradition — specific natures, local natures, and universal natural laws — and describes how each of these three natural orders has been used to define and oppose a(...)
Against nature
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Lorraine Daston asks why we continually seek moral orders in natural orders, despite so much good counsel to the contrary. She outlines three specific forms of natural order in the Western philosophical tradition — specific natures, local natures, and universal natural laws — and describes how each of these three natural orders has been used to define and oppose a distinctive form of the unnatural. She argues that each of these forms of the unnatural triggers equally distinctive emotions: horror, terror, and wonder.
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''For Want of a Nail'' takes as its starting point a series of curious memoranda sent from J. Robert Oppenheimer's office in October 1943 and archived in the Los Alamos Historical Museum, in which the eminent scientist repeatedly requests a nail in the wall upon which he could hang his hat. The persistence and specificity of the request for this nail inspired the(...)
mars 2019
Futurefarmers: For want of a nail
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''For Want of a Nail'' takes as its starting point a series of curious memoranda sent from J. Robert Oppenheimer's office in October 1943 and archived in the Los Alamos Historical Museum, in which the eminent scientist repeatedly requests a nail in the wall upon which he could hang his hat. The persistence and specificity of the request for this nail inspired the international art collective Futurefarmers to create, by hand (and after more than a half-century delay), three nails for the theoretical physicist: one forged from a meteorite, one cast using 1943 steel pennies, and a third made by re-fusing Trinitite, a material formed by residue from the Trinity nuclear bomb test. Throughout this multidisciplinary project, Futurefarmers constructs a narrative that runs parallel, and in some cases counter to, the conventional accounts of the Manhattan Project and Oppenheimer, its chief architect.
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This publication explores life in the age of climate change through a series of infrastructural puzzles - sites at which it has become impossible to disentangle the natural from the built environment. With topics ranging from breakwaters built of oysters, underground rivers made by leaky pipes, and architecture gone weedy to neighborhoods partially submerged by rising(...)
mars 2019
Infrastructure, environment and life in the anthropocene
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This publication explores life in the age of climate change through a series of infrastructural puzzles - sites at which it has become impossible to disentangle the natural from the built environment. With topics ranging from breakwaters built of oysters, underground rivers made by leaky pipes, and architecture gone weedy to neighborhoods partially submerged by rising tides, the contributors explore situations that destabilize the concepts we once relied on to address environmental challenges.
La pensée écologique
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Un essai consacré à la nécessité d'une pensée radicale et écologique pour faire face aux défis de l'anthropocène. Le réchauffement climatique a déclenché la sixième extinction de masse. Mais nous manquons d'outils pour penser cette ère de l'Anthropocène. Avec intelligence et humour, Timothy Morton nous libère des discours bien-pensants, tous ces petits pas pour un monde(...)
La pensée écologique
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Un essai consacré à la nécessité d'une pensée radicale et écologique pour faire face aux défis de l'anthropocène. Le réchauffement climatique a déclenché la sixième extinction de masse. Mais nous manquons d'outils pour penser cette ère de l'Anthropocène. Avec intelligence et humour, Timothy Morton nous libère des discours bien-pensants, tous ces petits pas pour un monde plus "vert" qui servent trop souvent à soulager les consciences et verdir les programmes électoraux. Avec cette publication, nous apprenons à penser différemment : nous affranchir du concept de Nature, penser grand (global plutôt que local), prendre conscience de l'étrange étrangeté du monde et des liens de tout avec tout.
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Professor, critic, and curator Catherine Geel directed the anthology of reference texts that comprises this book, which is published to document the common reflections of practitioners and researchers of the French section for ''Broken Nature,'' the 22nd International Exhibition of La Triennale di Milano. Besides an original text by Alain Badiou, the publication contains(...)
mars 2019
Extended french theory & the design field: on nature and ecology, a reader
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Professor, critic, and curator Catherine Geel directed the anthology of reference texts that comprises this book, which is published to document the common reflections of practitioners and researchers of the French section for ''Broken Nature,'' the 22nd International Exhibition of La Triennale di Milano. Besides an original text by Alain Badiou, the publication contains seven previously unpublished texts by various authors and an original dialogue between artist Mathieu K. Abonnenc and art historians Katia Schneller, Vanessa Theodoropoulou, Sandra Delacourt, and Aliocha Imhoff.
The three ecologies
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Extending the definition of ecology to encompass social relations and human subjectivity as well as environmental concerns, "The Three Ecologies" argues that the ecological crises that threaten our planet are the direct result of the expansion of a new form of capitalism and that a new ecosophical approach must be found which respects the differences between all living(...)
The three ecologies
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Extending the definition of ecology to encompass social relations and human subjectivity as well as environmental concerns, "The Three Ecologies" argues that the ecological crises that threaten our planet are the direct result of the expansion of a new form of capitalism and that a new ecosophical approach must be found which respects the differences between all living systems. A powerful critique of capitalism and a manifesto for a new way of thinking, the book is also an ideal introduction to the work of one of Europe's most radical thinkers.
Les trois écologies
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Contre la lecture médiatique des accidents écologiques, le philosophe propose de penser l'écologie environnementale avec l'écologie sociale et l'écologie mentale, à travers une lecture éthique et politique. Paru en 1989, cet essai examine les pratiques de recomposition des subjectivités individuelles et collectives au sein de nouveaux contextes techniques, scientifiques(...)
Les trois écologies
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Contre la lecture médiatique des accidents écologiques, le philosophe propose de penser l'écologie environnementale avec l'écologie sociale et l'écologie mentale, à travers une lecture éthique et politique. Paru en 1989, cet essai examine les pratiques de recomposition des subjectivités individuelles et collectives au sein de nouveaux contextes techniques, scientifiques et géopolitiques.
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Art, poetry, and essays by cultural anthropologists, experimental plant biologists, philosophers, botanists and foresters expose the complex interactions of the vibrant living world around us and give us a lens through which we can explore our intertwined histories.
mai 2019
Intertwined histories: plants in their social contexts
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Art, poetry, and essays by cultural anthropologists, experimental plant biologists, philosophers, botanists and foresters expose the complex interactions of the vibrant living world around us and give us a lens through which we can explore our intertwined histories.
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''On Active Grounds'' considers the themes of agency and time through the burgeoning, interdisciplinary field of the environmental humanities. Fourteen essays and a photo album cover topics such as environmental practices and history, temporal literacy, graphic novels, ecocinema, ecomusicology, animal studies, Indigeneity, wolf reintroduction, environmental history, green(...)
avril 2019
On active grounds: agency and time in the environmental humanities
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''On Active Grounds'' considers the themes of agency and time through the burgeoning, interdisciplinary field of the environmental humanities. Fourteen essays and a photo album cover topics such as environmental practices and history, temporal literacy, graphic novels, ecocinema, ecomusicology, animal studies, Indigeneity, wolf reintroduction, environmental history, green conservatism, and social-ecological systems change. The book also speaks to the growing concern regarding environmental issues in the aftermath of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21) and the election of Donald Trump in the United States. This collection is organized as a written and visual appeal to issues such as time (how much is left?) and agency (who is active? what can be done? what does and does not work?). It describes problems and suggests solutions.