Alphabet city 15: Air
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Air considers the condition of this basic component of life on earth from a range of perspectives. It reveals the thick materiality of air, air as stinky, clotted, corrupted matter—in a word, dirty. We see the stuff of air in the form of molecules from disintegrating artworks, or as the material for building forms; as the bearer of scents and germs and as the substrate(...)
Alphabet city 15: Air
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Air considers the condition of this basic component of life on earth from a range of perspectives. It reveals the thick materiality of air, air as stinky, clotted, corrupted matter—in a word, dirty. We see the stuff of air in the form of molecules from disintegrating artworks, or as the material for building forms; as the bearer of scents and germs and as the substrate for communications both digital and pneumatic. Air leads us to perceive air, and the imperative to protect it, anew.
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Grains raconte le célèbre procès intenté par la multinationale Monsanto contre un cultivateur de la Saskatchewan. En 1998, le géant des produits chimiques et des biotechnologies accuse Percy Schmeiser d’avoir violé son brevet sur une semence de colza génétiquement modifié : le canola Roundup Ready. Schmeiser prétendait que les graines étaient arrivées dans son champ par(...)
Grains: Monsanto contre Schmeiser
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Grains raconte le célèbre procès intenté par la multinationale Monsanto contre un cultivateur de la Saskatchewan. En 1998, le géant des produits chimiques et des biotechnologies accuse Percy Schmeiser d’avoir violé son brevet sur une semence de colza génétiquement modifié : le canola Roundup Ready. Schmeiser prétendait que les graines étaient arrivées dans son champ par contamination aérienne. L’histoire de sa longue résistance — et de sa défaite en Cour suprême du Canada — a fait le tour du monde. Poussant plus loin l’investigation, Annabel Soutar entraîne le lecteur dans les coulisses de l’agrobusiness en lui faisant vivre « de l’intérieur » les méthodes qu’emploie Monsanto pour introduire ses semences OGM dans les communautés agricoles du Canada et du monde entier
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For those who eagerly awaited its periodic appearance, it was more than a publication: it was a way of life. The Whole Earth Catalog billed itself as “Access to Tools,” and it grew from a Bay Area blip to a national phenomenon catering to hippies, do-it-yourselfers, and anyone interested in self-sufficiency independent of mainstream America. In recovering the history(...)
Counterculture green : The Whole Earth Catalog and American environmentalism
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For those who eagerly awaited its periodic appearance, it was more than a publication: it was a way of life. The Whole Earth Catalog billed itself as “Access to Tools,” and it grew from a Bay Area blip to a national phenomenon catering to hippies, do-it-yourselfers, and anyone interested in self-sufficiency independent of mainstream America. In recovering the history of the Catalog’s unique brand of environmentalism, Andrew Kirk recounts how San Francisco’s Stewart Brand and his counterculture cohorts in the Point Foundation promoted a philosophy of pragmatic environmentalism that celebrated technological achievement, human ingenuity, and sustainable living. By piecing together the social, cultural, material, environmental, and technological history of that philosophy’s incarnation in the Catalog, Kirk reveals the driving forces behind it, tells the story of the appropriate technology movement it espoused, and assesses its fate.
août 2007
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Après les sacrifiés à l’idole nucléaire, voici ceux du nouveau culte solaire : expropriés des « terres rares », des terres agricoles, des steppes et déserts réquisitionnés pour les centrales solaires, victimes des ravages environnementaux de cette nouvelle industrie. Les cobayes du laboratoire planétaire, eux, devront toujours leur énergie à une techno-caste spécialisée(...)
février 2013
Le soleil en face : rapport sur les calamités de l'industrie solaire et des prétendues énergies alternatives
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Après les sacrifiés à l’idole nucléaire, voici ceux du nouveau culte solaire : expropriés des « terres rares », des terres agricoles, des steppes et déserts réquisitionnés pour les centrales solaires, victimes des ravages environnementaux de cette nouvelle industrie. Les cobayes du laboratoire planétaire, eux, devront toujours leur énergie à une techno-caste spécialisée et toute-puissante.
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In the late 1960s the world was faced with impending disaster: the height of the Cold War, the end of oil and the decline of great cities throughout the world. Out of this crisis came a new generation that hoped to build a better future, influenced by visions of geodesic domes, walking cities and a meaningful connection with nature. In this brilliant work of cultural(...)
octobre 2015
Last futures : nature, technology and the end of architecture
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In the late 1960s the world was faced with impending disaster: the height of the Cold War, the end of oil and the decline of great cities throughout the world. Out of this crisis came a new generation that hoped to build a better future, influenced by visions of geodesic domes, walking cities and a meaningful connection with nature. In this brilliant work of cultural history, architect Douglas Murphy traces the lost archeology of the present day through the works of thinkers and designers such as Buckminster Fuller, the ecological pioneer Stewart Brand, the Archigram architects who envisioned the Plug-In City in the ’60s, as well as co-operatives in Vienna, communes in the Californian desert and protesters on the streets of Paris. In this mind-bending account of the last avant-garde, we see not just the source of our current problems but also some powerful alternative futures.