Palladio's Rome
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Andrea Palladio published two enormously popular guides to the churches and antiquities of Rome in 1554. Striving to be both scholarly and popular, Palladio invited his Renaissance readers to discover the charm of Rome’s ancient and medieval wonders, and to follow pilgrimage routes leading from one church to the next. He also described ancient Roman rituals of birth,(...)
Palladio's Rome
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Andrea Palladio published two enormously popular guides to the churches and antiquities of Rome in 1554. Striving to be both scholarly and popular, Palladio invited his Renaissance readers to discover the charm of Rome’s ancient and medieval wonders, and to follow pilgrimage routes leading from one church to the next. He also described ancient Roman rituals of birth, marriage, and death. Here translated into English and joined in a single volume, Palladio’s guidebooks allow modern visitors to enjoy Rome exactly as their predecessors did 450 years ago. Enhanced with illustrations and commentary, the book also includes the first full English translation of Raphael’s letter to Pope Leo X on the monuments of ancient Rome. For architectural historians, tourists, and armchair travelers, this book offers insights into the antiquarian and ecclesiastical preoccupations of one of the Renaissance architectural masters.
The Colosseum
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The Colosseum describes how the arena was built and at what cost; we are introduced to the emperors who sometimes fought in gladiatorial games staged at the Colosseum; and we take measure of the audience who reveled in, or opposed, these games. The authors also trace the strange afterlife of the monument—as fortress, shrine of martyrs, church, and glue factory.
The Colosseum
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The Colosseum describes how the arena was built and at what cost; we are introduced to the emperors who sometimes fought in gladiatorial games staged at the Colosseum; and we take measure of the audience who reveled in, or opposed, these games. The authors also trace the strange afterlife of the monument—as fortress, shrine of martyrs, church, and glue factory.
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This book examines house types from Britain to Syria to disclose how people imagined and articulated their place in the Roman world. Shelly Hales considers the nature and role of domestic decoration and its part in promoting social identities. From the Egyptian themes of imperial residences in Italy, to the viticultural designs found in the rock-cut homes in Petra, this(...)
The Roman house and social identity
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This book examines house types from Britain to Syria to disclose how people imagined and articulated their place in the Roman world. Shelly Hales considers the nature and role of domestic decoration and its part in promoting social identities. From the Egyptian themes of imperial residences in Italy, to the viticultural designs found in the rock-cut homes in Petra, this decoration consistently appeals to fantasies beyond the immediate realities of their inhabitants. Employing a wide range of approaches to the study of the house and acculturation in the Roman Empire, Hales' book is the first synthesis of Roman domestic architecture
Villas et palais de Rome
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A partir du XIVe siècle, Rome voit le nombre de ses palais s'accroître. Ils furent contruits par de prestigieux architectes tels que Michel Ange, Bramante, Sangallo, le Bernin et Fontana, et décorés par de célèbres peintres : Carrache, Salviati, Pierre de Cortone... La plupart de ces lieux renferment des oeuvres d'art de grande valeur : Raphaël, Titien, Corrège, Tintoret,(...)
Villas et palais de Rome
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A partir du XIVe siècle, Rome voit le nombre de ses palais s'accroître. Ils furent contruits par de prestigieux architectes tels que Michel Ange, Bramante, Sangallo, le Bernin et Fontana, et décorés par de célèbres peintres : Carrache, Salviati, Pierre de Cortone... La plupart de ces lieux renferment des oeuvres d'art de grande valeur : Raphaël, Titien, Corrège, Tintoret, Véronèse, etc.
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Vues de près, les peintures antiques de la villa Adriana à Tivoli, les fresques de Raphaël au palais du Vatican, mais aussi celles de la galerie des Carrache dans le palais Farnèse, et tant d’autres, offrent un spectacle étonnant. Ce sont des œuvres striées de noms, de dates et même d’esquisses, très différentes des images lisses, intactes et éclatantes auxquelles les(...)
Graffitis: inscrire son nom à Rome (XVe-XIXe siècle)
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Vues de près, les peintures antiques de la villa Adriana à Tivoli, les fresques de Raphaël au palais du Vatican, mais aussi celles de la galerie des Carrache dans le palais Farnèse, et tant d’autres, offrent un spectacle étonnant. Ce sont des œuvres striées de noms, de dates et même d’esquisses, très différentes des images lisses, intactes et éclatantes auxquelles les livres d’art nous ont habitués. Les graffitis y sont omniprésents. Ils furent réalisés par des artistes parfois célèbres, au cours de leur période de formation à Rome, par des amateurs lors du Grand Tour, par des soldats ou des touristes de passage à Rome entre les XVIe et XIXe siècles. Ce livre invite à un autre regard sur l’art et son histoire : non pas esthétique mais archéologique ; un regard de biais, littéralement. Ainsi rendus à leur visibilité, les graffitis donnent à voir une autre histoire du chef-d’œuvre, matérielle, tactile et anthropologique.
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This the compelling story of fifteenth-century Venice, at that time the mercantile and cultural capital of the world. There, the first genuine publishing houses open for business leading to an explosion of the written word and an unprecedented diffusion of human knowledge. Among the innovators who are driving these new cultural enterprises, one remarkable visionary, Aldo(...)
Bound in Venice : the serene republic and the dawn
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This the compelling story of fifteenth-century Venice, at that time the mercantile and cultural capital of the world. There, the first genuine publishing houses open for business leading to an explosion of the written word and an unprecedented diffusion of human knowledge. Among the innovators who are driving these new cultural enterprises, one remarkable visionary, Aldo Manuzio, a man credited with inventing the figure of the modern publisher, stands head and shoulders above the rest. Manuzio will publish the first printed editions of the Talmud, the Koran, the works of Erasmus of Rotterdam, and classics of Greek and Latin poetry and theater, bringing about a true revolution and the birth of the modern.
Praise for Venice
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The author explores all aspects of Venice’s achievements: the construction of its navy, its role as an economic powerhouse and birthplace of capitalism, its popularization of opera, the architecture of its watery environs, and more.
Praise for Venice
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The author explores all aspects of Venice’s achievements: the construction of its navy, its role as an economic powerhouse and birthplace of capitalism, its popularization of opera, the architecture of its watery environs, and more.
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La Campanie, heureux séjour des dieux et des muses abandonné aux puissances infernales. Une terre de culture, une terre de sang mêlé, aux sources de la civilisation romaine. En 79 de notre ère, l'explosion du Vésuve a couvert d'un linceul de cendres cet écrin de nature lumineux et tranquille. À Pompei, ou le temps fut suspendu, le voyageur croit tout comprendre de la vie(...)
Pompéi et la campanie antique
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La Campanie, heureux séjour des dieux et des muses abandonné aux puissances infernales. Une terre de culture, une terre de sang mêlé, aux sources de la civilisation romaine. En 79 de notre ère, l'explosion du Vésuve a couvert d'un linceul de cendres cet écrin de nature lumineux et tranquille. À Pompei, ou le temps fut suspendu, le voyageur croit tout comprendre de la vie des Anciens. Mais pense-t-il à se garder des illusions? Ce guide l'invite à relire le quotidien de ces cites retrouvées.
(disponible en magasin)
L'Europe actuelle est héritière de la Rome antique, cette mosaïque de nations unies par une même culture dans un territoire aussi vaste qu'il ne l'est aujourd'hui. La littérature, l'architecture, la peinture et la sculpture y ont été un langage commun, de l'Espagne à la Turquie, en passant par l'Afrique du Nord. Forum, aqueduc, amphithéâtre, villa romaine, où qu'ils se(...)
Rome et la naissance de l'art européen
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L'Europe actuelle est héritière de la Rome antique, cette mosaïque de nations unies par une même culture dans un territoire aussi vaste qu'il ne l'est aujourd'hui. La littérature, l'architecture, la peinture et la sculpture y ont été un langage commun, de l'Espagne à la Turquie, en passant par l'Afrique du Nord. Forum, aqueduc, amphithéâtre, villa romaine, où qu'ils se trouvent, traduisent cette cohérence et cette unité. Michel Meyer nous offre ici une synthèse sur l'art romain, la première en français depuis de nombreuses décennies. En apportant les preuves de sa grande originalité, il nous en propose une lecture philosophique, historique, esthétique, sociologique et politique, et nous aide à découvrir cette civilisation qui est l'ancêtre de la nôtre.
St. Peter's
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Built by the decree of Constantine, rebuilt by some of the most distinguished architects in Renaissance Italy, emulated by Hitler's architect in his vision for Germania, immortalized on film by Fellini, and fictionalized by a modern American bestseller, St. Peter's is the most easily recognizable church in the world. This book is a cultural history of one of the most(...)
St. Peter's
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Built by the decree of Constantine, rebuilt by some of the most distinguished architects in Renaissance Italy, emulated by Hitler's architect in his vision for Germania, immortalized on film by Fellini, and fictionalized by a modern American bestseller, St. Peter's is the most easily recognizable church in the world. This book is a cultural history of one of the most significant structures in the West. It bears the imprint of Bramante, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bernini, and Canova. For Grand Tourists of the eighteenth century, St. Peter's exemplified the sublime. It continues to fascinate visitors today and appears globally as a familiar symbol of the papacy and of the Catholic Church itself. The church was first built in the fourth century on what is thought to be the tomb of Peter - the rock upon which Christ decreed his church shall be built. After twelve hundred years, the church was largely demolished and rebuilt in the sixteenth century when it came to acquire its present-day form. St. Peter's awes the visitor by its gigantic proportions, creating a city within itself. It is the mother church, the womb from which churches around the world have taken inspiration. This book covers the social, political, and architectural history of the church from the fourth century to the present. From the threshold, to the subterranean Roman necropolis, to the dizzying heights of the dome, this book provides rare perspectives and contexts for understanding the shape and significance of the most illustrious church in the world.