Sensations urbaines
Sensations urbaines explore les perceptions et phénomènes urbains traditionnellement négligés, réprimés ou même dépréciés. Récusant la domination de l’impression visuelle dans l’environnement urbain, l’exposition, qui propose une réinterprétation des qualités latentes de la ville, offre une analyse complexe des commodités, des systèmes de communication et des dimensions(...)
Salles principales
26 octobre 2005 au 10 septembre 2006
Sensations urbaines
Sensations urbaines explore les perceptions et phénomènes urbains traditionnellement négligés, réprimés ou même dépréciés. Récusant la domination de l’impression visuelle dans l’environnement urbain, l’exposition, qui propose une réinterprétation des qualités latentes de la ville, offre une analyse complexe des commodités, des systèmes de communication et des dimensions(...)
Salles principales
18 File
text panels (introduction, urban design), photo of models, site plan. floor plans, elevations, sections, exploded axonometric projections, perspective
Text panels (introduction, urban design), photo of models
text panels (introduction, urban design), photo of models, site plan. floor plans, elevations, sections, exploded axonometric projections, perspective
18 File
25 drawing(s)
design development and working drawings - floor and reflected ceiling plans, sections, interior elevations, isometric projections, furniture details, miscellaneous details
Design development and working drawings - floor and reflected ceiling plans
design development and working drawings - floor and reflected ceiling plans, sections, interior elevations, isometric projections, furniture details, miscellaneous details
25 drawing(s)
File documents the unexecuted conversion of the Donmar rehearsal studio in Covent Garden, London, England, United Kingdom into an experimental theatre and late night meeting place. The client was the Fun Palace Trust ("Cedric Price Supplement", 'Architectural Design', vol. 40, (October 1970), 515) and negotiations for the conversion were undertaken with Donald Albery of New Theatre and Donmar Productions Limited. Movable platforms, furniture, and fittings were designed so that various seating and performance areas of different sizes could be created to accommodate a wide range of activities and entertainment of an impromptu nature. Survey drawings show the Donmar rehearsal studio and environs. Drawings for the conversion include plans, sections, axonometric projections, cutaway axonometric drawings showing the interior layout from two points of view, and conceptual sketches and perspectives of interior spaces in use. Axonometric drawings for fittings and furniture show platforms, a small stage, a chair/table, and a "conversation box". A drawing examines the sightlines of the converted interior by showing human figures in relationship with the movable units. Amended floor plans and sections show variations for the interior layout. Material in this file was produced between 1963 and 1964. File contains design development drawings and textual records.
File documents the unexecuted conversion of the Donmar rehearsal studio in Covent Garden, London, England, United Kingdom into an experimental theatre and late night meeting place. The client was the Fun Palace Trust ("Cedric Price Supplement", 'Architectural Design', vol. 40, (October 1970), 515) and negotiations for the conversion were undertaken with Donald Albery of New Theatre and Donmar Productions Limited. Movable platforms, furniture, and fittings were designed so that various seating and performance areas of different sizes could be created to accommodate a wide range of activities and entertainment of an impromptu nature. Survey drawings show the Donmar rehearsal studio and environs. Drawings for the conversion include plans, sections, axonometric projections, cutaway axonometric drawings showing the interior layout from two points of view, and conceptual sketches and perspectives of interior spaces in use. Axonometric drawings for fittings and furniture show platforms, a small stage, a chair/table, and a "conversation box". A drawing examines the sightlines of the converted interior by showing human figures in relationship with the movable units. Amended floor plans and sections show variations for the interior layout. Material in this file was produced between 1963 and 1964. File contains design development drawings and textual records.
File 53
Air Structures Research
File documents research on air structures for a survey and final report commissioned by the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works, United Kingdom. The report was completed in 1969 by Cedric Price in collaboration with Frank Newby and Robert H. Suan of Felix J. Samuely and Partners, Consulting Engineers, and published in 1971 by HMSO (Her Majesty's Stationery Office). In addition to the report titled 'Air Structures: A Survey', the file contains material on Cedric Price's presentation at the 1967 International Colloquium on Pneumatic Structures at the University of Stuttgart. The creation of the Lightweight Enclosure Unit (see AP144.S2.D79) by Cedric Price and Frank Newby and their involvement with the drafting of British Standards Institution's 1976 'Draft for Development: Air Structures' (see AP144.S2.D79 and AP144.S2.D91) were also results of this initial commission. The file contains publication layouts, including drawings for Aerofoam Furniture (see AP144.S2.D43) and possibly the Tunisia Report on Tourism; design development drawings and charts, including a two-year projection for air structure research, a project integration chart of important "players" in the research, including government, academic, and industrial contacts, a chart showing cost per surface area; and five presentation panels that include a title page, diagrammatic sketches of projects dating from 1963-1965, a summary of Aerofoam furniture, drawings for Surface Oil Containment (1967) clippings, and a manuscript. Some materials in this file were published in "Cedric Price Supplement", 'Architectural Design', vol. 40, (October 1970), 508-510, and Price, Cedric, 'Cedric Price-Works II', 18, 31. Material in this file was produced between 1966 and 1995, but predominantly between 1966 and 1971. File contains design development drawings, presentation drawings, presentation panels, and textual records.
1966-1995, predominant 1966-1971
Air Structures Research
File documents research on air structures for a survey and final report commissioned by the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works, United Kingdom. The report was completed in 1969 by Cedric Price in collaboration with Frank Newby and Robert H. Suan of Felix J. Samuely and Partners, Consulting Engineers, and published in 1971 by HMSO (Her Majesty's Stationery Office). In addition to the report titled 'Air Structures: A Survey', the file contains material on Cedric Price's presentation at the 1967 International Colloquium on Pneumatic Structures at the University of Stuttgart. The creation of the Lightweight Enclosure Unit (see AP144.S2.D79) by Cedric Price and Frank Newby and their involvement with the drafting of British Standards Institution's 1976 'Draft for Development: Air Structures' (see AP144.S2.D79 and AP144.S2.D91) were also results of this initial commission. The file contains publication layouts, including drawings for Aerofoam Furniture (see AP144.S2.D43) and possibly the Tunisia Report on Tourism; design development drawings and charts, including a two-year projection for air structure research, a project integration chart of important "players" in the research, including government, academic, and industrial contacts, a chart showing cost per surface area; and five presentation panels that include a title page, diagrammatic sketches of projects dating from 1963-1965, a summary of Aerofoam furniture, drawings for Surface Oil Containment (1967) clippings, and a manuscript. Some materials in this file were published in "Cedric Price Supplement", 'Architectural Design', vol. 40, (October 1970), 508-510, and Price, Cedric, 'Cedric Price-Works II', 18, 31. Material in this file was produced between 1966 and 1995, but predominantly between 1966 and 1971. File contains design development drawings, presentation drawings, presentation panels, and textual records.
File 63
1966-1995, predominant 1966-1971
documents textuels
correspondence, legal documents, financial documents, memos, notes, meeting reports, administration documents, invoices, AEA corporation documents, income projections, report Business Article
Correspondence, legal documents, financial documents, memos, notes, meeting reports
correspondence, legal documents, financial documents, memos, notes, meeting reports, administration documents, invoices, AEA corporation documents, income projections, report Business Article
documents textuels
L’exposition Lidée de la grande ville s’intéresse au rôle de l’urbanisme dans tout l’Empire austro-hongrois, avant et après sa dissolution, et enrichit l’histoire de l’architecture en mettant en évidence la diversité des tendances modernistes de cette période. Autour de la Première Guerre mondiale, cette diversité était le reflet des nombreuses identités nationales et(...)
Salles principales et vitrines
14 mai 2000 au 15 octobre 2000
L'idée de la grande ville : l'architecture moderne en Europe centrale, 1890–1937
L’exposition Lidée de la grande ville s’intéresse au rôle de l’urbanisme dans tout l’Empire austro-hongrois, avant et après sa dissolution, et enrichit l’histoire de l’architecture en mettant en évidence la diversité des tendances modernistes de cette période. Autour de la Première Guerre mondiale, cette diversité était le reflet des nombreuses identités nationales et(...)
Salles principales et vitrines
-relevés de Montréal des XIXe et XXe siècles avec une projection du nouveau port -plan d'ensemble du nouveau port -plan coupe du réaménagement de l'ancienne jetée Alexandra avec une usine de filtration de l'eau du Saint-Laurent -relevé du développement de la ville vers 1730 -plan détaillant la dernière plage, la première île et la fondation de la ville sur Pointe à Callière -coupe et élévation du bassin du port entre le quai et la jetée au niveau de la rue de la Callière -plan, coupe et élévation de la place d'Youville jusqu'au quai au niveau de la rue de la Callière -étude formelle du bassin du port
La mémoire virtuelle de Montréal
-relevés de Montréal des XIXe et XXe siècles avec une projection du nouveau port -plan d'ensemble du nouveau port -plan coupe du réaménagement de l'ancienne jetée Alexandra avec une usine de filtration de l'eau du Saint-Laurent -relevé du développement de la ville vers 1730 -plan détaillant la dernière plage, la première île et la fondation de la ville sur Pointe à Callière -coupe et élévation du bassin du port entre le quai et la jetée au niveau de la rue de la Callière -plan, coupe et élévation de la place d'Youville jusqu'au quai au niveau de la rue de la Callière -étude formelle du bassin du port
Alors que le cinéma décentralisé, expérimental et subversif gagne en importance à la fin des années 1960 et au début des années 1970, de nombreux groupes opérant dans le domaine de l’architecture, tels que Superstudio, Studio 9999 et Ant Farm explorent le médium du court métrage comme moyen d’élargir le discours architectural, d’intégrer à leurs projets des réflexions(...)
salle octogonale
21 septembre 2018 au 19 mai 2019
Récits pour un monde nouveau
Alors que le cinéma décentralisé, expérimental et subversif gagne en importance à la fin des années 1960 et au début des années 1970, de nombreux groupes opérant dans le domaine de l’architecture, tels que Superstudio, Studio 9999 et Ant Farm explorent le médium du court métrage comme moyen d’élargir le discours architectural, d’intégrer à leurs projets des réflexions(...)
salle octogonale
DR1987:0528 R/V
- This unused sheet was probably prepared for a drawing for Wayfarers' Chapel, Palos Verdes, California; the verso is ruled with an equilateral parallelogram grid typical of many Wayfarers' Chapel drawings (eg. DR1987:0530) and has some graphite lines, possibly for constructing orthographic projections.
between 1946 and 1950
Wayfarers' Chapel, Palos Verdes, California: Unused sheet ruled with an equilateral parallelogram grid
DR1987:0528 R/V
- This unused sheet was probably prepared for a drawing for Wayfarers' Chapel, Palos Verdes, California; the verso is ruled with an equilateral parallelogram grid typical of many Wayfarers' Chapel drawings (eg. DR1987:0530) and has some graphite lines, possibly for constructing orthographic projections.