- A set of fourteen silkscreen prints limited to five editions was submitted by Isozaki to the Tokyo City Hall Competition. Although complete, the CCA set was not that submitted. The prints, DR1988:0274 - DR1988:0287, compose a traditional set of architectural projections: plans, sections, elevations, and two perspectives.
Site plan for the Tokyo City Hall competition entry
- A set of fourteen silkscreen prints limited to five editions was submitted by Isozaki to the Tokyo City Hall Competition. Although complete, the CCA set was not that submitted. The prints, DR1988:0274 - DR1988:0287, compose a traditional set of architectural projections: plans, sections, elevations, and two perspectives.
- A set of fourteen silkscreen prints limited to five editions was submitted by Isozaki to the Tokyo City Hall Competition. Although complete, the CCA set was not that submitted. The prints, DR1988:0274 - DR1988:0287, compose a traditional set of architectural projections: plans, sections, elevations, and two perspectives.
Elevation of south side of complex for the Tokyo City Hall competition entry
- A set of fourteen silkscreen prints limited to five editions was submitted by Isozaki to the Tokyo City Hall Competition. Although complete, the CCA set was not that submitted. The prints, DR1988:0274 - DR1988:0287, compose a traditional set of architectural projections: plans, sections, elevations, and two perspectives.
- A set of fourteen silkscreen prints limited to five editions was submitted by Isozaki to the Tokyo City Hall Competition. Although complete, the CCA set was not that submitted. The prints, DR1988:0274 - DR1988:0287, compose a traditional set of architectural projections: plans, sections, elevations, and two perspectives.
Perspective view of north side of complex for the Tokyo City Hall competition entry
- A set of fourteen silkscreen prints limited to five editions was submitted by Isozaki to the Tokyo City Hall Competition. Although complete, the CCA set was not that submitted. The prints, DR1988:0274 - DR1988:0287, compose a traditional set of architectural projections: plans, sections, elevations, and two perspectives.
- A set of fourteen silkscreen prints limited to five editions was submitted by Isozaki to the Tokyo City Hall Competition. Although complete, the CCA set was not that submitted. The prints, DR1988:0274 - DR1988:0287, compose a traditional set of architectural projections: plans, sections, elevations, and two perspectives.
Perspective view of atrium for the Tokyo City Hall competition entry
- A set of fourteen silkscreen prints limited to five editions was submitted by Isozaki to the Tokyo City Hall Competition. Although complete, the CCA set was not that submitted. The prints, DR1988:0274 - DR1988:0287, compose a traditional set of architectural projections: plans, sections, elevations, and two perspectives.
Bien qu’ayant accueilli par le passé des concerts, le théâtre Paul-Desmarais est plus réputé pour tenir des conférences et des projections de films. Alors que des concerts traditionnellement présentés dans la Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur se produiront momentanément au CCA, des phénomènes musicaux pourront être réintroduits dans le théâtre, ouvrant à de nouvelles(...)
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais Mot(s)-clé(s):
CCA, Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur, concerts, musique de chambre, musique classique, relève musicale.
31 janvier 2024 au 17 mai 2024
Concerts de la Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur
Bien qu’ayant accueilli par le passé des concerts, le théâtre Paul-Desmarais est plus réputé pour tenir des conférences et des projections de films. Alors que des concerts traditionnellement présentés dans la Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur se produiront momentanément au CCA, des phénomènes musicaux pourront être réintroduits dans le théâtre, ouvrant à de nouvelles(...)
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais Mot(s)-clé(s):
CCA, Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur, concerts, musique de chambre, musique classique, relève musicale.
Design for a city-park gate
- A rendered elevation (and a plan in the upper left corner) of a city-park gate comprised of a monumental central arch and lower lateral wings with fountains. The style of the architecture is Neo-Baroque. Set in a monochrome, wash-rendered park landscape with a vignette of an 18th-century horse-and-carriage in the left foreground, the line drawing of the gate is competent, although the shadow projections are incorrectly drawn.
architecture, architecture de paysage
late 19th century ?
Design for a city-park gate
- A rendered elevation (and a plan in the upper left corner) of a city-park gate comprised of a monumental central arch and lower lateral wings with fountains. The style of the architecture is Neo-Baroque. Set in a monochrome, wash-rendered park landscape with a vignette of an 18th-century horse-and-carriage in the left foreground, the line drawing of the gate is competent, although the shadow projections are incorrectly drawn.
late 19th century ?
architecture, architecture de paysage
Dans son œuvre Provenance (2013), en images mobiles, l’artiste américaine Amie Siegel remonte à l’envers la route du commerce mondial de mobilier originaire de Chandigarh, à partir des résidences de collectionneurs européens et nord-américains, en passant par les ventes aux enchères, le processus de restauration, le transport outre-mer et, enfin, l’Inde. Le mobilier de(...)
24 avril 2014 , 18h
Conférence de l’artiste : Amie Siegel, Provenance
Dans son œuvre Provenance (2013), en images mobiles, l’artiste américaine Amie Siegel remonte à l’envers la route du commerce mondial de mobilier originaire de Chandigarh, à partir des résidences de collectionneurs européens et nord-américains, en passant par les ventes aux enchères, le processus de restauration, le transport outre-mer et, enfin, l’Inde. Le mobilier de(...)
documents textuels
2 files - correspondence, transmittals, pages from reports (Winnipeg Parking Authority, Central Business District Parking, Parking Demand Study) showing selected sites; Planning report from 1969, draft of planning report, Transportaion Study vol. 3 Projections and Recommendations, Feasibility Study for Pedestrian Concourse by Smith, Carter and Searle, Parking Authority Annual Report, Climate Controlled Central Business Core proposal by Waisman, Ross, Blankstein, etc. architects.
Correspondence, transmittals, pages from reports
2 files - correspondence, transmittals, pages from reports (Winnipeg Parking Authority, Central Business District Parking, Parking Demand Study) showing selected sites; Planning report from 1969, draft of planning report, Transportaion Study vol. 3 Projections and Recommendations, Feasibility Study for Pedestrian Concourse by Smith, Carter and Searle, Parking Authority Annual Report, Climate Controlled Central Business Core proposal by Waisman, Ross, Blankstein, etc. architects.
documents textuels
L'enseignement de... Luanda
Comptant plus de cinq millions d’habitants, la métropole Luanda est la troisième plus grande ville lusophone au monde, après São Paulo et Rio de Janeiro. L’architecte et chercheur Paulo Moreira propose des approches urbanistiques différentes fondées sur la recherche en cours effectuée à Chicala, un quartier informel de Luanda directement relié aux secteurs commerciaux et(...)
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais
1 novembre 2012 , 19h
L'enseignement de... Luanda
Comptant plus de cinq millions d’habitants, la métropole Luanda est la troisième plus grande ville lusophone au monde, après São Paulo et Rio de Janeiro. L’architecte et chercheur Paulo Moreira propose des approches urbanistiques différentes fondées sur la recherche en cours effectuée à Chicala, un quartier informel de Luanda directement relié aux secteurs commerciaux et(...)
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais
dessins, graphique, oeuvres d'art
- "[A] printed exercise book used by Charles Rohault de Fleury at the Ecole polytechnique in 1820-1821. The engraved plates proceed systematically from simple exercises in geometric projections to the most complex problems of stereotomy and construction of wooden roof sections. Many of the problems have been solved by Rohault and bear the approval seal of his professor." (Bergdoll, [1]). The group also includes nine loose sheets most of which appear to be cartographic exercises.
architecture, ingénierie, topographique
drawings executed between 1821 and 1822, prints executed 1812-1854
Workbook of draughting exercises with printed examples from the École polytechnique, Paris
- "[A] printed exercise book used by Charles Rohault de Fleury at the Ecole polytechnique in 1820-1821. The engraved plates proceed systematically from simple exercises in geometric projections to the most complex problems of stereotomy and construction of wooden roof sections. Many of the problems have been solved by Rohault and bear the approval seal of his professor." (Bergdoll, [1]). The group also includes nine loose sheets most of which appear to be cartographic exercises.
dessins, graphique, oeuvres d'art
drawings executed between 1821 and 1822, prints executed 1812-1854
architecture, ingénierie, topographique