This project series documents the Ceramique Terrein Blocos de habitação e escritórios in Maastricht, The Netherlands. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 6/90 A/B. The office assigned the date 1990 to this project. The project is located in the Ceramique district. The industrial area was revitalized during the nineties with buildings built by international architects, including Aldo Rossi's the Bonnefanten Museum and Jo Coenen's Centre Céramique. The building is divided into three independent buildings: Block 6, Block 7, and Block 8. Block 6 is made up of commercial space on the ground floor and residential units on the other six floors. Block 8 is the biggest unit of the project, with a double tower of 16 storeys. Block 7 is a four-storey building. The project was realized. Documenting this project are sketches and plans. Textual material includes correspondence and technical details. Photographic material documents the project site, construction work, and built project.
Ceramique Terrein Blocos de habitação e escritórios [Ceramic Terrain apartments and offices], Maastricht, The Netherlands (1990)
This project series documents the Ceramique Terrein Blocos de habitação e escritórios in Maastricht, The Netherlands. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 6/90 A/B. The office assigned the date 1990 to this project. The project is located in the Ceramique district. The industrial area was revitalized during the nineties with buildings built by international architects, including Aldo Rossi's the Bonnefanten Museum and Jo Coenen's Centre Céramique. The building is divided into three independent buildings: Block 6, Block 7, and Block 8. Block 6 is made up of commercial space on the ground floor and residential units on the other six floors. Block 8 is the biggest unit of the project, with a double tower of 16 storeys. Block 7 is a four-storey building. The project was realized. Documenting this project are sketches and plans. Textual material includes correspondence and technical details. Photographic material documents the project site, construction work, and built project.
House V
File documents an unexecuted project for House V. Material in this file was produced between 1971 and 1974 and in 1987. Documents include fourteen conceptual sketches by Eisenman (DR1994:0133:001-014); other conceptual drawings, mostly by members of Eisenman's office (DR1994:0133:014-131); and a partial set of presentation drawings (DR1994:0133:133-135). File contains conceptual drawings, including plans, elevations, sections, axonometrics, and perspectives - many graphite and some black felt-tip pen on tracing paper; sketchbooks - mostly black felt-tip pen on tracing paper; and one manuscript - graphite on ruled paper. Design development drawings include one plan - graphite on tracing vellum. Presentation drawings include plans, and one elevation - all pen and black ink on mylar.
1971-1974, 1987, predominant 1971-1974
House V
File documents an unexecuted project for House V. Material in this file was produced between 1971 and 1974 and in 1987. Documents include fourteen conceptual sketches by Eisenman (DR1994:0133:001-014); other conceptual drawings, mostly by members of Eisenman's office (DR1994:0133:014-131); and a partial set of presentation drawings (DR1994:0133:133-135). File contains conceptual drawings, including plans, elevations, sections, axonometrics, and perspectives - many graphite and some black felt-tip pen on tracing paper; sketchbooks - mostly black felt-tip pen on tracing paper; and one manuscript - graphite on ruled paper. Design development drawings include one plan - graphite on tracing vellum. Presentation drawings include plans, and one elevation - all pen and black ink on mylar.
File 13
1971-1974, 1987, predominant 1971-1974
documents textuels
Offer of Services and Permanent Files: York University expression of interest in campus concept plan, Maritime Museum of British Columbia (Victoria), Ontario Hydro Building proposal, Architects / Engineers questionaire, memo on filing Prblic Relations material, slides of models and projects (including Napp Laboratories, Calfornia Plaza, Air Defense Command, amongst others)
Offer of Services and permanent files for various projects
Offer of Services and Permanent Files: York University expression of interest in campus concept plan, Maritime Museum of British Columbia (Victoria), Ontario Hydro Building proposal, Architects / Engineers questionaire, memo on filing Prblic Relations material, slides of models and projects (including Napp Laboratories, Calfornia Plaza, Air Defense Command, amongst others)
documents textuels
Niveau de description archivistique:
The Kivi Sotamaa OCEAN North project records, 1997-2000, consist of born-digital files, drawings, photographs, and physical models that document two projects by the OCEAN North collective: Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre (competition, 1997) and Tölöö Football Stadium (competition, 1997). The archive also includes born-digital reference materials on 14 projects from the collective, including the two projects mentioned above.
Documents d’archives de Kivi Sotamaa pour les projets de OCEAN North
The Kivi Sotamaa OCEAN North project records, 1997-2000, consist of born-digital files, drawings, photographs, and physical models that document two projects by the OCEAN North collective: Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre (competition, 1997) and Tölöö Football Stadium (competition, 1997). The archive also includes born-digital reference materials on 14 projects from the collective, including the two projects mentioned above.
Niveau de description archivistique:
documents textuels
The box contains drafts, final copies, notes and correspondence for various articles, interviews, keynote addresses and lectures by Kenneth Frampton. The materials are organized in alphabetical order, from B-CO. The largest portion of the box is comprised of drafts and correspondence on Caltrava Bridges. Also included is a dossier for the International Committee of Architectural Critica (CICA). Other subjects and architects explored in these texts include Georges Baines, Luis Barragan, H.P. Berlage, Mario Botta, the British Library, Alberto Campo Baeza, China's sacred sites, and David Chipperfield.
Kenneth Frampton writings (B-CO)
The box contains drafts, final copies, notes and correspondence for various articles, interviews, keynote addresses and lectures by Kenneth Frampton. The materials are organized in alphabetical order, from B-CO. The largest portion of the box is comprised of drafts and correspondence on Caltrava Bridges. Also included is a dossier for the International Committee of Architectural Critica (CICA). Other subjects and architects explored in these texts include Georges Baines, Luis Barragan, H.P. Berlage, Mario Botta, the British Library, Alberto Campo Baeza, China's sacred sites, and David Chipperfield.
documents textuels
Rotor Deconstruction
Maarten Gielen présente les activités de Rotor, un groupe d’architectes, de designers et d’autres professionnels intéressés par les flux de matériaux dans l’industrie et la construction. Le groupe travaille en particulier sur les ressources, les déchets, l’utilisation et la réutilisation des matériaux. Rotor diffuse des stratégies innovatrices de récupération et de(...)
4 février 2016
Rotor Deconstruction
Maarten Gielen présente les activités de Rotor, un groupe d’architectes, de designers et d’autres professionnels intéressés par les flux de matériaux dans l’industrie et la construction. Le groupe travaille en particulier sur les ressources, les déchets, l’utilisation et la réutilisation des matériaux. Rotor diffuse des stratégies innovatrices de récupération et de(...)
Architectural projects
Series 1, Architectural Projects (1990-2012, predominant 1990-1996) contains files for seven projects developed by Shoei Yoh and the firm Shoei Yoh + Architects. Six of these projects were developed during the period 1990-1996 in Japan. The Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium in Imizu, Toyama Prefecture, Japan, is the most voluminous project file and is related to two other projects in the series—the Odawara Municipal Sports Complex and the Prospecta Toyama ’92 Observatory Tower. The Odawara Municipal Sports Complex and the Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium were developed at approximately the same time, and, for both projects, digital technology was used to calculate the dimensions of elements in a space frame roof structure. The Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium and the Prospecta Toyama ’92 Observatory Tower were both designed by Shoei Yoh for the 1st Japan Expo Toyama ’92 (JET ‘92) and each of the two project files contains some material related to the other. The Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium project contains CAD files related to the roof design, printouts from computer simulations of the roof, design drawings, presentation material, architectural and structural working drawings, models and textual records. The project file for the Odawara Municipal Sports Complex contains some design drawings--including printouts from computer simulations of the roof, proposal documents and some photographs of the site. The other built projects—the Prospecta Toyama ’92 Observatory Tower, the Glass Station, the Naiju Community Center and Nursery School, and the Uchino Community Center for Seniors and Children—are documented through drawings, models, and photographic material. The final project file in the series--a project for a tower in Taichung, Taiwan—is composed of a few presentation documents. Drawings in the series include hand drawings and printouts or photocopies of images created using digital design software. Apart from the CAD files related to the roof design for the Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium, digital material in the series is composed of still images in .jpg format related to the projects for the Odawara Municipal Sports Complex and the Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium. Some of the documents in .jpg format are duplicates of paper documents in the series.
1990-2012, predominant 1990-1996
Architectural projects
Series 1, Architectural Projects (1990-2012, predominant 1990-1996) contains files for seven projects developed by Shoei Yoh and the firm Shoei Yoh + Architects. Six of these projects were developed during the period 1990-1996 in Japan. The Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium in Imizu, Toyama Prefecture, Japan, is the most voluminous project file and is related to two other projects in the series—the Odawara Municipal Sports Complex and the Prospecta Toyama ’92 Observatory Tower. The Odawara Municipal Sports Complex and the Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium were developed at approximately the same time, and, for both projects, digital technology was used to calculate the dimensions of elements in a space frame roof structure. The Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium and the Prospecta Toyama ’92 Observatory Tower were both designed by Shoei Yoh for the 1st Japan Expo Toyama ’92 (JET ‘92) and each of the two project files contains some material related to the other. The Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium project contains CAD files related to the roof design, printouts from computer simulations of the roof, design drawings, presentation material, architectural and structural working drawings, models and textual records. The project file for the Odawara Municipal Sports Complex contains some design drawings--including printouts from computer simulations of the roof, proposal documents and some photographs of the site. The other built projects—the Prospecta Toyama ’92 Observatory Tower, the Glass Station, the Naiju Community Center and Nursery School, and the Uchino Community Center for Seniors and Children—are documented through drawings, models, and photographic material. The final project file in the series--a project for a tower in Taichung, Taiwan—is composed of a few presentation documents. Drawings in the series include hand drawings and printouts or photocopies of images created using digital design software. Apart from the CAD files related to the roof design for the Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium, digital material in the series is composed of still images in .jpg format related to the projects for the Odawara Municipal Sports Complex and the Galaxy Toyama Gymnasium. Some of the documents in .jpg format are duplicates of paper documents in the series.
1990-2012, predominant 1990-1996
This project series documents long-term planning for airports near Kabul, Afghanistan from 1974-1990. The office identified the project number as 7408. This project consisted of the planning of airports near Kabul for the years 1974-1990. This work was undertaken in joint venture with other Canadian firms who worked together on airport planning projects around the world. The firms, which consisted of Parkin Architects Planners as the architects, the Montreal Engineering Company Limited, and Peat, Marwick and Partners, joined with the local Afghan Bureau of Consulting Architects and Engineers for this project. It was to be funded by the Islamic Bank, with the Canadian government paying the design fees. The proposed airport, referred to as Logar Airport, consisted of a rectangular passenger terminal with each level set back to create the look of a staircase roofline. A 225 car parking lot, an administration building and a tower in the parking lot area were also included. The long-term plan showed a symmetrical addition built onto the passenger building and symmetrical 225 car parking lot to compliment it in the years following the original construction. An airport hotel was also proposed for future additions. A feasibility study for this project investigated Logar as a site for the airport, based on the ability to expand the terminal size for passenger processing and traffic, and the flexibility of the local topography. Planing, deplaning, processing and passenger flows were all investigated in this project, along with phasing and development plans. It is not clear from the project documentation if this project was ever built. The project is recorded through drawings, a photograph, and textual records dating from 1974-1976. The drawings include a large number of base plans with overlays to study planing and deplaning flows, natural lighting, and passenger movements. Plans, sections and presentation drawings are also included. The textual records consist of reports on the project program and costs, interoffice memos, correspondence, and financial records.
Kabul Area Airport Developments, Afghanistan (1974-1990)
This project series documents long-term planning for airports near Kabul, Afghanistan from 1974-1990. The office identified the project number as 7408. This project consisted of the planning of airports near Kabul for the years 1974-1990. This work was undertaken in joint venture with other Canadian firms who worked together on airport planning projects around the world. The firms, which consisted of Parkin Architects Planners as the architects, the Montreal Engineering Company Limited, and Peat, Marwick and Partners, joined with the local Afghan Bureau of Consulting Architects and Engineers for this project. It was to be funded by the Islamic Bank, with the Canadian government paying the design fees. The proposed airport, referred to as Logar Airport, consisted of a rectangular passenger terminal with each level set back to create the look of a staircase roofline. A 225 car parking lot, an administration building and a tower in the parking lot area were also included. The long-term plan showed a symmetrical addition built onto the passenger building and symmetrical 225 car parking lot to compliment it in the years following the original construction. An airport hotel was also proposed for future additions. A feasibility study for this project investigated Logar as a site for the airport, based on the ability to expand the terminal size for passenger processing and traffic, and the flexibility of the local topography. Planing, deplaning, processing and passenger flows were all investigated in this project, along with phasing and development plans. It is not clear from the project documentation if this project was ever built. The project is recorded through drawings, a photograph, and textual records dating from 1974-1976. The drawings include a large number of base plans with overlays to study planing and deplaning flows, natural lighting, and passenger movements. Plans, sections and presentation drawings are also included. The textual records consist of reports on the project program and costs, interoffice memos, correspondence, and financial records.
dessins, graphique
- Five competition drawings for a Temple of Glory on the site of the Madeleine, Paris, placed in an album by the architects, who also wrote the petition on folio 2. Apparently this album with its five drawings is the complete submission, since the other album guards have no traces of glue. Also received with the album, placed loosely inside it, were two pamphlets for different projects from the same competition. They were inserted at a later date, possibly by the collector Hippolyte-Alexandre-Gabriel-Walter Destailleur, whose bookplate appears on the front endpaper.
after 20 December 1806
Projet pour la Madeleine. Album de 5 dessins (vers 1806).
- Five competition drawings for a Temple of Glory on the site of the Madeleine, Paris, placed in an album by the architects, who also wrote the petition on folio 2. Apparently this album with its five drawings is the complete submission, since the other album guards have no traces of glue. Also received with the album, placed loosely inside it, were two pamphlets for different projects from the same competition. They were inserted at a later date, possibly by the collector Hippolyte-Alexandre-Gabriel-Walter Destailleur, whose bookplate appears on the front endpaper.
dessins, graphique
after 20 December 1806
documents textuels
The box contains drafts, final copies, notes and correspondence for various articles, interviews, keynote addresses, and lectures by Kenneth Frampton. The materials are organized in alphabetical order, from CO-FR.The largest portion of the box is comprised of: a dossier on DO.CO, MO.MO which includes correspondence, pamphlets, programs and newsletters; drafts and correspondence for "the Evolution of 20th Century: a Synoptic Account;" and transcripts of interviews with Kenneth Frampton. Other subjects and architects explored in these texts include the work of Charles Correa, Czech architecture and the avant-garde, Peter Felix, and Norman Foster.
circa 1965-2015
Kenneth Frampton writings (CO-FR)
The box contains drafts, final copies, notes and correspondence for various articles, interviews, keynote addresses, and lectures by Kenneth Frampton. The materials are organized in alphabetical order, from CO-FR.The largest portion of the box is comprised of: a dossier on DO.CO, MO.MO which includes correspondence, pamphlets, programs and newsletters; drafts and correspondence for "the Evolution of 20th Century: a Synoptic Account;" and transcripts of interviews with Kenneth Frampton. Other subjects and architects explored in these texts include the work of Charles Correa, Czech architecture and the avant-garde, Peter Felix, and Norman Foster.
documents textuels
circa 1965-2015