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This issue is dedicated to the politics of memory and forms of ritualized mourning in art and culture. Rather than focusing on an analysis of an ostensibly universal emotion or general state of affairs, the contributions look into the concrete and diverse practices of engagement with loss and grief as a continual challenge to society. Issue #126 addresses questions of(...)
Texte Zur Kunst 126: mourning
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This issue is dedicated to the politics of memory and forms of ritualized mourning in art and culture. Rather than focusing on an analysis of an ostensibly universal emotion or general state of affairs, the contributions look into the concrete and diverse practices of engagement with loss and grief as a continual challenge to society. Issue #126 addresses questions of loss and mourning in the context of racist and right-wing violence. At the same time, it draws attention to the transformative powers of grief.
xx, 252 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm
Austin : University of Texas Press, 1991.
Harwell Hamilton Harris / by Lisa Germany ; foreword by Kenneth Frampton ; introduction by Bruno Zevi.
xx, 252 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm
Austin : University of Texas Press, 1991.
vii, 496 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, ©2001.
Theory of garden art / C.C.L. Hirshfeld ; edited and translated by Linda B. Parshall.
vii, 496 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, ©2001.
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The workshop was an initiative of the Design & Emotion Society and was organized in collaboration with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Since its foundation in 1999, the Design & E motion Society has arranged a series of workshops in the Netherlands, Germany, England and Portugal, among other places. The society successfully organized energizing workshop events, and(...)
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The workshop was an initiative of the Design & Emotion Society and was organized in collaboration with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Since its foundation in 1999, the Design & E motion Society has arranged a series of workshops in the Netherlands, Germany, England and Portugal, among other places. The society successfully organized energizing workshop events, and the idea arose of finding a way to register the process and results of future workshops in order to inspire the three core strands of the society: researchers, industry & the design community.
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Comment concevoir la ville lorsque nos expériences les plus intimes sont constamment traquées et nos sentiments utilisés comme base à de nouveaux modes de production favorisant l’immatériel au détriment du matériel ? Depuis la crise financière de 2008, les listes d’indicateurs du bien-être et d’indices du bonheur, ainsi que les classements fondés sur la qualité de vie,(...)
Nos jours heureux : architecture et bien-être à l'ère du capitalisme émotionnel
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Comment concevoir la ville lorsque nos expériences les plus intimes sont constamment traquées et nos sentiments utilisés comme base à de nouveaux modes de production favorisant l’immatériel au détriment du matériel ? Depuis la crise financière de 2008, les listes d’indicateurs du bien-être et d’indices du bonheur, ainsi que les classements fondés sur la qualité de vie, circulent de manière virale. Parallèlement, les données émotionnelles présentées dans ces enquêtes, y compris les perceptions relatives aux notions de solitude, d’amitié et de peurs intimes, alimentent un agenda politique du bonheur en croissance et une nouvelle forme de marché dont l’atout le plus déterminant est l’« affect ». Nos jours heureux examine les implications architecturales de cette tendance en disséquant et en questionnant les conditions politiques, économiques et émotionnelles qui génèrent l’espace aujourd’hui. Structuré comme une narration visuelle – assortie de lectures critiques de William Davies, Daniel Fujiwara, Simon Fujiwara, Ingo Niermann, Deane Simpson et Mirko Zardini –, cet ouvrage présente l’architecture, la ville et le paysage comme des surfaces contestées, prises entre les lignes directrices intangibles des indices de bonheur, le nouveau marché des émotions et l’idéologie implacable de la positivité.
Publications du CCA
La géométrie des émotions: Les esthétiques scientifiques de l'architecture en France 1860-1950
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A une époque où l'esthétique française affine son statut de discipline scientifique. les architectes convoquent à leur tour un ensemble aux frontières mouvantes, articulant physiologie sensorielle, psychologie ou sociologie, et perméable à des courants plus ésotériques. Jusqu'où ces savoirs guident-ils le projet d'une rationalisation des états affectifs engendrés par(...)
La géométrie des émotions: Les esthétiques scientifiques de l'architecture en France 1860-1950
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A une époque où l'esthétique française affine son statut de discipline scientifique. les architectes convoquent à leur tour un ensemble aux frontières mouvantes, articulant physiologie sensorielle, psychologie ou sociologie, et perméable à des courants plus ésotériques. Jusqu'où ces savoirs guident-ils le projet d'une rationalisation des états affectifs engendrés par l'environnement bâti ? Comment s'ajustent-ils aux débats doctrinaux qui traversent le champ architectural ? De César Daly à André Lurçat, cet ouvrage propose d'explorer ces tentatives visant à fonder une science de l'esthétique architecturale. De l'éclectisme stylistique au purisme géométrique, l'hypothèse d'un vocabulaire émotif de l'architecture se décline à partir de modélisations variées des processus de perception : associationnisme, théories de l'empathie ou conceptions mécanistes. Se construisent autant de méthodes d'analyse formelle, qui tendent à réduire l'architecture à des composantes géométriques. L'ouvrage révèle des continuités inattendues, entre culture beaux-arts et mouvement moderne ; il met également en évidence les porosités des théories architecturales aux imaginaires scientifiques de leur temps.
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Byung-Chul Han, a star of German philosophy, continues his passionate critique of neoliberalism, trenchantly describing a regime of technological domination that, in contrast to Foucault’s biopower, has discovered the productive force of the psyche. In the course of discussing all the facets of neoliberal psychopolitics fueling our contemporary crisis of freedom, Han(...)
Psychopolitics: neoliberalism and new technologies of power
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Byung-Chul Han, a star of German philosophy, continues his passionate critique of neoliberalism, trenchantly describing a regime of technological domination that, in contrast to Foucault’s biopower, has discovered the productive force of the psyche. In the course of discussing all the facets of neoliberal psychopolitics fueling our contemporary crisis of freedom, Han elaborates an analytical framework that provides an original theory of Big Data and a lucid phenomenology of emotion. But this provocative essay proposes counter models too, presenting a wealth of ideas and surprising alternatives at every turn.
Théorie/ philosophie
348 pages : color illustrations ; 31 cm
Paris : Norma éditions, [2015]
Maurice Sauzet, poétique de l'architecture / sous la direction de Chris Younès ; textes de Augustin Berque, Maurice Sauzet, Chris Younès ; photographies de Christian Larrit.
348 pages : color illustrations ; 31 cm
Paris : Norma éditions, [2015]
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This publication is a collection of “favorite” designs as selected by 80 graphic designers, typographers, teachers, scholars, writers and design impresarios. Designers have preferences, like modern over postmodern, serif over sans serif, decorative over minimal, but designers could not be engaged in design practice if they did not love design. The reasons for such a(...)
I heart design, featuring 80 remarkable graphic designs
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This publication is a collection of “favorite” designs as selected by 80 graphic designers, typographers, teachers, scholars, writers and design impresarios. Designers have preferences, like modern over postmodern, serif over sans serif, decorative over minimal, but designers could not be engaged in design practice if they did not love design. The reasons for such a charged emotion varies from individual to individual, but there are certain commonalities regarding form, function, outcome, and more. Design triggers something in all of us that may be solely aesthetic or decidedly content-driven, but in the final analysis, we are drawn to it through the heart.
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Isaac Cordal is a sculpture artist from London whose sculptures take the form of "little people" sculpted from concrete and placed in "real" situations. Cordal manages to capture much emotion in his vignettes, in spite of the little people's lack of detail or color. He is sympathetic toward his little people and we empathize with their situations, their leisure time,(...)
novembre 2011
Isaac Cordal : cement eclipses, small interventions in the big city
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Isaac Cordal is a sculpture artist from London whose sculptures take the form of "little people" sculpted from concrete and placed in "real" situations. Cordal manages to capture much emotion in his vignettes, in spite of the little people's lack of detail or color. He is sympathetic toward his little people and we empathize with their situations, their leisure time, their waiting for buses and their more tragic moments such as accidental death, suicide or family funerals. His sculptures can be found in gutters, on top of buildings, on top of bus shelters - and in many other unusual and unlikely places.