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his book focuses on six brilliant women who are often seen as particularly tough-minded: Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag, Diane Arbus, and Joan Didion. Aligned with no single tradition, they escape straightforward categories. Yet their work evinces an affinity of style and philosophical viewpoint that derives from a shared attitude toward(...)
Tough enough: Arbus, Arendt, Didion, McCarthy, Sontag, Weil
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his book focuses on six brilliant women who are often seen as particularly tough-minded: Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag, Diane Arbus, and Joan Didion. Aligned with no single tradition, they escape straightforward categories. Yet their work evinces an affinity of style and philosophical viewpoint that derives from a shared attitude toward suffering. What Mary McCarthy called a “cold eye” was not merely a personal aversion to displays of emotion: it was an unsentimental mode of attention that dictated both ethical positions and aesthetic approaches. Tough Enough traces the careers of these women and their challenges to the pre-eminence of empathy as the ethical posture from which to examine pain. Their writing and art reveal an adamant belief that the hurts of the world must be treated concretely, directly, and realistically, without recourse to either melodrama or callousness. As Deborah Nelson shows, this stance offers an important counter-tradition to the familiar postwar poles of emotional expressivity on the one hand and cool irony on the other. Ultimately, in its insistence on facing reality without consolation or compensation, this austere “school of the unsentimental” offers new ways to approach suffering in both its spectacular forms and all of its ordinariness.
avril 2017
Théorie/ philosophie
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First published in 1992 to wide critical acclaim, ''Pictures from home'' is Larry Sultan’s pendant to his parents. Sultan returned home to Southern California periodically in the 1980s and the decade-long sequence moves between registers, combining contemporary photographs with film stills from home movies, fragments of conversation, Sultan’s own writings and other(...)
Larry Sultan: pictures from home
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First published in 1992 to wide critical acclaim, ''Pictures from home'' is Larry Sultan’s pendant to his parents. Sultan returned home to Southern California periodically in the 1980s and the decade-long sequence moves between registers, combining contemporary photographs with film stills from home movies, fragments of conversation, Sultan’s own writings and other memorabilia. The result is a narrative collage in which the boundary between the documentary and the staged becomes increasingly ambiguous. Simultaneously the distance usually maintained between the photographer and his subjects also slips in an exchange of dialogue and emotion that is unique to this work. Significantly increasing the page count of the original book, this MACK design of ''Pictures from home'' clarifies the multiplicity of voices – both textual and pictorial – in order to afford a fresh perspective of this seminal body of work. Emphasising the cinematic motion of the family’s home videos, the Super-8 film stills have been newly digitised and magnified, with select scenes running full-bleed across double-page spreads. Meanwhile, Sultan’s photographs of his parents as they go about their daily lives – against the quintessential backdrop of the Reagan-era American dream – are supplemented with previously unpublished images. Most significantly, the book honours Sultan as the oft-hailed ‘King of Colour Photography’.
Monographies photo
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François Chaslin, critique d'architecture et professeur à l'École d'architecture de Lille, mêle ici le témoignage au décryptage géopolitique, le reportage à l'analyse patrimoniale, avec rigueur et émotion.
Une haine monumentale : essai sur la destruction des villes en ex-Yougoslavie
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François Chaslin, critique d'architecture et professeur à l'École d'architecture de Lille, mêle ici le témoignage au décryptage géopolitique, le reportage à l'analyse patrimoniale, avec rigueur et émotion.
mai 1997, Paris
livres soldés
x, 349 pages ; 22 cm
Morgantown : West Virginia University Press, 2019., ©2019
Mountains piled upon mountains : Appalachian nature writing in the anthropocene / edited by Jessica Cory.
x, 349 pages ; 22 cm
Morgantown : West Virginia University Press, 2019., ©2019
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We are living through a global catastrophe. Buildings affect how we feel, moment by moment, day by day. They have the power to lift us up and make us feel awestruck, playful, safe, and inspired, just as they can make us feel alienated and sad. But many of the places where we live, work, learn, and heal have become monotonous and disposable. We’re surrounded by cheap,(...)
Humanize: A maker's guide to designing our cities
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We are living through a global catastrophe. Buildings affect how we feel, moment by moment, day by day. They have the power to lift us up and make us feel awestruck, playful, safe, and inspired, just as they can make us feel alienated and sad. But many of the places where we live, work, learn, and heal have become monotonous and disposable. We’re surrounded by cheap, boring buildings that make people stressed, sick, and unhappy. In short, much of our world has been crafted in a way that is hostile to human experience. Now, drawing on his experience of the last thirty years in making bold, beautiful objects and buildings, Thomas Heatherwick offers both an informed critique of the inhumanity in most of today’s contemporary building design, and a rousing call for action. Looking through Heatherwick’s eyes, we see familiar landmarks and cityscapes around the world, from London, Paris, Barcelona, Singapore, New York, Vancouver, and beyond, both old and new, famous and obscure, to learn how places can either sap the life out of us—or nourish our senses and our psyche. The time has come, he says, to put emotion back at the heart of the design process, and the reasons to do so could not be more urgent. Design is not superficial: it has an impact upon economics, climate change, our mental and physical wellbeing—even the peace and cohesion of our societies.
Théorie de l’urbanisme
Data feminism
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Today, data science is a form of power. It has been used to expose injustice, improve health outcomes, and topple governments. But it has also been used to discriminate, police, and surveil. This potential for good, on the one hand, and harm, on the other, makes it essential to ask: Data science by whom? Data science for whom? Data science with whose interests in mind?(...)
mars 2020
Data feminism
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Today, data science is a form of power. It has been used to expose injustice, improve health outcomes, and topple governments. But it has also been used to discriminate, police, and surveil. This potential for good, on the one hand, and harm, on the other, makes it essential to ask: Data science by whom? Data science for whom? Data science with whose interests in mind? The narratives around big data and data science are overwhelmingly white, male, and techno-heroic. In ''Data feminism,'' Catherine D'Ignazio and Lauren Klein present a new way of thinking about data science and data ethics—one that is informed by intersectional feminist thought. Illustrating data feminism in action, D'Ignazio and Klein show how challenges to the male/female binary can help challenge other hierarchical (and empirically wrong) classification systems. They explain how, for example, an understanding of emotion can expand our ideas about effective data visualization, and how the concept of invisible labor can expose the significant human efforts required by our automated systems. And they show why the data never, ever ''speak for themselves.'' ''Data feminism'' offers strategies for data scientists seeking to learn how feminism can help them work toward justice, and for feminists who want to focus their efforts on the growing field of data science. But ''Data feminism'' is about much more than gender. It is about power, about who has it and who doesn't, and about how those differentials of power can be challenged and changed.
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In this book the cultural critic Marita Sturken argues that over the past two decades, Americans have responded to national trauma through consumerism, kitsch sentiment, and tourist practices in ways that reveal a tenacious investment in the idea of America’s innocence. Sturken investigates the consumerism that followed from the September 11th attacks; the contentious,(...)
Tourists of History: memory, kitsch, and consumerism from Oklahoma City to Ground Zero
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In this book the cultural critic Marita Sturken argues that over the past two decades, Americans have responded to national trauma through consumerism, kitsch sentiment, and tourist practices in ways that reveal a tenacious investment in the idea of America’s innocence. Sturken investigates the consumerism that followed from the September 11th attacks; the contentious, ongoing debates about memorials and celebrity-architect designed buildings at Ground Zero; and two outcomes of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City: the Oklahoma City National Memorial and the execution of Timothy McVeigh. Sturken contends that a consumer culture of comfort objects such as World Trade Center snow globes, FDNY teddy bears, and Oklahoma City Memorial t-shirts and branded water, as well as reenactments of traumatic events in memorial and architectural designs, enables a national tendency to see U.S. culture as distant from both history and world politics. A kitsch comfort culture contributes to a “tourist” relationship to history: Americans can feel good about visiting and buying souvenirs at sites of national mourning without having to engage with the economic, social, and political causes of the violent events. While arguing for the importance of remembering tragic losses of life, Sturken is urging attention to a dangerous confluence—of memory, tourism, consumerism, paranoia, security, and kitsch—that promulgates fear to sell safety, offers prepackaged emotion at the expense of critical thought, contains alternative politics, and facilitates public acquiescence in the federal government’s repressive measures at home and its aggressive political and military policies abroad.
Construire le futur
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Au-delà de l'autobiographie et de la réflexion sur l'architecture, Construire le futur nous invite à une meilleure compréhension du monde et de nous-mêmes. Évoquant avec émotion et sincérité les moments-clés de son existence, Libeskind nous révèle comment son parcours l'a conduit à devenir le maître d'oeuvre du plus important chantier du XXIe siècle : le nouveau site du(...)
Construire le futur
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Au-delà de l'autobiographie et de la réflexion sur l'architecture, Construire le futur nous invite à une meilleure compréhension du monde et de nous-mêmes. Évoquant avec émotion et sincérité les moments-clés de son existence, Libeskind nous révèle comment son parcours l'a conduit à devenir le maître d'oeuvre du plus important chantier du XXIe siècle : le nouveau site du World Trade Center où s'élèvera la déjà célèbre Freedom Tower.
janvier 2005, Paris
Architecture, monographies
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Florence Lipsky et Pascal Rouet appellent ici à une véritable prise de conscience des enjeux liés à l'espace que cristallise l'architecture. Mot après mot se révèlent cette conception du métier, cette méthode de travail et cette manière unique d'appréhender les lieux et les cultures qui ont fait leur renom. Avec émotion, nous les suivons aux quatre coins du globe, nous(...)
Les 101 mots de l'architecture à l'usage de tous
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Florence Lipsky et Pascal Rouet appellent ici à une véritable prise de conscience des enjeux liés à l'espace que cristallise l'architecture. Mot après mot se révèlent cette conception du métier, cette méthode de travail et cette manière unique d'appréhender les lieux et les cultures qui ont fait leur renom. Avec émotion, nous les suivons aux quatre coins du globe, nous dévoilant - non sans humour - d'autres manières de penser le rapport entre un homme et son espace, entre un homme et un autre.
La beauté de la lumière
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Dans ces entretiens avec Laure Adler réalisés peu de mois avant sa mort en automne 2021, Etel Adnan retrace avec profondeur et émotion les expériences fondatrices de sa démarche artistique, entre la poésie et la peinture. De sa jeunesse au Liban à sa reconnaissance tardive (et « fatigante ») lors de la Documenta en 2013, en passant par ses années américaines à New York et(...)
La beauté de la lumière
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Dans ces entretiens avec Laure Adler réalisés peu de mois avant sa mort en automne 2021, Etel Adnan retrace avec profondeur et émotion les expériences fondatrices de sa démarche artistique, entre la poésie et la peinture. De sa jeunesse au Liban à sa reconnaissance tardive (et « fatigante ») lors de la Documenta en 2013, en passant par ses années américaines à New York et surtout en Californie, la conversation devient vite complice, et c’est le destin parfois difficile des femmes qui est revisité, questionné.
Théorie de l’art