Niveau de description archivistique:
Fonds Ross & Macdonald
The Ross & Macdonald fonds is comprised of documents concerning the work of six successive architectural firms: Ross & MacFarlane (1905-1912), Ross & Macdonald (1913-1944), Ross & Ross (1944-1946), Ross, Patterson, Townsend & Heughan (1946-1950), Ross, Patterson, Townsend & Fish (1950-1958), and Ross, Fish, Duschenes & Barrett (1958-1976). The greatest concentration of work was produced in Montreal where each of the firms maintained their head office, but there were also a large number of works executed in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The fonds contains 27 884 drawings (24 294 originals plus 3 590 reproductions), 236 photographs, and 18.6 metres of textual documents.
Fonds Ross & Macdonald
The Ross & Macdonald fonds is comprised of documents concerning the work of six successive architectural firms: Ross & MacFarlane (1905-1912), Ross & Macdonald (1913-1944), Ross & Ross (1944-1946), Ross, Patterson, Townsend & Heughan (1946-1950), Ross, Patterson, Townsend & Fish (1950-1958), and Ross, Fish, Duschenes & Barrett (1958-1976). The greatest concentration of work was produced in Montreal where each of the firms maintained their head office, but there were also a large number of works executed in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The fonds contains 27 884 drawings (24 294 originals plus 3 590 reproductions), 236 photographs, and 18.6 metres of textual documents.
Niveau de description archivistique:
- This album contains studies by Charles Rohault de Fleury of the five classical orders. The majority of the drawings are from his student years at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts (1822-1825). Others are from his student years at the Ecole Polytechnique (1820-1822), or drawings executed while he was a practicing architect (after 1825). Although the drawings are not physically organized into categories within the album, they can be divided into three groups according to their architectural sources: paradigmatic examples taken from named monuments of Greek and Roman architecture, examples taken from unnamed architectural monuments or treatises, and examples after 16th century Italian and French interpretors of the classical tradition, such as Palladio, Serlio, Vignola and Delorme. The only exception to these categories is the drawing of the "soubassement" for the pavilions of the Louvre (DR1974:0002:021:032 R/V). Most of the drawings focus on the proportions of the orders, their disposition within the portico in terms of intercolumnar spacing and number of columns, and the proper moulding and ornamentation particular to each order. This album also contains four etchings of similar subject matter by Gaitte, Stévigny, Piranesi, and an unknown early 19th century etcher.
drawings executed between 1818-1832, prints executed 1776 ?-1832
Album of mostly student drawings of the Orders
- This album contains studies by Charles Rohault de Fleury of the five classical orders. The majority of the drawings are from his student years at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts (1822-1825). Others are from his student years at the Ecole Polytechnique (1820-1822), or drawings executed while he was a practicing architect (after 1825). Although the drawings are not physically organized into categories within the album, they can be divided into three groups according to their architectural sources: paradigmatic examples taken from named monuments of Greek and Roman architecture, examples taken from unnamed architectural monuments or treatises, and examples after 16th century Italian and French interpretors of the classical tradition, such as Palladio, Serlio, Vignola and Delorme. The only exception to these categories is the drawing of the "soubassement" for the pavilions of the Louvre (DR1974:0002:021:032 R/V). Most of the drawings focus on the proportions of the orders, their disposition within the portico in terms of intercolumnar spacing and number of columns, and the proper moulding and ornamentation particular to each order. This album also contains four etchings of similar subject matter by Gaitte, Stévigny, Piranesi, and an unknown early 19th century etcher.
dessins, oeuvres d'art
drawings executed between 1818-1832, prints executed 1776 ?-1832
Le rôle élargi: SITU
Bradley Samuels présente le travail récent de SITU Research et le rôle joué par la recherche au sein de la pratique de SITU dans son ensemble. Une série d’études de cas sera présentée, explorant le rôle élargi de la pratique architecturale et spatiale à travers un éventail de domaines, des droits humains à la politique publique, de la science de la terre au design(...)
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais
14 janvier 2016
Le rôle élargi: SITU
Bradley Samuels présente le travail récent de SITU Research et le rôle joué par la recherche au sein de la pratique de SITU dans son ensemble. Une série d’études de cas sera présentée, explorant le rôle élargi de la pratique architecturale et spatiale à travers un éventail de domaines, des droits humains à la politique publique, de la science de la terre au design(...)
Théâtre Paul-Desmarais
- This album contains original designs - mostly preliminary drawings - by Charles and possibly Hubert Rohault de Fleury for theatres and miscellaneous projects, record drawings and prints of French, and perhaps Italian, theatres, and prints for a diverse collection of other French subjects. Drawings and prints for theatres include: traced plans, perhaps of Italian theatres; preliminary plans for theatres designed by Charles Rohault de Fleury; a plan of Théâtre de variétés, Paris, signed by the architect, Jacques Cellérier; prints of Théâtre de l'Odéon, Paris, designed by Charles de Wailly and Marie-Joseph Peyre; a print of Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin, Paris, designed by Nicolas Lenoir; a proposal for an opera house, Paris, by Hector Horeau with a plan and perspective; and an engraving of the inscription for the first stone of the Grand-Théâtre, Lyon, designed by Antoine-Marie Chenavard and Jean Pollet. The remaining prints in the album date from the 18th and 19th centuries and include: a competition entry by Louis-Pierre Baltard for a monument at Bordeaux dedicated to the triumphs of the Republican army and to peace; a stable for the Czarina commissioned by Peter I and designed by François Bruant; decorations by Victor Louis for the "fêtes de paix" of 1763 and the inauguration of an equestrian statue of Louis XV for the Théâtre italien dedicated to the Marquis de Marigny; a funerary temple by Louis-Jean Desprez dedicated to Voltaire; a stable with two manèges by Jean François de Neufforge; a competition entry for an obelisk for Pont-Neuf, Paris, by Thomas Pierre Baraguay; a plan and two engravings of the Cirque for the Confédération générale, 14 July 1790, on the Champ-de-Mars; an advertising flyer for Louis Ambroise Dubut's book, "Architecture civile: maison de ville et de campagne"; and a prospectus and print of the Néothermes, rue de la Victoire, Paris, designed by Jean Charles Bringol. Three design drawings are for two projects by Charles Rohault de Fleury - an iron arcade for boulevard du Temple, Paris, and a bathroom or public bath (DR1974:0002:010:013, DR1974:0002:010:014 and DR1974:0002:010:044). A finished drawing for entrance gates (DR1974:0002:010:047) and unidentified sketches and notes (DR1974:0002:010:019 - DR1974:0002:010:022) are by either Hubert or Charles Rohault de Fleury.
architecture, architecture temporaire, design d'intérieur, militaire, urbanisme
drawings executed ca. 1790-1868, manuscripts 1802-1868, printed 1717-1868
Album of drawings, prints, and manuscripts of theatres and of French projects for buildings, monuments and temporary structures, and drawings and prints by Hubert and Charles Rohault de Fleury for theatres and miscellaneous projects
- This album contains original designs - mostly preliminary drawings - by Charles and possibly Hubert Rohault de Fleury for theatres and miscellaneous projects, record drawings and prints of French, and perhaps Italian, theatres, and prints for a diverse collection of other French subjects. Drawings and prints for theatres include: traced plans, perhaps of Italian theatres; preliminary plans for theatres designed by Charles Rohault de Fleury; a plan of Théâtre de variétés, Paris, signed by the architect, Jacques Cellérier; prints of Théâtre de l'Odéon, Paris, designed by Charles de Wailly and Marie-Joseph Peyre; a print of Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin, Paris, designed by Nicolas Lenoir; a proposal for an opera house, Paris, by Hector Horeau with a plan and perspective; and an engraving of the inscription for the first stone of the Grand-Théâtre, Lyon, designed by Antoine-Marie Chenavard and Jean Pollet. The remaining prints in the album date from the 18th and 19th centuries and include: a competition entry by Louis-Pierre Baltard for a monument at Bordeaux dedicated to the triumphs of the Republican army and to peace; a stable for the Czarina commissioned by Peter I and designed by François Bruant; decorations by Victor Louis for the "fêtes de paix" of 1763 and the inauguration of an equestrian statue of Louis XV for the Théâtre italien dedicated to the Marquis de Marigny; a funerary temple by Louis-Jean Desprez dedicated to Voltaire; a stable with two manèges by Jean François de Neufforge; a competition entry for an obelisk for Pont-Neuf, Paris, by Thomas Pierre Baraguay; a plan and two engravings of the Cirque for the Confédération générale, 14 July 1790, on the Champ-de-Mars; an advertising flyer for Louis Ambroise Dubut's book, "Architecture civile: maison de ville et de campagne"; and a prospectus and print of the Néothermes, rue de la Victoire, Paris, designed by Jean Charles Bringol. Three design drawings are for two projects by Charles Rohault de Fleury - an iron arcade for boulevard du Temple, Paris, and a bathroom or public bath (DR1974:0002:010:013, DR1974:0002:010:014 and DR1974:0002:010:044). A finished drawing for entrance gates (DR1974:0002:010:047) and unidentified sketches and notes (DR1974:0002:010:019 - DR1974:0002:010:022) are by either Hubert or Charles Rohault de Fleury.
dessins, documents textuels, oeuvres d'art
drawings executed ca. 1790-1868, manuscripts 1802-1868, printed 1717-1868
architecture, architecture temporaire, design d'intérieur, militaire, urbanisme
Niveau de description archivistique:
R&Sie(n) project records, 2002-2015, document the development and design process of four projects of the firm: Water Flux (2002-2010), I’ve heard about (2004-2006), Olzweg (2006) and Une architecture des humeurs (2008-2011). The records consist of original born-digital material in addition to two models for Water Flux.
Document d’archives des projets de R&Sie(n)
R&Sie(n) project records, 2002-2015, document the development and design process of four projects of the firm: Water Flux (2002-2010), I’ve heard about (2004-2006), Olzweg (2006) and Une architecture des humeurs (2008-2011). The records consist of original born-digital material in addition to two models for Water Flux.
Niveau de description archivistique:
xxiv, 115 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2011.
Derrida for architects / Richard Coyne.
xxiv, 115 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2011.
5 preliminary leaves, 174 pages frontispiece, plates 23 cm
New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1926.
Sketching in lead pencil for architects and others, by Jasper Salwey.
5 preliminary leaves, 174 pages frontispiece, plates 23 cm
New York, C. Scribner's Sons, 1926.
203, [1] pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 15 x 21 cm
London : Studio 8 Architects, ©2000.
Sins, other spatial relatives.
203, [1] pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 15 x 21 cm
London : Studio 8 Architects, ©2000.
8 pages ; 24 cm
New York : Interior Conduit & Insulation Co., [1892]
Cautionary notice to architects, builders, owners, and others.
8 pages ; 24 cm
New York : Interior Conduit & Insulation Co., [1892]
v, 44 leaves ; 28 cm
Architects on love : an annotated bibliography on the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili and other related projects / by Alberto Pérez-Gómez and Louise Pelletier.
v, 44 leaves ; 28 cm