né numérique, photographies
File includes both a disk image and digital files carved from the disk image using the Sleuth Kit command line utility tsk_recover. Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Tagged Image File Format. Also includes one photograph of the former International Civil Aviation Organisation building, Montréal, Québec, and one photograph of the former Engineering Institute of Canada building, Montréal, Québec.
Photographs, Fraternity house, Montréal, Québec
File includes both a disk image and digital files carved from the disk image using the Sleuth Kit command line utility tsk_recover. Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Tagged Image File Format. Also includes one photograph of the former International Civil Aviation Organisation building, Montréal, Québec, and one photograph of the former Engineering Institute of Canada building, Montréal, Québec.
né numérique, photographies
Project records document OCEAN North’s design for their competition entry for the Töölö Football Stadium in Helsinki in 1997. The project was titled Open Arena by OCEAN North. The site for the football stadium was in the Töölö neighbourhood and adjoining the Helsinki Olympic Stadium, located in a park area. OCEAN North’s entry was a building that would integrate with its natural surroundings while being able to accommodate a variety of activities and events. The structure has three topological surfaces that were devised through an iterative process: initial drawings made in Adobe Illustrator, modelling made with form*Z and manually transferred on Plexiglas sections, modifications made on the Plexiglas sections captured back into the CAD drawing, etc. At some point in the design process, the Channelling Systems approach was developed and used to analyze the structure’s dynamic relationship with its surroundings. Records show different stages of the design process and include at least one photograph of the Plexiglas sections referenced above. Digital files are grouped according to their function: Channelling Systems analysis, 2D graft spatial exploration, and plans and sections. There are also libraries of images and textures which may have been used for other drawings and models. Over half of the files are raster or vector images likely created by CAD software. This includes images of renderings. CAD drawings are in the native Microstation format, although one is in form*Z format. Textual records present the project and for the most part are the accompanying documentation for the competition entry, including legends for plans and sections. Timestamps for some of the digital files extend past the date of the competition. It is likely that these dates reflect when files were transferred to the Jaz drive for storage.
Open Arena – Töölö Football Stadium, international competition entry, Helsinki, Finland (1997)
Project records document OCEAN North’s design for their competition entry for the Töölö Football Stadium in Helsinki in 1997. The project was titled Open Arena by OCEAN North. The site for the football stadium was in the Töölö neighbourhood and adjoining the Helsinki Olympic Stadium, located in a park area. OCEAN North’s entry was a building that would integrate with its natural surroundings while being able to accommodate a variety of activities and events. The structure has three topological surfaces that were devised through an iterative process: initial drawings made in Adobe Illustrator, modelling made with form*Z and manually transferred on Plexiglas sections, modifications made on the Plexiglas sections captured back into the CAD drawing, etc. At some point in the design process, the Channelling Systems approach was developed and used to analyze the structure’s dynamic relationship with its surroundings. Records show different stages of the design process and include at least one photograph of the Plexiglas sections referenced above. Digital files are grouped according to their function: Channelling Systems analysis, 2D graft spatial exploration, and plans and sections. There are also libraries of images and textures which may have been used for other drawings and models. Over half of the files are raster or vector images likely created by CAD software. This includes images of renderings. CAD drawings are in the native Microstation format, although one is in form*Z format. Textual records present the project and for the most part are the accompanying documentation for the competition entry, including legends for plans and sections. Timestamps for some of the digital files extend past the date of the competition. It is likely that these dates reflect when files were transferred to the Jaz drive for storage.
This project series documents Pettena's movie "Intens, Progetto d'Architettura", produced in 1971. The movie consists of a three minutes sequence of Pettena sitting at a drawing board while doing various things except working on a design. "The film ironically represents the attitude of indifference shown by those who had to use the usual instruments to practice architecture." [1] The project series contains printouts of film stills, project descriptions in English and in Italian, and a digital version of the film. An online version of the "Intens, Progetto d'Architettura" can be found on Gianni Pettena website (see https://www.giannipettena.it/italiano/opere-1/ff-intens-1971-1/). Source: [1] Gianni Pettena website, https://www.giannipettena.it/italiano/opere-1/ff-intens-1971-1/ (last accessed 4 November 2019).
circa 1971-2015
Intens, Progetto d’Architetture [Intens, Architectural project] (1971)
This project series documents Pettena's movie "Intens, Progetto d'Architettura", produced in 1971. The movie consists of a three minutes sequence of Pettena sitting at a drawing board while doing various things except working on a design. "The film ironically represents the attitude of indifference shown by those who had to use the usual instruments to practice architecture." [1] The project series contains printouts of film stills, project descriptions in English and in Italian, and a digital version of the film. An online version of the "Intens, Progetto d'Architettura" can be found on Gianni Pettena website (see https://www.giannipettena.it/italiano/opere-1/ff-intens-1971-1/). Source: [1] Gianni Pettena website, https://www.giannipettena.it/italiano/opere-1/ff-intens-1971-1/ (last accessed 4 November 2019).
circa 1971-2015
Competition and design
Series 1: Competition and design, 1996 – 2014, consists of approximately 9000 born-digital files that document the competition and design phases of the Hypo Alpe-Adria Center. The majority of the records date from 1996 to 2001. This series largely contains materials relating to design, including files showing early conceptualization of the project, the competition entry, presentation boards, and various iterations of the design through the final design documentation. It is documented primarily through more than 3300 CAD drawings, including floorplans, sections, and elevations, whose formats include PowerCAD, PowerDraw, Microstation, and AutoCAD. There are also more than 650 image files, including renderings, sketches, and photographs of the physical model and construction site. This series also includes a limited amount of additional textual documentation.
1996 - 2014
Competition and design
Series 1: Competition and design, 1996 – 2014, consists of approximately 9000 born-digital files that document the competition and design phases of the Hypo Alpe-Adria Center. The majority of the records date from 1996 to 2001. This series largely contains materials relating to design, including files showing early conceptualization of the project, the competition entry, presentation boards, and various iterations of the design through the final design documentation. It is documented primarily through more than 3300 CAD drawings, including floorplans, sections, and elevations, whose formats include PowerCAD, PowerDraw, Microstation, and AutoCAD. There are also more than 650 image files, including renderings, sketches, and photographs of the physical model and construction site. This series also includes a limited amount of additional textual documentation.
1996 - 2014
The subseries documents the travelling exhibition “Reciclando Madrid” curated by Abalos & Herreros and by the architectural firm BOPBAA. A book was also published in Spanish with the same title and in English as “Recycling Madrid.” The exhibition and publication are based on the firm’s projects. It was held, among other places, at the Col.legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona (June 20th to September 9th, 2000). The exhibition was coordinated with two other exhibitions: Emergencias, by the Ministeri de Foment, cero9, Ángel Borregoi and Eduardo Arroyo; and Fotografías : s’exposarà l’obra fotogràfica de Luís Asín sobre el paisatge de l’abocador de Valdemingómez, obra dels arquitectes Abalos & Herreros. Documenting the exhibition are presentation and working drawings, correspondence, press-kit, exhibition ephemera and brochures, clippings, and reference, digital, graphic and photographic materials.
Reciclando Madrid
The subseries documents the travelling exhibition “Reciclando Madrid” curated by Abalos & Herreros and by the architectural firm BOPBAA. A book was also published in Spanish with the same title and in English as “Recycling Madrid.” The exhibition and publication are based on the firm’s projects. It was held, among other places, at the Col.legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona (June 20th to September 9th, 2000). The exhibition was coordinated with two other exhibitions: Emergencias, by the Ministeri de Foment, cero9, Ángel Borregoi and Eduardo Arroyo; and Fotografías : s’exposarà l’obra fotogràfica de Luís Asín sobre el paisatge de l’abocador de Valdemingómez, obra dels arquitectes Abalos & Herreros. Documenting the exhibition are presentation and working drawings, correspondence, press-kit, exhibition ephemera and brochures, clippings, and reference, digital, graphic and photographic materials.
Niveau de description archivistique:
Kaiman Lee fonds
The Kaiman Lee fonds, circa 1965 – 2006, documents the professional and academic career of Dr. Kaiman Lee. The material in the fonds also represents the publishing activities of the Environmental Design and Research Center, and the Center for Environmental Research, both based in Boston. The fonds also covers Lee’s academic pursuits as a student and lecturer. The fonds also contains computer parts related to the ARK Two computer-aided design system which Lee worked on during his time at the Boston-based firm Perry, Dean and Stewart Architects. The records within the fonds largely consists of photographic materials, publications, and artefacts.
circa 1965 - 2006
Kaiman Lee fonds
The Kaiman Lee fonds, circa 1965 – 2006, documents the professional and academic career of Dr. Kaiman Lee. The material in the fonds also represents the publishing activities of the Environmental Design and Research Center, and the Center for Environmental Research, both based in Boston. The fonds also covers Lee’s academic pursuits as a student and lecturer. The fonds also contains computer parts related to the ARK Two computer-aided design system which Lee worked on during his time at the Boston-based firm Perry, Dean and Stewart Architects. The records within the fonds largely consists of photographic materials, publications, and artefacts.
Niveau de description archivistique:
circa 1965 - 2006
Niveau de description archivistique:
Fonds Ábalos&Herreros
The Ábalos&Herreros fonds documents the activities of the architectural firm Ábalos&Herreros, founded by architects Iñaki Ábalos and Juan Herreros. The archive primarily consists of drawings, photographic materials and textual documentation, and covers the existance of the firm from 1985 to 2008. The concentration of the firm's work was produced in the city of Madrid and the Community of Madrid where the firm maintained its head office. However, the archive also documents projects for other Spanish autonomous communities as well as for other countries such as Portugal, Germany, the United States, and Brazil.
Fonds Ábalos&Herreros
The Ábalos&Herreros fonds documents the activities of the architectural firm Ábalos&Herreros, founded by architects Iñaki Ábalos and Juan Herreros. The archive primarily consists of drawings, photographic materials and textual documentation, and covers the existance of the firm from 1985 to 2008. The concentration of the firm's work was produced in the city of Madrid and the Community of Madrid where the firm maintained its head office. However, the archive also documents projects for other Spanish autonomous communities as well as for other countries such as Portugal, Germany, the United States, and Brazil.
Niveau de description archivistique:
Presentation files
Series 2: Presentation files, 1999 – 2009, contains CAD files, 3D models, renderings, and photographs used for presentation of the Phaeno Science Centre, especially during the competition and design phases. Formats include chiefly images (EXIF, JPEG, TIFF) and CAD files (AutoCAD, plotter files, EPS). This series contains a wide variety of materials used by ZHA to present Phaeno Science Centre to clients, the press, and other stakeholders. This includes 3D models and CAD files, other drawings and diagrams, and photographs. Notably, this series includes concept animations used by ZHA to develop the shape and structure of Phaeno, as well as concept sketches possibly drawn by Zaha Hadid. Other materials of interest include a digitized copy of digital plans that had been printed and given a hand-painted rendering surface.
1999 - 2009
Presentation files
Series 2: Presentation files, 1999 – 2009, contains CAD files, 3D models, renderings, and photographs used for presentation of the Phaeno Science Centre, especially during the competition and design phases. Formats include chiefly images (EXIF, JPEG, TIFF) and CAD files (AutoCAD, plotter files, EPS). This series contains a wide variety of materials used by ZHA to present Phaeno Science Centre to clients, the press, and other stakeholders. This includes 3D models and CAD files, other drawings and diagrams, and photographs. Notably, this series includes concept animations used by ZHA to develop the shape and structure of Phaeno, as well as concept sketches possibly drawn by Zaha Hadid. Other materials of interest include a digitized copy of digital plans that had been printed and given a hand-painted rendering surface.
1999 - 2009
né numérique
891 digital file(s)
Contains digital files in formats such as STL, MGX, and Rhinoceros used to create 3D printed models of the Monster, Precursor, MMOG, and Tortilla Squished & Stacked iterations of Strand Tower. Also included are screen captures and documentation of the Magics application used to created the models. Original directory name: "3D PRINTS". Most common file formats: STL (Standard Tessellation Language) Binary, 3DM, Unidentified, DS_store file (MAC), Maya Binary File Format
Working files and documentation relating to 3D printed models
Contains digital files in formats such as STL, MGX, and Rhinoceros used to create 3D printed models of the Monster, Precursor, MMOG, and Tortilla Squished & Stacked iterations of Strand Tower. Also included are screen captures and documentation of the Magics application used to created the models. Original directory name: "3D PRINTS". Most common file formats: STL (Standard Tessellation Language) Binary, 3DM, Unidentified, DS_store file (MAC), Maya Binary File Format
né numérique
891 digital file(s)
The project series documents the competition, design, and construction of a gymnastics pavillion in Retiro park for the Instituto Municipal de Deporte of Madrid, Spain. Abalos & Herreros were invited to enter this competition and won first prize in collaboration with Renata Sentkiewicz. The project includes changing rooms, offices and a gymnasium, and was integrated into the surrounding and growing vegetation of the park. The firm worked in collaboration with Fermina Garrido and Obiol y Moya. The firm identified this project as number 127. In 2004, the firm received the Public Initiative Award for this project at the 28th Premios de Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Obra Publica 2003 from the Madrid City Council. Documenting this project are presentation, design development and working drawings, correspondence, project descriptions, budgets, specifications, postcards, notes, and reference, graphic, photographic and digital materials.
Pabellón de gimnasia en el parque del Retiro, Madrid, Spain (2000-2003)
The project series documents the competition, design, and construction of a gymnastics pavillion in Retiro park for the Instituto Municipal de Deporte of Madrid, Spain. Abalos & Herreros were invited to enter this competition and won first prize in collaboration with Renata Sentkiewicz. The project includes changing rooms, offices and a gymnasium, and was integrated into the surrounding and growing vegetation of the park. The firm worked in collaboration with Fermina Garrido and Obiol y Moya. The firm identified this project as number 127. In 2004, the firm received the Public Initiative Award for this project at the 28th Premios de Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Obra Publica 2003 from the Madrid City Council. Documenting this project are presentation, design development and working drawings, correspondence, project descriptions, budgets, specifications, postcards, notes, and reference, graphic, photographic and digital materials.