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Though scientific knowledge corresponds to only one of the many possible modes of existence Latour describes, an unrealistic vision of science has become the arbiter of reality and truth, seducing us into judging all values by a single standard. Latour implores us to recover other modes of existence in order to do justice to the plurality of truth conditions that Moderns(...)
An inquiry into modes of existence: an anthropology of the moderns
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Though scientific knowledge corresponds to only one of the many possible modes of existence Latour describes, an unrealistic vision of science has become the arbiter of reality and truth, seducing us into judging all values by a single standard. Latour implores us to recover other modes of existence in order to do justice to the plurality of truth conditions that Moderns have discovered throughout their history. This systematic effort of building a new philosophical anthropology presents a completely different view of what Moderns have been, and provides a new basis for opening diplomatic encounters with other societies at a time when all societies are coping with ecological crisis.
Théorie/ philosophie
Paris ville invisible
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Ouvrage iconique de théorie sociologique, ''Paris ville invisible'' interroge la notion de collectif sous l’angle du texte et des images. À travers ce reportage photographique réalisé à la fin des années 1990, Émilie Hermant et Bruno Latour ont entrepris de décortiquer ce qui constitue l’unicité de Paris, tant sur le plan sociologique que celui de l’urbanisme. Paris(...)
Paris ville invisible
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Ouvrage iconique de théorie sociologique, ''Paris ville invisible'' interroge la notion de collectif sous l’angle du texte et des images. À travers ce reportage photographique réalisé à la fin des années 1990, Émilie Hermant et Bruno Latour ont entrepris de décortiquer ce qui constitue l’unicité de Paris, tant sur le plan sociologique que celui de l’urbanisme. Paris se donne si facilement au regard des peintres et des touristes, elle a si souvent été le sujet de beaux livres ou de photographies qu’on en oublie les difficultés des milliers d’ingénieurs, de techniciens, de fonctionnaires, d’habitants et de commerçants, pour la rendre visible. Ce livre tente, par le texte et par l’image, de cheminer à travers la ville en explorant quelques-unes des raisons qui nous empêchent de l’embrasser facilement d’un seul coup d’œil. Sous la forme d’une enquête photographique, Bruno Latour et Émilie Hermant nous font visiter des lieux, habituellement fermés aux passants, dans lesquels s’élaborent les innombrables techniques qui rendent la vie possible aux Parisiens (service des eaux, préfecture de police, périphérique, etc.) ces lieux dits « panoptiques » d’où l’on voit Paris tout entier.
Théorie de l’urbanisme
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This book, which accompanies a major exhibition at the Center for New Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany, invokes three disparate realms in which images have assumed the role of cultural weapons. Monotheistic religions, scientific theories, and contemporary arts have struggled with the contradictory urge to produce and also destroy images and emblems. Moving(...)
Théorie de l’architecture
juillet 2002, Cambridge, Mass.
Iconoclash : beyond the image wars in science, religion, and art
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This book, which accompanies a major exhibition at the Center for New Art and Media (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany, invokes three disparate realms in which images have assumed the role of cultural weapons. Monotheistic religions, scientific theories, and contemporary arts have struggled with the contradictory urge to produce and also destroy images and emblems. Moving beyond the image wars, ICONOCLASH shows that image destruction has always coexisted with a cascade of image production, visible in traditional Christian images as well as in scientific laboratories and the various experiments of contemporary art, music, cinema, and architecture. While iconoclasts have struggled against icon worshippers, another history of iconophily has always been at work. Investigating this alternative to the Western obsession with image worship and destruction allows useful comparisons with other cultures, in which images play a very different role. ICONOCLASH offers a variety of experiments on how to suspend the iconoclastic gesture and to renew the movement of images against any freeze-framing. The book includes major works by Art & Language, Willi Baumeister, Christian Boltanski, Daniel Buren, Lucas Cranach, Max Dean, Marcel Duchamp, Albrecht Dürer, Lucio Fontana, Francisco Goya, Hans Haacke, Richard Hamilton, Young Hay, Arata Isozaki, Asger Jorn, Martin Kippenberger, Imi Knoebel, Komar & Melamid, Joseph Kosuth, Gordon Matta-Clark, Tracey Moffat, Nam June Paik, Sigmar Polke, Stephen Prina, Man Ray, Sophie Ristelhueber, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and many others.
Théorie de l’architecture
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This publication discusses the failure, collapse and historicization of the modernist ideals espoused by Theo van Doesburg, set against the current political backdrop of mass protest. It reflects on the failing of modernity, with contributions by authors from the field of art history, architecture, philosophy, anthropology, sociology and poetry. It is published in(...)
Théorie de l’architecture
janvier 2022
Antonis Pittas: Jaune, Geel, Gelb, Yellow. Monochrome
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This publication discusses the failure, collapse and historicization of the modernist ideals espoused by Theo van Doesburg, set against the current political backdrop of mass protest. It reflects on the failing of modernity, with contributions by authors from the field of art history, architecture, philosophy, anthropology, sociology and poetry. It is published in conjunction with the exhibition "jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Act on modernism with Antonis Pittas and Theo van Doesburg" at Centraal Museum, Utrecht.
Théorie de l’architecture
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Bruno Latour est un des philosophes contemporains les plus influents. Ses études ethnographiques ont révolutionné notre compréhension des sciences, du droit, de la politique et de la religion. Il nous propose une philosophie et une approche des sciences sociales radicalement nouvelles, fondées sur un point de vue réaliste, matérialiste sur le monde. Dans ses livres(...)
Bruno Latour : une introduction
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Bruno Latour est un des philosophes contemporains les plus influents. Ses études ethnographiques ont révolutionné notre compréhension des sciences, du droit, de la politique et de la religion. Il nous propose une philosophie et une approche des sciences sociales radicalement nouvelles, fondées sur un point de vue réaliste, matérialiste sur le monde. Dans ses livres fondateurs, il proposait de renoncer aux vieilles distinctions propres à la pensée "moderne" occidentale - en particulier entre nature et société - au profit d'une nouvelle description du monde dans lequel nous vivons. Elle l'a conduit à accorder une importance considérable à la crise écologique et au rôle des sciences en démocratie. La "philosophie empirique" de Latour a évolué au fil du temps. Gerard de Vries expose avec clarté le cheminement et la logique de tous les travaux et enquêtes qu'il a menés au cours des quarante dernières années.
Théorie/ philosophie
Open 24 : politics of things
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In 2005, Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel produced Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, an exhibition and publication about the role of art and design in democratic processes. Open 24 looks at their representation in the public domain.
Open 24 : politics of things
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In 2005, Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel produced Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, an exhibition and publication about the role of art and design in democratic processes. Open 24 looks at their representation in the public domain.
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For more than twenty years, Armin Linke has been photographing the effects of globalization, the wholesale transformation of infrastructures, and the networking of the post-industrial society via digital information and communication technologies. His photographs show that the modern world is a massive profusion of data, where the material infrastructures, consisting of(...)
Armin Linke: the appearance of that which cannot be seen
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For more than twenty years, Armin Linke has been photographing the effects of globalization, the wholesale transformation of infrastructures, and the networking of the post-industrial society via digital information and communication technologies. His photographs show that the modern world is a massive profusion of data, where the material infrastructures, consisting of computer centres, data highways, and server rooms, are largely invisible. For The Appearance of That Which Cannot Be Seen, Linke invited scientists and theoreticians to examine his picture archive. Ariella Azoulay, Bruno Latour, Peter Weibel, Mark Wigley, and Jan Zalasiewicz made a selection of images and in the process opened up Linke’s photos to a variety of different readings.
Monographies photo
Latour for architects
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This is the first introduction to the key concepts and ideas of Bruno Latour that are relevant to architects. Drawing on many lively examples from the world of architectural practice, the book makes a compelling argument about the agency of architectural design and the role architects can play in re-ordering the world we live in. Following Latour’s philosophy offers a new(...)
Latour for architects
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This is the first introduction to the key concepts and ideas of Bruno Latour that are relevant to architects. Drawing on many lively examples from the world of architectural practice, the book makes a compelling argument about the agency of architectural design and the role architects can play in re-ordering the world we live in. Following Latour’s philosophy offers a new way to handle all the objects of human and nonhuman collective life, to re-examine the role of matter in design practice, and to redefine the forms of social, political and ethical associations that bind us together in cities.
Théorie/ philosophie
Armin Linke : inside/outside
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Photographer Armin Linke captures the library in this series of images, depicting the interior spaces of this time-honoured cultural institution as an expression of its commitment to stimulating questioning and discovery. He not only looks at the grandly ornamented, open spaces of academic study found within several Parisian institutions (such as Science Po, the Louvre,(...)
Armin Linke : inside/outside
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Photographer Armin Linke captures the library in this series of images, depicting the interior spaces of this time-honoured cultural institution as an expression of its commitment to stimulating questioning and discovery. He not only looks at the grandly ornamented, open spaces of academic study found within several Parisian institutions (such as Science Po, the Louvre, and C2RMF), but also the lecture halls, administrative offices, and behind-the-scenes storage and hidden technical functions. Besides Linke’s thoughtfully banal images, the book includes an essay by Bruno Latour, an interview with Linke, and a conversation about the project’s initiation and background. Signed and numbered edition with two original photographs.
Monographies photo
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Dans un monde qui se dirige vers le chaos climatique, la nature est morte. Elle ne peut plus être séparée de la société. Tout n'est plus qu'un amalgame d'hybrides, où l'homme ne possède aucune faculté d’action particulière qui le différencie de la matière morte. Mais est-ce vraiment le cas? Dans cette polémique cinglante avec les philosophes de ce qu’il nomme le tournant(...)
Avis de tempête : Nature et culture dans un monde qui se réchauffe
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Dans un monde qui se dirige vers le chaos climatique, la nature est morte. Elle ne peut plus être séparée de la société. Tout n'est plus qu'un amalgame d'hybrides, où l'homme ne possède aucune faculté d’action particulière qui le différencie de la matière morte. Mais est-ce vraiment le cas? Dans cette polémique cinglante avec les philosophes de ce qu’il nomme le tournant culturel (dont Bruno Latour est une figure centrale), Andreas Malm développe un contre-argument : dans un monde qui se réchauffe, la nature revient en force, et il est plus important que jamais de distinguer le naturel du social. C’est en attribuant aux humains une capacité d’action spécifique que la résistance devient concevable. Ce livre pose des questions urgentes à l’heure ou l’inaction climatique à l’échelle mondiale inquiète de plus en plus de gens : quel rôle doit jouer la pensée théorique dans la lutte contre le réchauffement mondial? Et ce qui s’écrit aujourd’hui est-il à la hauteur du défi?