Original file title: Valencia III - Estudos Arq. Siza Nota: Conferir com Arq. Siza Reprographic copies are annotated
ca. 2001
Studies, Edifícios Centrais do Campus de Tarongers - Proj. III, Valencia
Original file title: Valencia III - Estudos Arq. Siza Nota: Conferir com Arq. Siza Reprographic copies are annotated
ca. 2001
Architectural projects
Series AP178.S1 is the largest series of the Álvaro Siza fonds and documents over 200 of Siza’s built and unbuilt architectural projects. The series is divided into project series which are arranged chronologically by project year. Presently, materials in this series range from 1958-2012. The CCA will also receive materials documenting Siza’s more recent work in future additions. Documenting the projects are conceptual, design, presentation, and working drawings, as well as photographic materials, textual documentation, and models. Although the drawings for each project have been identified, Siza often sketches or doodles on textual documentation, such as minutes of meetings or notes. When possible, folders that include textual documents with sketches or doodles have been identified. Amounts and types of materials vary from project to project. Project documentation is usually in Portuguese, with some exceptions including French, English, German, and Dutch. Most project series include sketches, studies, and working drawings. Other drawings included are site plans, floor plans, topographic surveys, elevations, sections, as well as technical and mechanical details. Also documenting the projects are photographic materials and textual documentation, such as correspondence, building programs, contracts, notes, and other working details. Photographic materials found within this archive are slides, negatives, photomontages and photographs of project sites and models.The photomontages were often used to study the function of the project site. To fully understand Siza’s methodology, sketchbooks (Series AP178.S2) should be viewed alongside the project drawings, when possible. Each project series description highlights sketchbooks in series AP178.S2 which contain related sketches. It is important to note that not all projects are represented in the sketchbooks in Series AP178.S2. Moreover, project series descriptions only list related sketchbooks when sketches have been positively identified as related to the corresponding project. The Siza fonds will be processed in four phases. The materials processed in the first, second, and third phases are architectural projects from the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s; urban planning projects; Reconstrução do Chiado; Berlin projects submitted to the IBA competition; cultural institutions; individual houses; and the Plano de urbanização Deelgebied 5 Schilderswijk-West in The Hague. Among The Hague and the Berlin projects are the Punt en Komma social housing, Bonjour Tristesse, and the Residential settlement in Schilderswijk. This series is better understood in the context of how the records for architectural projects were arranged by Siza’s office. Earlier projects were initially numbered by Siza’s office and then received new project numbers by the office archivist, who joined the office in the 1990s. Project files have been kept in the order in which they were received by the CCA, which is how they were arranged by the office archivist. The project numbers and dates assigned by Siza’s office archivist are included in the descriptions for each project and form the basis for the arrangement of this series. The office archivist numbered projects consecutively by decade, for instance, 58/80 was the 58th project during the 1980s. Numbers which were included in square brackets, ex. [14]/75, show that the project was not a ‘full’ project and contains a small amount of documentation. When projects are followed by a letter (A, B, C) this signifies a project is connected to the first. When the project number is followed by a number (1, 2, 3) this signifies a separate building within a larger project. For the purposes of arrangement, project numbers that were assigned a letter or number are arranged as sub-series of the related project series. Exceptions to this numbering convention are projects 23/60, 25/60, 28/60, 33/60, 34/60 and 35/60. These projects were not in the office’s original project list and were not officially considered projects. The office archivist assembled documentation related to these projects and assigned them numbers. In the early 2000s a large number of photographic materials were gathered together by the office archivist from various correspondence files for a digitization project initiated by the office. These materials remained housed together as a photograph collection in the office. Not all of these materials were digitized by the office. Those that were digitized were assigned numbers which have been identified in the file descriptions. It is important to note that several photographic materials were left with the textual documentation or drawings. When this is the case they are identified in the file description. There are also several panoramic photomontages which were created by either gluing or taping several photographs together to make panoramas of project sites.
Architectural projects
Series AP178.S1 is the largest series of the Álvaro Siza fonds and documents over 200 of Siza’s built and unbuilt architectural projects. The series is divided into project series which are arranged chronologically by project year. Presently, materials in this series range from 1958-2012. The CCA will also receive materials documenting Siza’s more recent work in future additions. Documenting the projects are conceptual, design, presentation, and working drawings, as well as photographic materials, textual documentation, and models. Although the drawings for each project have been identified, Siza often sketches or doodles on textual documentation, such as minutes of meetings or notes. When possible, folders that include textual documents with sketches or doodles have been identified. Amounts and types of materials vary from project to project. Project documentation is usually in Portuguese, with some exceptions including French, English, German, and Dutch. Most project series include sketches, studies, and working drawings. Other drawings included are site plans, floor plans, topographic surveys, elevations, sections, as well as technical and mechanical details. Also documenting the projects are photographic materials and textual documentation, such as correspondence, building programs, contracts, notes, and other working details. Photographic materials found within this archive are slides, negatives, photomontages and photographs of project sites and models.The photomontages were often used to study the function of the project site. To fully understand Siza’s methodology, sketchbooks (Series AP178.S2) should be viewed alongside the project drawings, when possible. Each project series description highlights sketchbooks in series AP178.S2 which contain related sketches. It is important to note that not all projects are represented in the sketchbooks in Series AP178.S2. Moreover, project series descriptions only list related sketchbooks when sketches have been positively identified as related to the corresponding project. The Siza fonds will be processed in four phases. The materials processed in the first, second, and third phases are architectural projects from the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s; urban planning projects; Reconstrução do Chiado; Berlin projects submitted to the IBA competition; cultural institutions; individual houses; and the Plano de urbanização Deelgebied 5 Schilderswijk-West in The Hague. Among The Hague and the Berlin projects are the Punt en Komma social housing, Bonjour Tristesse, and the Residential settlement in Schilderswijk. This series is better understood in the context of how the records for architectural projects were arranged by Siza’s office. Earlier projects were initially numbered by Siza’s office and then received new project numbers by the office archivist, who joined the office in the 1990s. Project files have been kept in the order in which they were received by the CCA, which is how they were arranged by the office archivist. The project numbers and dates assigned by Siza’s office archivist are included in the descriptions for each project and form the basis for the arrangement of this series. The office archivist numbered projects consecutively by decade, for instance, 58/80 was the 58th project during the 1980s. Numbers which were included in square brackets, ex. [14]/75, show that the project was not a ‘full’ project and contains a small amount of documentation. When projects are followed by a letter (A, B, C) this signifies a project is connected to the first. When the project number is followed by a number (1, 2, 3) this signifies a separate building within a larger project. For the purposes of arrangement, project numbers that were assigned a letter or number are arranged as sub-series of the related project series. Exceptions to this numbering convention are projects 23/60, 25/60, 28/60, 33/60, 34/60 and 35/60. These projects were not in the office’s original project list and were not officially considered projects. The office archivist assembled documentation related to these projects and assigned them numbers. In the early 2000s a large number of photographic materials were gathered together by the office archivist from various correspondence files for a digitization project initiated by the office. These materials remained housed together as a photograph collection in the office. Not all of these materials were digitized by the office. Those that were digitized were assigned numbers which have been identified in the file descriptions. It is important to note that several photographic materials were left with the textual documentation or drawings. When this is the case they are identified in the file description. There are also several panoramic photomontages which were created by either gluing or taping several photographs together to make panoramas of project sites.
Original file title: Kita - Berlim estudos Arq. Siza. Siza's office has made a note on one of the drawings that it is not by Siza.
circa 1985
Studies for Kindergaten, Block 121, Berlin (folder 3 of 3)
Original file title: Kita - Berlim estudos Arq. Siza. Siza's office has made a note on one of the drawings that it is not by Siza.
circa 1985
Original file title: Pasadena Siza copy
ca. 2001
Preliminary master plan drawings and 3D drawings, Art Center College of Design (Ampliação), Pasedena
Original file title: Pasadena Siza copy
ca. 2001
Original file title: Salamanca arranjos urbanos Janeiro/2001 apontamentos Siza, 6 Jan 2001 nota: 02.02.2010 tirai copias com indicações Ar. Siza
Drawings for the urban planning, Biblioteca de Humanidades da Universidade de Salamanca, Salamanca
Original file title: Salamanca arranjos urbanos Janeiro/2001 apontamentos Siza, 6 Jan 2001 nota: 02.02.2010 tirai copias com indicações Ar. Siza
The project series documents the 1983 design entry for the Kulturforum. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 21/80. The office assigned the date 1983 for this project. This project was a competition entry for the International Architectural Exhibition Berlin competition (International Bauaustellung, IBA, circa 1979-1987), an urban renewal strategy for West Berlin, Germany. Siza also submitted five other entries to the IBA: Görtlitzer Bad swimming pool; Block 70 and 89 (Fränkelufer residential complex); Bonjour Tristesse (Block 121); Block 11-12; and Monument to Gestapo victims. The Kulturforum was a complex of cultural buildings. The site underwent many changes during Nazi Germany and post-war with the construction of the National Library of Staatsbibliothek, designed by Hans Scharoun. Two examples of features that the IBA asked participants to include in their design proposals were to exclude vehicle traffic between the library and national gallery, and to reinterpret the Forum space. Documenting this project are several sketches and studies. There are also plans, elevations, and axonometric drawings of site plans. Siza’s office has indicated on some of the studies that they were possibly not created by Siza. Where this is the case it has been noted with the physical material. Photographs and negatives document the competition site and model, and there are transparencies and slides of drawings. Also included is textual documentation on the competition site and a few letters from members of the Berlin Senate, two of which are from Brigitte Cassirer (later Brigitte Fleck).
Kulturforum [Kulturforum], Berlin, Germany (1982-1986)
The project series documents the 1983 design entry for the Kulturforum. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 21/80. The office assigned the date 1983 for this project. This project was a competition entry for the International Architectural Exhibition Berlin competition (International Bauaustellung, IBA, circa 1979-1987), an urban renewal strategy for West Berlin, Germany. Siza also submitted five other entries to the IBA: Görtlitzer Bad swimming pool; Block 70 and 89 (Fränkelufer residential complex); Bonjour Tristesse (Block 121); Block 11-12; and Monument to Gestapo victims. The Kulturforum was a complex of cultural buildings. The site underwent many changes during Nazi Germany and post-war with the construction of the National Library of Staatsbibliothek, designed by Hans Scharoun. Two examples of features that the IBA asked participants to include in their design proposals were to exclude vehicle traffic between the library and national gallery, and to reinterpret the Forum space. Documenting this project are several sketches and studies. There are also plans, elevations, and axonometric drawings of site plans. Siza’s office has indicated on some of the studies that they were possibly not created by Siza. Where this is the case it has been noted with the physical material. Photographs and negatives document the competition site and model, and there are transparencies and slides of drawings. Also included is textual documentation on the competition site and a few letters from members of the Berlin Senate, two of which are from Brigitte Cassirer (later Brigitte Fleck).
This project series documents the Monumento ao poeta António Nobre II in Leça de Palmeira, Portugal. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 5/80. The office assigned the date 1980 for this project. The monument to Portuguese poet António Nobre consisted of a stone engraved with a quotation from the poet. Siza also designed a set of stairs and a ramp to access the monument. Documenting this project are slides and a photograph of the site and built monument.
Monumento ao poeta António Nobre II [Monument to poet António Nobre II], Leça da Palmeira, Portugal (1980)
This project series documents the Monumento ao poeta António Nobre II in Leça de Palmeira, Portugal. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 5/80. The office assigned the date 1980 for this project. The monument to Portuguese poet António Nobre consisted of a stone engraved with a quotation from the poet. Siza also designed a set of stairs and a ramp to access the monument. Documenting this project are slides and a photograph of the site and built monument.
This project series documents the submission for Siza's CODA (Concurso para a Obtenção do Diploma de Arquitecto), for which he submitted his project Casa Rui Feijó in Caminha, Portugal. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number [17]/60. The office assigned the date 1965 to this project. CODA is the final step for students to obtain their architecture degree. Siza used his preliminary work for the Casa Rui Feijó to develop his submission for his CODA. This project is a vacation house with three bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, living room, service bedroom, exterior annex, garage, lounge and terrace. The original project for the home is also described in this fonds (see project series AP178.S1.1963.PR01). Documenting this project are plans and elevations. Also included are a small number of photographs and some project documentation.
CODA (Casa Rui Feijó) [Competition for Obtaining the Diploma of Architecture (Rui Feijó house)], Moledo do Minho, Caminha, Portugal (1965)
This project series documents the submission for Siza's CODA (Concurso para a Obtenção do Diploma de Arquitecto), for which he submitted his project Casa Rui Feijó in Caminha, Portugal. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number [17]/60. The office assigned the date 1965 to this project. CODA is the final step for students to obtain their architecture degree. Siza used his preliminary work for the Casa Rui Feijó to develop his submission for his CODA. This project is a vacation house with three bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen, living room, service bedroom, exterior annex, garage, lounge and terrace. The original project for the home is also described in this fonds (see project series AP178.S1.1963.PR01). Documenting this project are plans and elevations. Also included are a small number of photographs and some project documentation.
This project series documents the Banco Borges & Irmão II in Vila do Conde, Portugal. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 46/70. The office assigned the date 1978 to this project. The Banco Borges & Irmão bank was located in the historic part of Vila do Conde, near the Matriz Church. The project site was the same as for the Banco Borges & Irmão I (project series AP178.S1.1977.PR02 in this fonds). The old building was destroyed and Siza built a new bank. The documentation informs us that the design of the building was subject to several changes. This project series contains documentation for several different versions of the building. The building had two floors and a basement. The third floor was used for administrative offices, the second floor for services to the public, and the basement for safety deposits. In 1988, Siza received the Mies van der Rohe prize for this project. Drawings include sketches, studies and working drawings. Textual materials include project documentation, meeting minutes and correspondence. Photographic materials include photographs of the models and the built project. A study model is also included in these materials.
Banco Borges & Irmão II [Borges & Irmão bank II], Vila do Conde, Portugal (1978-1986)
This project series documents the Banco Borges & Irmão II in Vila do Conde, Portugal. While the records were held in the office’s archives this project was assigned the number 46/70. The office assigned the date 1978 to this project. The Banco Borges & Irmão bank was located in the historic part of Vila do Conde, near the Matriz Church. The project site was the same as for the Banco Borges & Irmão I (project series AP178.S1.1977.PR02 in this fonds). The old building was destroyed and Siza built a new bank. The documentation informs us that the design of the building was subject to several changes. This project series contains documentation for several different versions of the building. The building had two floors and a basement. The third floor was used for administrative offices, the second floor for services to the public, and the basement for safety deposits. In 1988, Siza received the Mies van der Rohe prize for this project. Drawings include sketches, studies and working drawings. Textual materials include project documentation, meeting minutes and correspondence. Photographic materials include photographs of the models and the built project. A study model is also included in these materials.
Original file title: Devolvida pela T. Siza Siza's office numbered these slides BF019-BF025. These materials are © Teresa Siza.
October 2016
Slide showing the model, Biblioteca de França, Paris
Original file title: Devolvida pela T. Siza Siza's office numbered these slides BF019-BF025. These materials are © Teresa Siza.
October 2016