1 binder labelled "General Slides, Houses, Private Residences" including Catton Residence, Craig Residence, Eppich Residence, Filberg Residence, Graham Residence, Fire Island house, Heller Residence, Hilborn House, Keevil Residence, Monte Verde Estates, Point Grey housing, Chen House (model), Santa Barbara residence (model), Russell House, Shannon Mews, Smith Residence, Sunkin Residence (model), Wright Residence
Documentation slides for various private residences projects
1 binder labelled "General Slides, Houses, Private Residences" including Catton Residence, Craig Residence, Eppich Residence, Filberg Residence, Graham Residence, Fire Island house, Heller Residence, Hilborn House, Keevil Residence, Monte Verde Estates, Point Grey housing, Chen House (model), Santa Barbara residence (model), Russell House, Shannon Mews, Smith Residence, Sunkin Residence (model), Wright Residence
25 File
Signal and A.S.D.I.C. building galley racks, hoods and tables, grade elevations for physical training building, watermeters, C.P.O. building galley layout and smoke pipe, hospital emergency power and lighting building, water meter pits, electrical conduits, steam piping, proposed fire alarm system, bowling alley for Physical Training building, wall and lockers for bowling alley, C.P.O. building beams and columns diagram
Signal and A.S.D.I.C. building galley racks, hoods and tables, grade elevations for physical training building
Signal and A.S.D.I.C. building galley racks, hoods and tables, grade elevations for physical training building, watermeters, C.P.O. building galley layout and smoke pipe, hospital emergency power and lighting building, water meter pits, electrical conduits, steam piping, proposed fire alarm system, bowling alley for Physical Training building, wall and lockers for bowling alley, C.P.O. building beams and columns diagram
25 File
25 File
floor plans; Building "A", vestibule, copper flashed sill, canopy, elevator shaft, nurses' station; Building "B", altar and lecturn; Building "C", floor plan, toilet, dark room plumbing and ventilation, electrical revisions, altar and lecturn, steel sash, housing for louvres and air intake vents; fire hydrants for all buildings; exhaust fan, metal partition for existing buildings, proposed entrance canopy and mechanical work
Building "A", Building "B", Building "C"
floor plans; Building "A", vestibule, copper flashed sill, canopy, elevator shaft, nurses' station; Building "B", altar and lecturn; Building "C", floor plan, toilet, dark room plumbing and ventilation, electrical revisions, altar and lecturn, steel sash, housing for louvres and air intake vents; fire hydrants for all buildings; exhaust fan, metal partition for existing buildings, proposed entrance canopy and mechanical work
25 File
Original file title : Chiado - Planos - 1988-1990. 1) Estado anterior ao incendio. 2) Plano de Pormenor. 3) Plantas das areas a integrar no fs pub. 4) Metro. Includes elevations and floor plans before and after the fire for Bloc A (Building 8/9, 10,11 and 20), Bloc B (12,13,14/15 and 16) Bloc C (2,3,6), Grandella building and Grandes Armazéns do Chiado building.
Site plans, elevations and details, Reconstrução do Chiado, Lisbon (folder 1 of 2)
Original file title : Chiado - Planos - 1988-1990. 1) Estado anterior ao incendio. 2) Plano de Pormenor. 3) Plantas das areas a integrar no fs pub. 4) Metro. Includes elevations and floor plans before and after the fire for Bloc A (Building 8/9, 10,11 and 20), Bloc B (12,13,14/15 and 16) Bloc C (2,3,6), Grandella building and Grandes Armazéns do Chiado building.
documents textuels
information and brochures concerning construction materials for the Canadian Chancery including: Patry products; waste management; bullet-proof materials; waterproofing sealant; special concrete blocks; porcelain panels (including diazotype); flooring systems; elevators; wall systems; glass; hardware; wash fountains and plumbing equipment; vertical transportation; roofing and canopies; theatre chairs; stone (including diazotypes); special fire doors; flat wire; pin bar drafting; estimations; architectural metals.
circa 1947-2002
Information and brochures concerning construction materials for the Canadian Chancery
information and brochures concerning construction materials for the Canadian Chancery including: Patry products; waste management; bullet-proof materials; waterproofing sealant; special concrete blocks; porcelain panels (including diazotype); flooring systems; elevators; wall systems; glass; hardware; wash fountains and plumbing equipment; vertical transportation; roofing and canopies; theatre chairs; stone (including diazotypes); special fire doors; flat wire; pin bar drafting; estimations; architectural metals.
documents textuels
circa 1947-2002
Projects include Lobby Fire Control Panel, Redesign of Park Avenue Mall, Garage Ramp Resurfacing Project, Roof Restoration (5th Floor, High Roof), Plaza Restoration Project, Lobby Desk, Granite Sidewalk Project, Loading Dock Ramp Resurfacing, Lobby After Hours Signage, Standpipe Escutcheon Plates for the Plaza, 11th Floor Roof Restoration Project, Stair Pressurization Project, Restoration of Public Areas (16th, 28th, 30th and 31st floors).
Various "Article 26" projects (container 1 of 5)
Projects include Lobby Fire Control Panel, Redesign of Park Avenue Mall, Garage Ramp Resurfacing Project, Roof Restoration (5th Floor, High Roof), Plaza Restoration Project, Lobby Desk, Granite Sidewalk Project, Loading Dock Ramp Resurfacing, Lobby After Hours Signage, Standpipe Escutcheon Plates for the Plaza, 11th Floor Roof Restoration Project, Stair Pressurization Project, Restoration of Public Areas (16th, 28th, 30th and 31st floors).
This project subseries documents the reconstruction of Chiado in Lisbon, Portugal. The office assigned the dates 1988-1998 for this project. This subseries documents the master plans and exterior spaces work. It also includes general documentation and photographic studies for the project. Drawings include studies, working drawings, mechanical drawings, technical drawings, and structural drawings. Textual material includes project documentation, studies, meeting reports, and correspondence. Photographic material includes photographs of the building before the fire, ruins, model, and construction work. Related subseries to this project includes : 2) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS2 Bloco A, 3) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS3 Edificio Camara Chaves building, 4) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS4 Edifício Castro e Melo, 5) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS5 Bloco B, 6) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS6– Bloco, B Chiado, Edifício Leonel, Lisboa, Portugal (1988-1998), 7) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS7 Bloco C, 8) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS8 - Bloco C, Chiado, Recuperaçäo do Edifício Grandella, 9) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS9 - Bloco C, Chiado, Recuperaçäo do Edifício dos Grandes Armazéns, 10) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS10 Ligacao Pedonal do Patio B, 11) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS11 Chiado, Estação de Metropolitano Baixa Chiado. It is important to note that the project AP178.S1.1994.PR08 Renovação do Elevador de Santa Justa, Chiado, 1994 is also related to the Reconstruction of the Chiado. All documentation for this project series, including the project subseries, has been kept together to maintain the office's arrangement.
Reconstrução do Chiado [Master plans and exterior space, reconstruction of the Chiado area], Lisbon, Portugal (1988-1998)
This project subseries documents the reconstruction of Chiado in Lisbon, Portugal. The office assigned the dates 1988-1998 for this project. This subseries documents the master plans and exterior spaces work. It also includes general documentation and photographic studies for the project. Drawings include studies, working drawings, mechanical drawings, technical drawings, and structural drawings. Textual material includes project documentation, studies, meeting reports, and correspondence. Photographic material includes photographs of the building before the fire, ruins, model, and construction work. Related subseries to this project includes : 2) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS2 Bloco A, 3) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS3 Edificio Camara Chaves building, 4) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS4 Edifício Castro e Melo, 5) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS5 Bloco B, 6) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS6– Bloco, B Chiado, Edifício Leonel, Lisboa, Portugal (1988-1998), 7) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS7 Bloco C, 8) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS8 - Bloco C, Chiado, Recuperaçäo do Edifício Grandella, 9) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS9 - Bloco C, Chiado, Recuperaçäo do Edifício dos Grandes Armazéns, 10) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS10 Ligacao Pedonal do Patio B, 11) AP178.S1.1988.PR07.SS11 Chiado, Estação de Metropolitano Baixa Chiado. It is important to note that the project AP178.S1.1994.PR08 Renovação do Elevador de Santa Justa, Chiado, 1994 is also related to the Reconstruction of the Chiado. All documentation for this project series, including the project subseries, has been kept together to maintain the office's arrangement.
Forty drawings numbered 110 through 117 and 119 through 149. Details, including: door & frame details, toilet elevations and details, elevator lobby details, 1st floor lobbys and canopy details, bronze fittings for plaza and sidewalk, range hood flue, stair details, elevator cab and entrance, garage office, mail box and chute, fire passage, Con Edison transformer vault, column details, exterior corner details, skin details, extrusions, bronze roof doors, garage ramp and loading dock, and display and utility alphabets.
Copies of drawings for the Seagram Building, 375 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y.
Forty drawings numbered 110 through 117 and 119 through 149. Details, including: door & frame details, toilet elevations and details, elevator lobby details, 1st floor lobbys and canopy details, bronze fittings for plaza and sidewalk, range hood flue, stair details, elevator cab and entrance, garage office, mail box and chute, fire passage, Con Edison transformer vault, column details, exterior corner details, skin details, extrusions, bronze roof doors, garage ramp and loading dock, and display and utility alphabets.
File related to various documents used as documentation and reference material for the Minimum Cost Housing Group's publications and research projects. The material in this file was produced between the late 1940s and 1999. The file contains an important collection of photocopies of book chapters, periodical, published reports, commercial leaflets, photographs and slides on various subjects related to the research field of the Minimum Cost Housing Group, and also a collection of maps of cities planning in India. The published reports in this series include the following: - Assessment of construction materials for use in emergency housing carried out on behalf of OXFAM (An) / A.K. Green - Brazil : sites and services project: staff appraisal report / World Bank - Cocoon / Hollingshead - Evaluation report on the village sanitation scheme of the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi in Maharashtra / Programme Evaluation Organisation, Planning Commission Govt. of India - International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : end of decade review (as at December 1990) (The) (World Health Organization) - Lucknow urban development project : an approach document / Lucknow Development Authority - Preliminary investigations into the use of atomised sprays for handwashing and showering / T.C. Porter and M.E. Rump (Building Research Establishment Note) - Project completion report: India: Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Project (loan 2329-IN) (World Bank) - Racing alone: a visionary architect's quest for houses made with earth and fire / Nader Khalili (advertisement brochure for a book, including text of introduction; actual book in CCA collection) - Reflexiones sobre el tema de la vivienda (CENAC) - Report on toilet units / J.W. Grainge and J.W. Slupsky - Technology development for a zero-gravity whole body shower / A.A. Rosener [and 5 others] - Urban sector survey: Republic of Zambia (World Bank), v. 1-2 - Workshop on implications of the recommendations of National commission on urbanisation on planning practice and education / Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
late 1940s-1999
Reference and research for publications
File related to various documents used as documentation and reference material for the Minimum Cost Housing Group's publications and research projects. The material in this file was produced between the late 1940s and 1999. The file contains an important collection of photocopies of book chapters, periodical, published reports, commercial leaflets, photographs and slides on various subjects related to the research field of the Minimum Cost Housing Group, and also a collection of maps of cities planning in India. The published reports in this series include the following: - Assessment of construction materials for use in emergency housing carried out on behalf of OXFAM (An) / A.K. Green - Brazil : sites and services project: staff appraisal report / World Bank - Cocoon / Hollingshead - Evaluation report on the village sanitation scheme of the Gandhi Smarak Nidhi in Maharashtra / Programme Evaluation Organisation, Planning Commission Govt. of India - International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade : end of decade review (as at December 1990) (The) (World Health Organization) - Lucknow urban development project : an approach document / Lucknow Development Authority - Preliminary investigations into the use of atomised sprays for handwashing and showering / T.C. Porter and M.E. Rump (Building Research Establishment Note) - Project completion report: India: Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Project (loan 2329-IN) (World Bank) - Racing alone: a visionary architect's quest for houses made with earth and fire / Nader Khalili (advertisement brochure for a book, including text of introduction; actual book in CCA collection) - Reflexiones sobre el tema de la vivienda (CENAC) - Report on toilet units / J.W. Grainge and J.W. Slupsky - Technology development for a zero-gravity whole body shower / A.A. Rosener [and 5 others] - Urban sector survey: Republic of Zambia (World Bank), v. 1-2 - Workshop on implications of the recommendations of National commission on urbanisation on planning practice and education / Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
late 1940s-1999
Niveau de description archivistique:
Fonds Álvaro Siza
The Álvaro Siza fonds documents the architectural work of Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza. Records in this fonds document Siza’s projects from 1958-2012, including built and unbuilt designs. A collaborative project was established between the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Fundação de Serralves, and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian to allow for international research and access to the archive. The archive is shared by the three institutions with each institution holding different projects while collaborating on the descriptive work and increasing the visibility of the archive. The holdings at both the Fundação de Serralves and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian focus on Siza’s Portuguese projects, while the portion of the archive held by the CCA mainly includes Siza’s projects abroad. All three institutions are committed to describing the archive and making it accessible for scholarly research. The processing of the Siza archive held by the CCA has been divided into four phases to allow for access to parts of the archive while still in process. For the first, second, and third phases, the processing archivist has described the projects from the fifties, sixties, and seventies, as well as projects for the IBA competition in Berlin, urban renewal projects in The Hague from the eighties, urban plans, museums, and individual houses between 1980 and 2000. The processing archivist has also described approximately 203 sketchbooks. Many of these sketchbooks include sketches related to architectural projects which were processed. The complete list of projects processed by the CCA to date can be found in series AP178.S1. The bulk of the Álvaro Siza fonds is arranged in Series AP178.S1, which contains documentation for over 200 of Siza’s architectural projects. Records in this archive are predominantly from 1970 to 2000. Series AP178.S1 mainly contains conceptual, design development, presentation, and working drawings. Also included are photographic materials, models, born digital records, and textual documentation, which include correspondence, project proposals, and notes. The architect’s creative process is captured in 282 sketchbooks arranged in Series AP178.S2. In all there are approximately 60 000 drawings, 3000 folders of textual documentation, 9.46 linear meters of photographs and negatives, 6,545 slides, 250 CD-ROMS, 101 floppy disks, and 371 models that document the architectural activities of Siza and his office. Among the drawings are sketches by Siza on various items, such as napkins, receipts, envelopes, or on the back of working drawings. The fonds contains several types of architectural projects including residential buildings, museums, universities, urban plans, offices, and city restorations. Of particular significance are the sketchbooks, comprised of sketches for architectural projects, Siza’s travels, people, and animals as well as notes and draft letters. The sketchbooks are organized in chronological order, starting in the late 1970’s to the beginning of the 2000’s. Locations, notes, and dates have also been identified on the front of each sketchbook along with the sketchbook number. The sketchbooks provide a unique perspective of Siza’s use of drawing as part of his work process.
Fonds Álvaro Siza
The Álvaro Siza fonds documents the architectural work of Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza. Records in this fonds document Siza’s projects from 1958-2012, including built and unbuilt designs. A collaborative project was established between the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Fundação de Serralves, and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian to allow for international research and access to the archive. The archive is shared by the three institutions with each institution holding different projects while collaborating on the descriptive work and increasing the visibility of the archive. The holdings at both the Fundação de Serralves and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian focus on Siza’s Portuguese projects, while the portion of the archive held by the CCA mainly includes Siza’s projects abroad. All three institutions are committed to describing the archive and making it accessible for scholarly research. The processing of the Siza archive held by the CCA has been divided into four phases to allow for access to parts of the archive while still in process. For the first, second, and third phases, the processing archivist has described the projects from the fifties, sixties, and seventies, as well as projects for the IBA competition in Berlin, urban renewal projects in The Hague from the eighties, urban plans, museums, and individual houses between 1980 and 2000. The processing archivist has also described approximately 203 sketchbooks. Many of these sketchbooks include sketches related to architectural projects which were processed. The complete list of projects processed by the CCA to date can be found in series AP178.S1. The bulk of the Álvaro Siza fonds is arranged in Series AP178.S1, which contains documentation for over 200 of Siza’s architectural projects. Records in this archive are predominantly from 1970 to 2000. Series AP178.S1 mainly contains conceptual, design development, presentation, and working drawings. Also included are photographic materials, models, born digital records, and textual documentation, which include correspondence, project proposals, and notes. The architect’s creative process is captured in 282 sketchbooks arranged in Series AP178.S2. In all there are approximately 60 000 drawings, 3000 folders of textual documentation, 9.46 linear meters of photographs and negatives, 6,545 slides, 250 CD-ROMS, 101 floppy disks, and 371 models that document the architectural activities of Siza and his office. Among the drawings are sketches by Siza on various items, such as napkins, receipts, envelopes, or on the back of working drawings. The fonds contains several types of architectural projects including residential buildings, museums, universities, urban plans, offices, and city restorations. Of particular significance are the sketchbooks, comprised of sketches for architectural projects, Siza’s travels, people, and animals as well as notes and draft letters. The sketchbooks are organized in chronological order, starting in the late 1970’s to the beginning of the 2000’s. Locations, notes, and dates have also been identified on the front of each sketchbook along with the sketchbook number. The sketchbooks provide a unique perspective of Siza’s use of drawing as part of his work process.
Niveau de description archivistique: