
Alexandra McIntosh

Alexandra McIntosh est Éditeur du site web du CCA et du microsite de l'exposition Perspectives de vie. / Alexandra McIntosh is Editor of the CCA website and the Some Ideas on Living exhibition microsite.

Anne-Claire Richard

Anne-Claire Richard est Conservatrice adjointe des Services educatifs du CCA. / Anne-Claire Richard is Assistant Curator of the CCA's Educational Services.

Peach Plum Pear

This nickname was inspired by Joanna's Newsom song. "Peach - Plum - Pear" is actually the closing sound track of the short film that I posted here at Some Ideas.



Articles du Centre Canadien d’Architecture (CCA), incluant du matériel relié à l’exposition Perspectives de vie à Londres et à Tokyo imaginées par Stephen Taylor and Ryue Nishizawa et informations connexes. / Posts from the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), including material and resources about the exhibition Some Ideas on Living in London and Tokyo by Stephen Taylor and Ryue Nishizawa and related announcements.


Giovanna Borasi

Giovanna Borasi est conservatrice de l’architecture contemporaine au CCA et commissaire de l'exposition Perspectives de vie à Londres et à Tokyo imaginées par Stephen Taylor and Ryue Nishizawa. / Giovanna Borasi is CCA Curator for Contemporary Architecture and curator of the exhibition Some Ideas on Living in London and Tokyo by Stephen Taylor and Ryue Nishizawa.

James Viloria

James Viloria travaille sur divers projets à la Division des collections du CCA depuis près de 10 ans. / James Viloria has worked in the CCA Collections Division on various projects for nearly 10 years.

Services éducatifs / Educational Services



I am an ex-pat Canadian presently living in Tokyo with my wife. While she teaches at a local high school, I try to fill my time with a variety of jobs, including freelance writing, photography, some local and national television and whatever I come across. Presently I am working part time at a local, foreigner-friendly bookshop while trying my hand at micro-philanthropy. Please take a moment to visit me where you will learn more about who I am and what I would like to accomplish. I can also be visited at: Thanks! S