The 22nd CCA Interuniversity Charrette invites young creative designers to reimagine a collective architectural platform in the city—a new mechanism—for dialogue, resistance, and social movement at the crossroads between physical space, media, and technology. Important dates
Welcome and Presentation of Design Challenge by:
13 November, 10am (ET): Thomas Balaban, OAQ, MRAIC, Adjunct Professor of Practice, Université de Montréal invited speakers to be announced Paul Desmarais Theatre, CCA 1920 rue Baile, Montréal Streaming live at: youtube.ca/CCAchannel Submission deadline 17 November, 6pm: Awards ceremony and jury commentary
École d'architecture,
Registration: here
Faculté de l'aménagement Université de Montréal 2940, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Submission: here Contact charrette@cca.qc.ca The Charrette is organized by the Canadian Centre for Architecture and Université de Montréal, in collaboration with McGill University, Université du Québec à Montréal, and with the participation of Université Laval, Carleton University, Ryerson University, the University of Waterloo, Laurentian University, and the University of Toronto. |