


Participation guidelines

Participation is open to current undergraduate and graduate students at participating universities, as well as recent graduates. Students from any discipline are welcome to register.

This year’s participating universities are:

Université de Montréal (UdeM)
McGill University
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)
Université Laval
Carleton University
Concordia University
Laurentian University
Ryerson University
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo

If you do not see you university listed above, please contact us to participate: charrette@cca.qc.ca
Students from all Canadian universities are welcome.

The Charrette is also open to Canadian university students who are currently participating in study-abroad or exchange programs. Teams may also include students from additional universities worldwide, provided that at least one member is affiliated with one of the institutions above.

Teams must register online and provide the names, addresses and university affiliations of the team’s leader and all team members. Each team will receive a team number for identification purposes.

Team sizes must be within the following ranges:

Undergraduates: 2 - 5 members
Graduate students: 2 - 3 members
Recent graduates: 2 - 3 members

Online registration opens Friday, 30 October, at 5PM (EST).

Submission guidelines

All project submissions are due by Monday, 16 November, at 10AM (EST). Please submit your final proposals through the link at the bottom of this page.
Submissions are to take the following format:

Note: The team number must appear in all the file names and at the bottom right of the two boards. No names should appear on your boards or in a video.

All project submissions (PDF and key images) will be posted on the Charrette 2020 website, with names of authors withheld until after the Awards Ceremony.

Submissions are welcome in French, English or a combination of the two.

