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Professional papers and other materials
This series documents Melvin Charney's student years, travels and professional activities, artistic and architectural projects from 1947 to 2010. The series contains notebooks and sketchbooks related to Charney's studies, his travels in Europe, as well as notes and sketches related to his projects. It also contains travel photographs, photographic documentation of his projects and his artworks, collected ephemera of events of interest or events to which he participated, including exhibitions. The series includes also reference materials, such as publications and press clippings, used for his artistic and architectural work, and some awards and honours received by Melvin Charney during his career.
This series is arranged in four sub-series:
AP041.S6.SS01 Notebooks and sketchbooks
AP041.S6.SS02 Photographic materials
AP041.S6.SS03 Ephemera and reference materials
AP041.S6.SS04 Awards and honours
Some material in this series related to Melvin Charney's projects. They were kept together and not arranged with the rest of the material related to his projects under the AP041.S1 to preserve the original order of the material.
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