Promotional materials
1998 - 2007
Series 4, Promotional materials, 1998 – 2007, documents how the firm presented and marketed Hyposurface, It consists of more than 5000 digital files, the bulk of which date from 2004 -- 2007.
This series chiefly includes materials for publication, the press, and presentations, as well as a small amount of files related to the dECOi portfolio and Hyposurface website. Notably, there is also an interactive CD-ROM presenting the HypoSurface project.
Roughly half the files in this series are raster images, including TIF, GIF, EXIF, JPEG and Windows Bitmap formats. There are also includes nearly 1,000 Aegis pattern files, about 300 files in audiovisual formats, as well as a very small number of textual and CAD formats.
The groups are listed in rough chronological order.
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Label: "media files volume 3." Most common file formats: Tagged Image File Format, Windows Metafile Image, Encapsulated PostScript File Format.
1 File
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
This directory chiefly contains images and animated GIFs for various publications related to HypoSurface and other dECOi projects, including Art and Architecture magazine and an unidentified book. Directory also includes Paul Steenhuisen audio files of modified cow sounds. Original directory name: "ftp-data". Most common file formats: Aegis Files, Tagged Image File Format, Graphics Interchange Format, Audio Interchange File Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed).
1 File
Files with the extension ".nb" are Mathematica-compatible notebooks. It can be accessed with software such as Mathematica, MathReader, and Mathematica Publication. Their content was not accessible at the time of processing.
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
This directory includes images for unidentified publications, including one relating to CeBIT Technology Fair in Hannover, Germany. Includes diagrams of the mathematic surfaces and assembly diagrams. Most common file formats: Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII), Encapsulated PostScript File Format, Tagged Image File Format.
1 File
These two directories were brought together due to related content. Some subdirectories in "HypoSurface Image" were rearranged to clarify existing tree structure.
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
Label: "Aegis videos 04.01 videos from Australia before exhibit," "Aegis Feidad Competition 11.2001 Partial backups," and "Aegis Promo." Most common file formats: Quicktime, Audio/Video Interleaved Format, MPEG-2 Program Stream.
1 File
These files come from three CDs and were brought together as they contain related content.
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
Label: "Aegis Promo vol 1 of 2." File includes digital files carved from the disk image using the Sleuth Kit command line utility tsk_recover. Most common file formats: MPEG-1 Program Stream, JPEG File Interchange Format, Audio/Video Interleaved Format, MPEG-2 Program Stream.
1 File
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
Most common file formats: Quicktime, Windows Bitmap, JPEG File Interchange Format, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Director.
1 File
Use "aegis.exe" to launch the CD-ROM application. The application works best on a PC.
These files were originally a part of the marketing materials in AP170.S4.007.
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
Original directory name: "HypoSurface". Most common file formats: Tagged Image File Format, JPEG File Interchange Format, Microsoft Word Document, Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls), Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed).
1 File
One zip file ("") appears to be corrupted. It is unclear how to access the content of the file.
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
Original directory name: "PRESENTATIONS". Most common file formats: Audio/Video Interleaved Format, Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, Quicktime.
1 File
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
Original directory name: "Website." Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Macromedia FLV, Plain Text File, Microsoft Word Document, Adobe Flash.
1 File
The Flash HypoSurface website executable was moved from the administrative files in AP170.S1.06 to this directory.
Mark Goulthorpe Hyposurface project records,
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Gift of Mark Goulthorpe
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