Series documents the publications included in the fonds in which Lars Spuybroek and his firm NOX appear or to which he collaborated. The series includes a mockup for an unidentified publications and the serial "De Architect" of November 1992. The material in the series was produced between 1992 and 1993.
Materials in this series were compiled and arranged by the processing archivists.
The documents are in Dutch.
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Group consists of notes, photocopies of an article on Lars Spuybroek from the serial "de Architect" of November 1992 and photocopies of drawings for the various projects including Dark Sections (1991), Fahrenheit 451 (1991), Fossil Tower (1992) and Soft City (1993).
1 file(s)
Lars Spuybroek Fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Lars Spuybroek/
Gift of Lars Spuybroek
Serial ''de Architect'', no. 49, November 1992, with an article on Lars Spuybroek architectural firm, NOX, at pages 58 to 67, written by Bart Lootsma. The article mentions various projects by NOX, including Fahrenheit 451 (1991), Dark Sections (1991) and VBC (1992).
The serial also includes an article mentionning two projects by Neil Denari (Westcoast Gateway Competition, Los Angeles, 1988 and Tokyo International Forum, 1989) at pages 29 to 35 and an article on the work of Lebbeus Woods at pages 38 to 49 written by Rianne Makkink and Lars Spuybroek.
1 file(s)
serial: 28,7 × 21 × 0,4 cm
- 80 pages.
Lars Spuybroek Fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Lars Spuybroek/
Gift of Lars Spuybroek
The serial is in Dutch.
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