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BMW Welt development and construction records
Series 1, BMW Welt development and construction records, 1994-2015, documents the design development and construction phases of COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt building, located nearby the BMW headquarters in Munich. This series also contains some materials from the competition phase, corresponding to less than 2000 digital files, and models from the third phase of the competition. More than half of the records were created from 2003 to 2006.
Records show how COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, and the numerous consultants on the project, materialized the original concept, from Wolf Prix sketch, of this cloud-like roof emerging from a double cone suggesting an hurricane eye. To achieve this, extensive digital structural testing was done with engineers Bollinger + Grohmann. Consultants list also include:
- Hans Lechner ZT GmbH for in-house project management;
- Schmitt, Stumpf, Frühauf + Partner for construction documents of concrete works, interior fittings, tender and construction administration;
- Emmer Pfenninger + Partner AG for the facade;
- Transsolar, Klima Engineering for the photovoltaic plant on the roof;
- PRO, Elektroplan for electrical systems and lifts;
- AG-Licht for lighting;
- Büro Dr. Pfeiler for structural physics or building physics;
- Theater Projekte Daberto+Kollegen for the stage and auditorium;
- PBB Planungsbüro Balke for kitchen technology
- realgruen Landschaftsarchitekten for lansdcape design;
- Kersken & Kirchner for fire protection;
- TAW Weisse for height accessibility planning, in consideration for maintenance access;
- Lang & Brukhardt for traffic engineering;
- Ingenieurbüro Schoenenberg for civil engineering and road construction;
- Büro für Gestaltung / Wangler & Abele for signage;
- And Zilch, Müller, Henneke as inspection engineers.
The approximately 52,400 digital files include raster images, CAD drawings and 3D digital models, plotter files, standard office documents, databases, and scripts. Design files are predominantly in AutoCAD, but the archive also includes over 1,100 Rhinoceros files (primarily in Rhino version 2, with some files in versions 3 and 4) and a smaller number of files in Maya, 3D Studio, Microstation, form*Z, and Revit formats. Because the firm’s computing environment included Macs, the archive also includes a few AppleDouble resource forks. Often, CAD drawings were also saved as PDF files. Photographs and screen captures were most times saved as JPEG files. Finally, design files also include wireframes and renderings.
Most often, design files are plans of a designated area, a complete level of the building for example, but they also often show very specific and technical details, such as a few millimetres to be corrected on a panel or a structural element. These types of corrections are frequently shown in PDF files where annotations were either made digitally, or they were handwritten on a printed version which would then be digitized. Design files document all parts of the building including the facade, the roof, the double cone (Doppelkegel), the restaurants, the shops, the exhibition areas, the auditorium, etc.
Accompanying textual records are at times quite technical in their content, such as lists of construction elements required in a given room, or analysis reports from consulting engineers. They also take into account the organization and planning of the work, for example including documentation’s exchange or meeting agendas. Finally, they show the design development through presentations, either PDF or Powerpoint files, and through a portfolio of the project and the preparation of the book Dynamic Forces.
The archive’s physical component includes 52 physical study models, which were used in combination with digital modeling tools to iteratively refine the building’s design. These are a selection made by the firm of study models from the later stages of the competition and the early stages of the design development.
Feireiss, Kristin, editor. “Dynamic Forces, BMW WELT Munich”. Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2007.
Models of BMW Welt transferred to the CCA were rehoused and cleaned of dust and mould by the CCA Conservation team. Gloves should still be used when handling them. Some models are quite fragile and should be manipulated with great care.
These materials were arranged by the donor at the time of their creation. Records were kept in their original directory structure, which shows the firm’s organization of work. Main directories now correspond to file-level descriptions.
Within sub-directories, the following standardized structure may be found:
A_SV_Eingang (SV_Incoming)
B_SV_Ausgang (SV_Outgoing)
C_Protokolle/Pruefberichte (Meeting minutes/Test reports)
D_Berichte/Grundlagen_Berichte (Reports/Basic reports)
E_Nachtrag (Addendum)
F_Termine/Genehmigungen (Dates/Permits)
G_Pläne (Plans)
H_grundlagen HBL (Basics HBL)
I_Raumbuch_Elektro/Organsiationshandbuch (Room book_Electrical/Organisation handbook)
J_Projektaenderungen/Verwaltung_Raumbuch (Project changes/Administration room book)
K_Aenderungsmanagement (Change management)
As indicated, there are some differences in the name of a given element of the structure. Subdirectories related to Incoming and Outgoing communications (“A_SV_Eingang “, “B_SV_Ausgang”), Dates or Permits (“F_Termine/Genehmigungen “), and Plans (“G_Pläne”) are the ones that are the most used across the archive. Similar terms are also used independently from this structure. Additionally, lower directory levels are often organized by year or date. Generally, files and directories are named meaningfully.
Models have been arranged under one file-level description.
Munich Germany
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Original directory name: "00_Adressenliste". File chiefly contains contact lists of the different stakeholders (BMW, engineering firms, design consultants, etc.) of the project. File also contains CAD templates showing how plans for this project were to be identified and presented. A link file is dated in 2015, an outlier as records are otherwise dated between 2002 and 2007. The link points to the "b_CAD\06_Handbuecher" directory under file AP181.S1.005. Most common file formats: Microsoft Word Document, AutoCAD Drawing, Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls), Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format, Unidentified
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "02_0_Bauherr". File content relates to the monitoring of the development of the design for BMW Welt. Records are from different working groups involving both COOP HIMMELB(L)AU and the client BMW, as well as representatives from the various consulting firms on the project.
Records consist of presentations, meeting minutes (chiefly dated 2004-2006), reports, renderings, born-digital plans and digitized plans with hand-written annotations. Among the program areas documented by the records are the financial center, shops, delivery box, junior campus, briefing center, ticketing counter, and landscaping, though the level of detail varies for each. Records document engineering requirements and analysis, and also the visitors’ anticipated experience in BMW Welt. Renderings and plans are mostly in PDF, TIF, or JPEG file formats. Most textual records are also in the PDF file format.
Most common file formats: Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation, Tagged Image File Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name:"02_1_Berater BMW". Records relate to construction and planning issues where BMW, as the client, was either in charge or more involved in the decision making. There is at least one report mentioning a BMW Design Planning Office. Bulk dates run from 2002 to 2007.
There are sixteen consultants’ files, identified primarily with the firm or consultant name and expertise. These include Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux on corporate identity, ECE Projektmanagement GmbH on logistics, Stangl AG on facility management, Ingenieurbüro Georg Ziegler IGVB for surveying, GHTM AG on lightning protection, Schottenhamel & Kiening on restaurants cuisine and atmosphere planning, and bp solar on the inclusion of solar panels on the roof.
Records consist of plans and drawings in CAD and PDF formats, renderings saved as JPEG, photographs, and textual records, such as correspondence, engineering reports, and presentations by the consultants.
Most common file formats: AutoCAD Drawing, JPEG File Interchange Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format
1 File
Documents dated in 2012 are actually emails written in 2002. The recent date was likely created as the records were added to the directory.
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "03_Behoerde". File consists of records related to administrative procedures with the state government of Munich for the construction of BMW Welt. They include completed forms, copies of forms sent, technical drawings, third party engineer reports on the building’s structure components, and lists of the building’s rooms.
Most common file formats: Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Microsoft Word Document, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, Graphics Interchange Format
1 File
Directory "03_11_ZMI_Prüfingenieur/G_Pläne/Eingang 2005/050425_Anschluss Brückenabhängung/PQ22_PublicWeb" [bridge suspension connection] contains a PQ_22.zsol file. This file format is associated to the Tekla Structures software, and “Contains information on solid object in the Web Viewer model”. (
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "04_Planung". File shows plans, drawings, renderings, project specifications, lists of plans and their circulation among consultants for design planning. These include PRO-Elektroplan GmbH, Bollinger+Grohmann, Dr. Pfeiler GmbH, Kersken + Kirchner GmbH., KBP Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, pbb planungsbüro balke, Ingenieurgemeinschaft BDP, a.g Licht, bfm, Realgruen Landschaftsarchitekten, Lang + Burkhardt Verkehrsplanung und Städtebau, Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, IB Rüdiger Schönenberg, Thomas A. Weisse + Partner. Consultant Schmitt Stumpf Frühauf und partner (SSF) also facilitated some of the documentation’s organization and exchange. Bulk dates run from 2003-2006.
Over a third of the records are under the “CAD” directory. They are DWG data models, layouts, templates, fonts, line types and plot styles, and act as reference materials for the project. More elaborate files show drawings and plans of the roof, the double cone, the restaurants, the hall, etc. A handbook is included to guide the usage of CAD tools for the BMW Welt project, and can be found in “b_CAD\06_Handbuecher”. It provides an understanding of the firm’s methodology for the development of the project into a building. Furthermore, the “Archiv” directory contains an earlier version of the "b_CAD/01_Datenmodell" directory. Its “Transfer” sub-directory has records showing how COOP HIMMELB(L)AU sent plans to the project's stakeholders.
An additional third of the records are part of the “3D-Modell” directory which reflects the use of a diversity of software and formats (Rhino, Maya, DWG, JPG, TIFF, IGES, MAX, etc.) for plans of the various parts of the building, such as the facade, hall, roof, and double cone.
The “Raumbuch” directory includes files showing the detailed planning for all parts of a given room: plumbing, heat and ventilation, refrigeration systems, building automation, etc. Related Access and FileMaker databases can be found in file AP181.S1.006 under "b_KBP_Haustechnik\D_Berichte\Raumbuch" and "c_PRO_Elektro_Foerdertechnik\I_Raumbuch_Elektro".
Under “Valid plans” (gueltige plaene) are specific sets of plans organized under directories dated between June 2005 and April 2007. Those subdirectories also indicate the building area they concern. Most plans were saved here in PDF, although there are some AutoCAD and Rhino files too.
"Dokumentation" records are divided under three directories: design (entwurf), approval planning (genehmigungsplanung), and specifications (baubeschreibung). The first two contain plans, organized by date and building area or stakeholder. The third one contains textual records of various early scenarios of specifications for the project.
Specific and smaller sets of records in other directories include: scheduling and circulation of plans to stakeholders in “Lieferscheine_Planlisten”; early documentation on program planning in “Flaechenlisten”; reference documentation and concept presentations for the choice of materials, such as lights and facade materials, in “Materialen”; drawings and plans for the steel structure in “ZBV”; engineering data for parts of the building (basement, facade, double cone, etc.) in “Bauteilkatalog”; and stock material from the client in “3D-Modelle-BMWs”.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, AutoCAD Drawing, 3DM, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format
1 File
A DWF viewer was retained under “Settings” (Einstellungen), as well as a zip file containing the software Arcibem, a tool used with AutoCAD to indicate dimensions and to label rooms. Timestamp of photograph "IMG_1983.JPG" was 1980-01-04. It was modified to 2003-04-28 which corresponds to the date of the other photographs in directory "c_3D-Modell/11_BRÜCKE/e_IMAGES/modellfotos".
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Original directory name: "05_Konsulenten". File contains records created and shared by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU and the various consultants on the project. These include PRO-Elektroplan GmbH, Bollinger+Grohmann, Dr. Pfeiler GmbH, Kersken + Kirchner GmbH., KBP Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, pbb planungsbüro balke, Ingenieurgemeinschaft BDP, a.g Licht, Realgruen Landschaftsarchitekten ,Lang + Burkhardt Verkehrsplanung und Städtebau, Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, IB Rüdiger Schönenberg, Thomas A. Weisse + Partner. Bulk dates run from 2003-2006.
Consultant expertise ranges from electricity, (electrical conveyor technology, Foerdertechnik) to structural physics (bauphysik), including open space planning (Freiflächenplanung), interior design (Inneneinrichtung), fire protection (Brandschutz), stage technology (Buehnentechnik), kitchen planning (Küchenplanung), facade engineering (Fassadentechnik), light design and planning (Lichtplaner), and solar panels for the roof. The records, largely plans, show the specific parts on which each of these consultants was working.
The bulk of the records may be found under the “k_SSF_Ausführungsplanung/G_Pläne” directory which contains close to half of the records in this file. These are plans and views of the different areas and components of the BMW Welt building. These often include a CAD and a PDF version, some of which are annotated digitally or by hand prior to being digitized. CAD files include 2D drawings or 3D models, wireframes, screen captures, renderings, and plotter files.
Records also include project management files, lists of the components of each room, engineering and analyses reports, many of which were digitized. Related to electrical and building engineering, there are a few databases in "c_PRO_Elektro_Foerdertechnik" and "b_KBP_Haustechnik". These contain information on the rooms and their technical requirements, such as equipment for plumbing, heat and ventilation, refrigeration systems, building automation, etc. Some database reports are also part of the records. Various sub-directories are named “quelldaten” (source data), which are typically zipped archives and often contain duplicate files. Duplicates were kept due to possible dependencies. Finally, the more than 7,000 plotter files across most directories suggest that printing physical copies of digital drawings for consultation was common practice.
Early files (1997-2000) are AutoCAD Compiled Shape/Font File, AutoCAD Font Mapping Table, TrueType Font, and AutoCAD Colour-Dependant Plot Style Table. CAD files may depend on these to display drawings accurately.
Most common file formats: Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, AutoCAD Drawing, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, ZIP Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "06_Projektsteuerung". File contains three spreadsheets. One is a list of all the rooms, their identification (name and number), and the surface they occupy. There are two versions of the organizational chart showing project’s stakeholders and consultants. Most common file formats: Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls)
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "07_Projektdata". The few records in this file contain general technical information about the building in relation to the planning of the construction: size of the building, weight of materials, etc. It includes an overview map of the construction site. Most common file formats: Microsoft Word Document, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "08_Firmen". File contains documentation from potential suppliers for the building of BMW Welt, mostly regarding the solar panels for the roof. It chiefly consists of textual records and photographs, and it includes a handful of records regarding similar issues from the Musée des Confluences project. Records show the reflection on construction materials, and the type of products available at the time of construction. Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "10_Materialsammlung". File chiefly contains visual reference materials that were either created or gathered by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, or provided to them by BMW. They are a few presentations compiling the drawings from COOP HIMMELB(L)AU and images from the reference material gathered in various sub-directories. These were part of the design process for BMW Welt.
Some directories present the result of themed research ("020213_karosserien", "020326_landscape", etc.), and may include photographs, drawings or textual documentation. BMW seems to have provided the firm with a library of corporate images of their car models. The "Bibliothek" directory also contains various stock images under the “for_restaurant” directory.
File also includes some 3D model studies of the building’s shape; photographs of the location before construction; visual examples of other buildings, restaurants, conference rooms, and structures.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Truevision TGA Bitmap, Tagged Image File Format, Adobe Illustrator
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "11_Publikation". File consists chiefly of presentations (Powerpoint, PDF and InDesign files), organized by date and topic such as the double cone, the interior design, the restaurants, the lighting, etc. Often, drawings or images used in the presentations are kept within the same directory. In some instances Adobe InDesign files might have dependencies on those drawings and images, so duplicates were not removed. Presentations seemed to have served various purposes such as showing design proposals or the construction’s progress. Some system files, true type font and photographs predate the BMW Welt project.
File notably contains the film commissioned by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU to Imaginary Forces in order to show BMW the magnitude of the project of BMW Welt. A six meter long model was created for this purpose. The film was shown to the client on a 8 x 10 meter screen. Film is in directory "o_Präsentation\050407_INNENAUSBAU" and there are also preliminary and alternate versions in other directories in this file.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Adobe Illustrator, Encapsulated PostScript File Format, Acrobat PDF 1.5 - Portable Document Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "12_Modelle". File contains lists of the physical models made by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU for the BMW Welt project, including how they were labelled. It also has photographs of the auditorium from a large model (not acquired by the CCA), as well as CAD plans and sections for the forum. Most common file formats: Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls), Adobe Illustrator, Encapsulated PostScript File Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "12-a_Modellfotos". File contains multiple dated series of photographs of a large-scale physical model of BMW Welt. Photographs also document a film commissioned by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU and made by Imaginary Forces to show BMW the magnitude of the future BMW Welt. Film is in file AP181.S1.011 Presentations, BMW Welt, Munich.
Most common file formats: Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), JPEG File Interchange Format, Adobe Photoshop, Tagged Image File Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed)
1 File
Sub-directories of “12-a_Modellfotos/040628 modellfotos”, contained photographs that were dated 2000-01-01. Dates were changed to 2004-06-28, which corresponds to the directory name, and to the date of all the other files within this directory.
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "15_Biennale". File contains a handful of records (presentation notes, PowerPoint presentations, videos) making the case for the presentation of BMW Welt project at the 8th International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale in 2002. Most common file formats: Microsoft Word Document, Audio/Video Interleaved Format, Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation, Quicktime, Rich Text Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "18_AN- Ausführende Firmen". File consists of records related to the construction, or execution, phase of the BMW Welt project. There are five high-level directories, identified with numerical codes and which element of the construction is being addressed by the records: construction signs, facade engineering, foundations, structural work, and facade steel construction. The firms include Werbetechnik Deger, Bauer, and Maurer Söhne.
The bulk of the records is found under the "3060_Stahlbau_Fassade_MSG" directory, consisting of CAD drawings and 3D models for the roof support head points, the service walkways, cover panels, placement of security cameras, the internal helix, the drainage system, etc. These are CAD files, screen captures, and annotated digitisations of printed drawings, the latter two showing very specific details of the structure.
There are approximately 500 plotter files in directories "3017 Fassadentechnik" (facade engineering) and "3060_Stahlbau_Fassade_MSG/I_Pläne/Ausgang", some being in archive files (.zip). Files also include some textual records, such as lists, presentations, and correspondence between stakeholders.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, AutoCAD Drawing, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "19_Dokumentation". File contains photos of the construction site, early renderings, and model labels. There are also photos of a big model for a poster. There is a reference to content stored in a database on an external hard drive in directory “Archivdatenbank_externe_Datentraeger”. Most common file formats: Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), JPEG File Interchange Format, Raw JPEG Stream, Adobe Illustrator, Unidentified
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "23_Bemusterung". File contains documentation, lists, plans and photographs that appear to have been gathered to inform design choices for the BMW Welt building. It includes maps, floors, suspended ceilings, restaurants, walls, perforated sheets, door handles, exposed concrete surfaces, show halls, etc.
Photographs show lighting devices, floorings, building claddings, among other elements. Plans present either very specific areas of the BMW Welt building, with technical details, or offer a complete view of a floor or an area of the building, which are also very detailed. The few textual records in the file reflect planning for material selection, for example, presentations on potential lighting devices.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Adobe Illustrator
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "24_TRIAS-Masterplan". File contains preliminary design records for a pedestrian bridge that would connect BMW Welt to the BMW Museum. Drawings, plans, wireframes, presentations, and photographs of models show scenarios to ease visitors’ journey between BMW Welt, BMW Museum and the BMW plant. Aside from plans and elevations, in CAD or PDF formats for the most part, there are a few analyses of the structure and its relation to the other structures of the BMW complex. There are also lists of drawings and technical descriptions of the project. Records are chiefly organized by consultants and date.
Early files from 1997 are AutoCAD Font Mapping Table (.fmp) on which other files are dependent to open correctly. File contains a handful of drawings with the extension 3dxml that were generated with CATIA V5. Files from the sofiCAD plug-in for AutoCAD were also found and were maintained as other files might have dependencies on them. Most duplicates are dependency files found in various sub-directories.
Most common file formats: AutoCAD Drawing, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, ZIP Format, Microstation CAD Drawing
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "25_TRIAS-Aussenbrücke". File content shows the design and construction planning for a pedestrian bridge connecting BMW Welt to the BMW Museum. Records include plans, drawings, research material, presentations, approval planning, building specification, list of plans, final handover of the arch bridge, etc.
The bulk of records are CAD drawings and 3D models of the design development and planning. The drawings are organized by type of plan: site plan, sections, axonometric views, etc. As for 3D models, they are organized mostly by file format, and then by date. The "3D" sub-directory also contains more than 1500 screenshots saved as JPEG. Additional records include site photographs, digitized sketches, visual research material, presentations of the concept, bridge structure technical descriptions, 2D and 3D technical drawings (in PDF, CAD, JPG, and Illustrator formats), renderings, project planning charts, and plan lists.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, AutoCAD Drawing, 3DM, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Maya Binary File Format
1 File
Some photographs of the site in "b_Bilder/sitefotos/" were dated 2000-01-01, likely an error in the encoding of the timestamp. Date was changed to 2004-10-07, which corresponds to the date of a photogrpah of the same series present in this directory.
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "26_Projektmappe". File shows the BMW Welt project development through two documents likely destined to be printed and bound. The documentation of the project is made using mostly images: plans, technical drawings, renderings, and photographs.
File contains the InDesign original files for these documents, with supporting linked images and font files. It also contains PDF versions of the documents, although it is not possible to confirm that the PDF files are exact copies of the InDesign files. There is a significant amount of duplicates in subdirectories which were not deleted in order to avoid breaking dependencies between files.
Most common file formats: Tagged Image File Format, Acrobat PDF 1.5 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, JPEG File Interchange Format, Adobe Illustrator
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "27_Schallschutz Terrasse Süd Ebene E2". In 2009, a sound engineer was commissioned to investigate potential changes to improve the sound insulation on BMW Welt restaurant’s terrace. File documents this occurrence, and contains photographs as well as original and modified plans of the terrace. Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format, AutoCAD Drawing, Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed), Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, 3DM
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "050919_Baustelledokumentation". File consists of a series of untitled photographs of the construction site in September 2005. Most common file formats: Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed)
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "060109_dk-konstr". File contains a series of wireframes of the double cone of the BMW Welt structure. They present numerous views of the structure with variations on the layers shown. Wireframes were made with CAD software, but saved as JPEG.
Most common file formats: JPEG File Interchange Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
Original directory name: "28.08-26.10.07_Weissenbach A._Lenz". Title of the directory refers to August 28 – October 7 2007, COOP HIMMELB(L)AU architect Andreas Weissenbach, and inspection engineer Peter Lenz.
Sub-directories show the review of the built structure, including inspection reports on fire protection and elevators from consulting engineers. Records include plans, photographs, and annotated drawings.
One of the sub-directories is related to the book Dynamic Forces on the BMW Welt project. It includes various plans and drawings of the building, texts for the book, preliminary versions of the book, and a press presentation.
Most common file formats: AutoCAD Drawing, Adobe Illustrator, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Tagged Image File Format
1 File
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
File contains models by COOP HIMMELB(L)AU from the earlier phases of the BMW Welt project development. Models dates were determined from records in the fonds more specifically a file named "Doku_Beschrift_030225" that also shows the naming convention for plans and models. Whenever possible, model description includes the formal model identification from COOP HIMMELB(L)AU’s model’s list. The lists are in file AP181.S1.012 in the “a_Modelliste” directory.
1 File
Some of the models were affected by mold. They were cleaned by CCA Conservation team, but gloves should be used when accessing them. Some models are quite fragile and should be manipulated with great care.
COOP HIMMELB(L)AU BMW Welt project records
Collection Centre Canadien d’Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal.
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