Alterations to Royal York Hotel
File documents an unexecuted project for railway hotel alterations in Toronto, Ontario. Material in this file was produced in 1961.
James Keith & Associates acted as Associated Mechanical Engineering Firm on this project.
File contains an index card, and a detail drawing.
Material in this series is not arranged.
Toronto Ontario Canada
Proposed plan of main mezzanine, health centre and confederation suite. Railway hotel alterations for the Confederation Suite. Unexecuted.
1 File
Graphite on tracing paper
Toronto Ontario Canada
Ross & Macdonald fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
La préparation des enregistrements de projet pour le Fonds Ross & Macdonald a été rendue possible grâce à l'appui financier du Conseil canadien des archives, 1990-1991/
The preparation of project records for the Ross & Macdonald fonds has been made possible through the financial assistance of the Canadian Council of Archives, 1990-1991
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