Series contains records associated with three OCEAN North projects to which Johan Bettum brought a significant insight: Synthetic Landscape (1995-2000), Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre (1997) and Töölö Football Stadium (1997). The collaborative process around these projects allowed exploring design methods through the usage of digital tools.
In discussions with Greg Lynn, Johan Bettum and Kivi Sotamaa have expressed that they had broached Töölö as a landscape and Jyväskylä as a cloud. Particle streaming and Channelling Systems approaches were applied in these projects and further developed in the third phase of the Synthetic Landscape project and its Pavilion. The Synthetic Landscape project also featured usage of polymer composite materials.
All records are born-digital, except for one 1995 drawing from the Synthetic Landscape project. Records include CAD models, raster and vector images, textual records and animated renderings from Channelling Systems studies.
CAD models and drawings show design process of the projects, and range from the abstract (particle streaming) to very detailed plans (Jyväskylä). They were created using form*Z, Microstation, Alias, 3D Studio, AutoCAD and Rhinoceros. Some files were saved in IGES and DXF formats. Most CAD drawings have been saved as raster images. Drawings and models might have been saved in more than one file format.
Digital textual records include project descriptions, presentations and reports, budgets and meeting notes, often created using the Microsoft Office software suite.
Bettum, Johan and Michael Hensel. “Channelling Systems: Dynamic Processes and Digital Time-Based Methods in Urban Design.” AD Architectural Design 70, no.3 (June 2000): 36-43.
Greg Lynn, ed. Archaeology of the Digital 17: OCEAN North, Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre, Montréal: Canadian Centre for Architecture, 2017. ePub.
Material in this series is arranged chronologically by project start year. Files within projects were kept in their original order.
English, Norwegian
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