C. IAUS - Administrative 4. Financial. 1979-1981
Accountants Report, June 30, 1980 (2 copies)
HUD Draft (salaries of Fellows, 1972-1980)
Financial Report to the Executive Committee, April 15, 1981
Financial positions of the active programs at the Institute (no date)
IAUS lease, 1/12/81
Various memos
Documents related to the purchase of a building for the IAUS
Telephone bill, May 1, 1980
Correspondence relating to the NEH Challenge Grant
HUB Debt & Morgan Bank Loan
Proposed budgets for 1981
File : IAUS- Budget 1979 Applications for the post of Assistant Director of Development
Accountants Report, June 30, 1978
IAUS lease, 11 May 1970
File : HUD Grant (1976), containing also other grant applications
File containing the NEH proposal, List of needs for Fall 1979 & other sollicitations IAUS FY82 budget, June 16, 1981
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