Meetings and presentations with BMW, BMW Welt, Munich
Original directory name: "02_0_Bauherr". File content relates to the monitoring of the development of the design for BMW Welt. Records are from different working groups involving both COOP HIMMELB(L)AU and the client BMW, as well as representatives from the various consulting firms on the project.
Records consist of presentations, meeting minutes (chiefly dated 2004-2006), reports, renderings, born-digital plans and digitized plans with hand-written annotations. Among the program areas documented by the records are the financial center, shops, delivery box, junior campus, briefing center, ticketing counter, and landscaping, though the level of detail varies for each. Records document engineering requirements and analysis, and also the visitors’ anticipated experience in BMW Welt. Renderings and plans are mostly in PDF, TIF, or JPEG file formats. Most textual records are also in the PDF file format.
Most common file formats: Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format, Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format, Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation, Tagged Image File Format
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